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Created April 26, 2016 01:15
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Clojure state monad..
(ns grime.core
(:require [grime.state :as st :refer [run-state state >> >>=]]))
(def world-state
{:last-entity-id -1
:entities {}})
(defn mutate [entity f & args]
(fn [world]
[nil (apply update-in world [:entities entity] f args)])))
(defn guard [pred f]
(fn [world]
(if (st/eval-state pred world)
(run-state f world))
[nil world])))
(defn exists? [entity]
(fn [world]
[(contains? (:entities world) entity) world])))
(defn query [path]
(fn [world]
[(get-in world (into [:entities] path))
(defn acquire [location thing]
(mutate location update :contents (fnil conj #{}) thing))
(defn dispose [location thing]
(mutate location update :contents (fnil disj #{}) thing))
(defn occupy [thing location]
(mutate thing assoc :location location))
(defn move [thing location]
(>> (>>= (query [thing :location])
(fn [cur-location]
(guard (exists? cur-location)
(dispose cur-location thing))))
(acquire location thing)
(occupy thing location)))
(ns grime.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[grime.core :refer :all]
[grime.state :as st :refer [run-state exec-state eval-state]]))
(defn run-world [f world-state]
(f world-state))
(def world
{0 {:id 0
:name "Guy"
:location 1}
1 {:id 1
:name "Somewhere Dark"
:contents #{0}}
2 {:id 2
:name "The Forest"}
3 {:id 3
:name "a wooden stick"
:location 0}}})
(def guy 0)
(def dark 1)
(def forest 2)
(def wand 3)
(deftest basic-test
(is (-> (exists? guy)
(eval-state world)))
(is (not (-> (exists? 50)
(eval-state world))))
(is (-> (move guy forest)
(exec-state world)
(get-in [:entities guy :location])
(= forest))))
(ns grime.state
(:refer-clojure :exclude [get put]))
(defprotocol IState
(run-state [this initial-state]))
(deftype State [f]
(run-state [this initial-state]
(f initial-state)))
(defn eval-state [m s]
(first (run-state m s)))
(defn exec-state [m s]
(second (run-state m s)))
(defn state [f] (State. f))
(defn return [v]
(fn [state] [v state])))
(defn >>=
([m] m)
([m k]
(fn [st]
(let [[x st2] (run-state m st)]
(run-state (k x) st2)))))
([m k & ks]
(reduce >>= (>>= m k) ks )))
(defn >>
([m] m)
([m k]
(>>= m (fn [x] k)))
([m k & ks]
(reduce >> (>> m k) ks)))
(defn lift [f & args]
(comp return (apply partial f args)))
(defn get []
(fn [st]
[st st])))
(defn put
([] put)
([s] (state
(fn [_]
[nil s]))))
(defn modify [f]
(fn [s]
[nil (f s)])))
(defn gets [f]
(state (fn [s] [(f s) s])))
(>>= (get)
(lift * 2)
(lift + 3)
(lift inc)
;;Example code that doesn't look so nice.
(defn find-two-guys [guy1 guy2]
(>>= (query [guy1 :location])
(fn [loc1]
(>>= (query [guy2 :location])
(fn [loc2]
(return [loc1 loc2]))))))
;;Getting funny with formatting.
(defn find-two-guys [guy1 guy2]
(>>= (query [guy1 :location])
(fn [loc1]
(>>= (query [guy2 :location])
(fn [loc2]
(return [loc1 loc2]))))))
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