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Last active December 28, 2018 06:31
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Python Design Snippets - Additional snippets from a post on designing python programs
import os
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple
# Type Aliases
LogMap = Dict[str, str]
# Constant values
DEFAULTS: Dict[str, Any] = {
"LOG_FORMAT": "timestamp,application,log_level,message",
"LOG_DELIM": "|",
# These are some building block functions
def _opt(name: str, defaults: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
return os.environ.get(name, defaults[name])
def _split(raw_str: str, delim: str) -> Tuple[str]:
return tuple(raw_str.split(delim))
def _join(log: LogMap, delim: str) -> str:
return delim.join(log.values())
def _parse(log: Tuple[str], log_format: Tuple[str]) -> LogMap:
return {field.upper(): value for field, value in zip(log_format, log)}
# Example Processor
def _alert(log: LogMap, levels: Tuple[str], threshold: int) -> LogMap:
if levels.index(log["LOG_LEVEL"]) >= threshold:
return log
def get_pipeline() -> Callable[[str], str]:
Composes building blocks to create a log processing pipeline.
# Compose Partials
get_opt = partial(_opt, defaults=DEFAULTS)
log_splitter = partial(_split, delim=get_opt("LOG_DELIM"))
format_splitter = partial(_split, delim=get_opt("FORMAT_DELIM"))
joiner = partial(_join, delim=get_opt("LOG_DELIM"))
alert = partial(_alert, levels=get_opt("LOG_LEVELS"), threshold=get_opt("ALERT_THRESHOLD"))
log_format =format_splitter(get_opt("LOG_FORMAT")) # Only calculate format once
# Compose with lambda because arguments need processing
parser = lambda log: _parse(splitter(log), log_format=log_format)
pipeline = lambda log: joiner(alert(parser(log)))
return pipeline
def main():
"""Example usage"""
pipeline = get_pipeline()
example_log = "1234567|myapp|WARN|The British are coming!"
print(f"{example_log} -> {pipeline(example_log)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""This module is used to demonstrate the concept of namespaces"""
print(f"Initial Namespace: {dir()}")
# >> ['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']
print(f"'requests' in namespace? {'requests' in dir()}") # >> False
import requests
print(f"'requests' in namespace? {'requests' in dir()}") # >> True
def connect(host: str) -> requests.Response:
response =, json={"hello": "dad"})
return response
print(f"'connect' in namespace? {'connect' in dir()}") ## >> True
x = 5
print(f"'x' in namespace? {'x' in dir()}") # >> True
print(f"Final Namespace: {dir()}")
# >> ['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'connect', 'requests', 'x']
from typing import ClassVar, Dict
class PersonMeta(type):
"""Spooky metaclass that tracks all people."""
_national_registry: ClassVar[Dict[str, "Person"]] = {}
def __call__(cls: "Person", *args, **kwargs):
"""Hooks class instantiation."""
instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
PersonMeta._national_registry[] = instance
instance.ssn = len(PersonMeta._national_registry)
return instance
def lookup(cls, name: str) -> "Person":
"""Lookup a person by name and return their instance."""
return PersonMeta._national_registry[name]
class Person(metaclass=PersonMeta):
"""Represents your average joe."""
# Class Attribute: All Persons are human
species: ClassVar[str] = "human"
# Instance Attribute: Each person has their own name and ssn
name: str
ssn: int
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("State Demo")
print(f"All people are {Person.species}")
joe = Person("Joe")
print(f"One is named {}")
assert joe is Person.lookup("Joe")
print(f"And he is tracked... SSN={Person.lookup('Joe').ssn}")
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