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Last active April 3, 2021 15:52
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How to make a poll in Discord chat

A simple poll in Discord

  1. This is how the post will look at the end.


  1. Build your canvas: Start with a code block using markdown (md). To do this, you'll need three back-ticks (above the tilde key, not the right angle-bracket, the letters md immediately after, and then three more back-ticks separated by an empty line.


  1. Write your title: Use the pound symbol to write your headline on the second line. Do not include a space between the pound and the first character.


  1. Write your question: On the next line (or any number of lines after the title but before the lower back-ticks), open with a left-pointing angle-bracket to begin typing your body text.


  1. Once you've finished writing the body text of your question, close it off with a right-pointing angle-bracket. You don't need a space between the brackets and your text, but it's neater to be consistent whichever way you go.


  1. Enumerate your voting options: On a new line after your body text but before the lower back-ticks, write your voting options, one per line, in the format of number, full stop (period), space, text.


  1. Finish with a call to action: Simply enumerating votes often isn't enough to get someone over the line to clicking and voting. Use markdown's blue-over-equals syntax to draw that click. Write your call to action and on the very next line but before the final back-ticks, write a line of equal signs as long as your call to action. You may need to edit it after posting to make things align.


  1. Quickly clean the post: Unless you're building this post in a private channel to then copy-paste into a public one, you'll quickly need to post it, and make sure everything looks fine before adding the reactions that will allow people to vote.


  1. Add the voting reactions: Nope, nailed it, so now we quickly need to add the numbered reactions that will allow people to vote. You'll find them in the heart-shaped section of the emoji list. The first will need to be added from the top-right corner of the post.



  1. Add your votes: Add a numbered reaction for each of your votes. The remainder will be easy as they can be added from beside the previously-added reaction.


  1. Enjoy your handiwork: Sit back and enjoy your brand new Discord poll.


Shout out to Mathew Zring for his demonstration of Discord Markdown usage.

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