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Created September 18, 2023 06:33
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Math.round(t).toString(10)},e:function(t,n){return t.toExponential(n)},f:function(t,n){return t.toFixed(n)},g:function(t,n){return t.toPrecision(n)},o:function(t){return Math.round(t).toString(8)},p:function(t,n){return Mt(100*t,n)},r:Mt,s:function(t,n){var e=dt(t,n);if(!e)return t+"";var r=e[0],i=e[1],o=i-(wt=3*Math.max(-8,Math.min(8,Math.floor(i/3))))+1,a=r.length;return o===a?r:o>a?r+new Array(o-a+1).join("0"):o>0?r.slice(0,o)+"."+r.slice(o):"0."+new Array(1-o).join("0")+dt(t,Math.max(0,n+o-1))[0]},X:function(t){return Math.round(t).toString(16).toUpperCase()},x:function(t){return Math.round(t).toString(16)}},At=function(t){return t},,Et=["y","z","a","f","p","n","µ","m","","k","M","G","T","P","E","Z","Y"];_t=function(t){var n,e,r=void 0===t.grouping||void 0===t.thousands?At:(,Number),e=t.thousands+"",function(t,r){for(var i=t.length,o=[],a=0,u=n[0],l=0;i>0&&u>0&&(l+u+1>r&&(u=Math.max(1,r-l)),o.push(t.substring(i-=u,i+u)),!((l+=u+1)>r));)u=n[a=(a+1)%n.length];return o.reverse().join(e)}),i=void 0===t.currency?"":t.currency[0]+"",o=void 0===t.currency?"":t.currency[1]+"",a=void 0===t.decimal?".":t.decimal+"",u=void 0===t.numerals?At:function(t){return function(n){return n.replace(/[0-9]/g,(function(n){return t[+n]}))}}(,String)),l=void 0===t.percent?"%":t.percent+"",s=void 0===t.minus?"-":t.minus+"",c=void 0===t.nan?"NaN":t.nan+"";function h(t){var n=(t=mt(t)).fill,e=t.align,h=t.sign,f=t.symbol,,d=t.width,v=t.comma,g=t.precision,m=t.trim,y=t.type;"n"===y?(v=!0,y="g"):Nt[y]||(void 0===g&&(g=12),m=!0,y="g"),(p||"0"===n&&"="===e)&&(p=!0,n="0",e="=");var w="$"===f?i:"#"===f&&/[boxX]/.test(y)?"0"+y.toLowerCase():"",_="$"===f?o:/[%p]/.test(y)?l:"",b=Nt[y],x=/[defgprs%]/.test(y);function M(t){var i,o,l,f=w,M=_;if("c"===y)M=b(t)+M,t="";else{var N=(t=+t)<0||1/t<0;if(t=isNaN(t)?c:b(Math.abs(t),g),m&&(t=function(t){t:for(var n,e=t.length,r=1,i=-1;r<e;++r)switch(t[r]){case".":i=n=r;break;case"0":0===i&&(i=r),n=r;break;default:if(!+t[r])break t;i>0&&(i=0)}return i>0?t.slice(0,i)+t.slice(n+1):t}(t)),N&&0==+t&&"+"!==h&&(N=!1),f=(N?"("===h?h:s:"-"===h||"("===h?"":h)+f,M=("s"===y?Et[8+wt/3]:"")+M+(N&&"("===h?")":""),x)for(i=-1,o=t.length;++i<o;)if(48>(l=t.charCodeAt(i))||l>57){M=(46===l?a+t.slice(i+1):t.slice(i))+M,t=t.slice(0,i);break}}v&&!p&&(t=r(t,1/0));var A=f.length+t.length+M.length,k=A<d?new Array(d-A+1).join(n):"";switch(v&&p&&(t=r(k+t,k.length?d-M.length:1/0),k=""),e){case"<":t=f+t+M+k;break;case"=":t=f+k+t+M;break;case"^":t=k.slice(0,A=k.length>>1)+f+t+M+k.slice(A);break;default:t=k+f+t+M}return u(t)}return g=void 0===g?6:/[gprs]/.test(y)?Math.max(1,Math.min(21,g)):Math.max(0,Math.min(20,g)),M.toString=function(){return t+""},M}return{format:h,formatPrefix:function(t,n){var e=h(((t=mt(t)).type="f",t)),r=3*Math.max(-8,Math.min(8,Math.floor(vt(n)/3))),i=Math.pow(10,-r),o=Et[8+r/3];return function(t){return e(i*t)+o}}}}({decimal:".",thousands:",",grouping:[3],currency:["$",""],minus:"-"}),bt=_t.format,xt=_t.formatPrefix;var St=function(t,n){return t<n?-1:t>n?1:t>=n?0:NaN},Ct=function(t){t.x0=Math.round(t.x0),t.y0=Math.round(t.y0),t.x1=Math.round(t.x1),t.y1=Math.round(t.y1)},jt=function(){var t=1,n=1,e=0,r=!1;function i(i){var o=i.height+1;return i.x0=i.y0=e,i.x1=t,i.y1=n/o,i.eachBefore(function(t,n){return function(r){r.children&&function(t,n,e,r,i){for(var o,a=t.children,u=-1,l=a.length,s=t.value&&(r-n)/t.value;++u<l;)(o=a[u]).y0=e,o.y1=i,o.x0=n,o.x1=n+=o.value*s}(r,r.x0,t*(r.depth+1)/n,r.x1,t*(r.depth+2)/n);var i=r.x0,o=r.y0,a=r.x1-e,u=r.y1-e;a<i&&(i=a=(i+a)/2),u<o&&(o=u=(o+u)/2),r.x0=i,r.y0=o,r.x1=a,r.y1=u}}(n,o)),r&&i.eachBefore(Ct),i}return i.round=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=!!t,i):r},i.size=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=+e[0],n=+e[1],i):[t,n]},i.padding=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=+t,i):e},i};function Bt(t){var 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n,e,r=this,i=[r];r=i.pop();)if(t(r),n=r.children)for(e=n.length-1;e>=0;--e)i.push(n[e]);return this},sum:function(t){return this.eachAfter((function(n){for(var e=+t(||0,r=n.children,i=r&&r.length;--i>=0;)e+=r[i].value;n.value=e}))},sort:function(t){return this.eachBefore((function(n){n.children&&n.children.sort(t)}))},path:function(t){for(var n=this,e=function(t,n){if(t===n)return t;var e=t.ancestors(),r=n.ancestors(),i=null;t=e.pop(),n=r.pop();for(;t===n;)i=t,t=e.pop(),n=r.pop();return i}(n,t),r=[n];n!==e;)n=n.parent,r.push(n);for(var i=r.length;t!==e;)r.splice(i,0,t),t=t.parent;return r},ancestors:function(){for(var t=this,n=[t];t=t.parent;)n.push(t);return n},descendants:function(){var t=[];return this.each((function(n){t.push(n)})),t},leaves:function(){var t=[];return this.eachBefore((function(n){n.children||t.push(n)})),t},links:function(){var t=this,n=[];return t.each((function(e){e!==t&&n.push({source:e.parent,target:e})})),n},copy:function(){return Lt(this).eachBefore(Tt)}};var 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an(){return this.rgb().formatHex()}function un(){return this.rgb().formatRgb()}function ln(t){var n,e;return t=(t+"").trim().toLowerCase(),(n=Jt.exec(t))?(e=n[1].length,n=parseInt(n[1],16),6===e?sn(n):3===e?new pn(n>>8&15|n>>4&240,n>>4&15|240&n,(15&n)<<4|15&n,1):8===e?new pn(n>>24&255,n>>16&255,n>>8&255,(255&n)/255):4===e?new pn(n>>12&15|n>>8&240,n>>8&15|n>>4&240,n>>4&15|240&n,((15&n)<<4|15&n)/255):null):(n=Kt.exec(t))?new pn(n[1],n[2],n[3],1):(n=Qt.exec(t))?new pn(255*n[1]/100,255*n[2]/100,255*n[3]/100,1):(n=tn.exec(t))?cn(n[1],n[2],n[3],n[4]):(n=nn.exec(t))?cn(255*n[1]/100,255*n[2]/100,255*n[3]/100,n[4]):(n=en.exec(t))?mn(n[1],n[2]/100,n[3]/100,1):(n=rn.exec(t))?mn(n[1],n[2]/100,n[3]/100,n[4]):on.hasOwnProperty(t)?sn(on[t]):"transparent"===t?new pn(NaN,NaN,NaN,0):null}function sn(t){return new pn(t>>16&255,t>>8&255,255&t,1)}function cn(t,n,e,r){return r<=0&&(t=n=e=NaN),new pn(t,n,e,r)}function hn(t){return t instanceof Ut||(t=ln(t)),t?new pn((t=t.rgb()).r,t.g,t.b,t.opacity):new pn}function fn(t,n,e,r){return 1===arguments.length?hn(t):new pn(t,n,e,null==r?1:r)}function pn(t,n,e,r){this.r=+t,this.g=+n,this.b=+e,this.opacity=+r}function dn(){return"#"+gn(this.r)+gn(this.g)+gn(this.b)}function vn(){var t=this.opacity;return(1===(t=isNaN(t)?1:Math.max(0,Math.min(1,t)))?"rgb(":"rgba(")+Math.max(0,Math.min(255,Math.round(this.r)||0))+", "+Math.max(0,Math.min(255,Math.round(this.g)||0))+", "+Math.max(0,Math.min(255,Math.round(this.b)||0))+(1===t?")":", "+t+")")}function gn(t){return((t=Math.max(0,Math.min(255,Math.round(t)||0)))<16?"0":"")+t.toString(16)}function mn(t,n,e,r){return r<=0?t=n=e=NaN:e<=0||e>=1?t=n=NaN:n<=0&&(t=NaN),new wn(t,n,e,r)}function yn(t){if(t instanceof wn)return new wn(t.h,t.s,t.l,t.opacity);if(t instanceof Ut||(t=ln(t)),!t)return new wn;if(t instanceof wn)return t;var n=(t=t.rgb()).r/255,e=t.g/255,r=t.b/255,i=Math.min(n,e,r),o=Math.max(n,e,r),a=NaN,u=o-i,l=(o+i)/2;return u?(a=n===o?(e-r)/u+6*(e<r):e===o?(r-n)/u+2:(n-e)/u+4,u/=l<.5?o+i:2-o-i,a*=60):u=l>0&&l<1?0:a,new wn(a,u,l,t.opacity)}function wn(t,n,e,r){this.h=+t,this.s=+n,this.l=+e,this.opacity=+r}function _n(t,n,e){return 255*(t<60?n+(e-n)*t/60:t<180?e:t<240?n+(e-n)*(240-t)/60:n)}function bn(t,n,e,r,i){var o=t*t,a=o*t;return((1-3*t+3*o-a)*n+(4-6*o+3*a)*e+(1+3*t+3*o-3*a)*r+a*i)/6}Ft(Ut,ln,{copy:function(t){return Object.assign(new this.constructor,this,t)},displayable:function(){return this.rgb().displayable()},hex:an,formatHex:an,formatHsl:function(){return yn(this).formatHsl()},formatRgb:un,toString:un}),Ft(pn,fn,Gt(Ut,{brighter:function(t){return t=null==t?1/.7:Math.pow(1/.7,t),new pn(this.r*t,this.g*t,this.b*t,this.opacity)},darker:function(t){return t=null==t?.7:Math.pow(.7,t),new pn(this.r*t,this.g*t,this.b*t,this.opacity)},rgb:function(){return this},displayable:function(){return-.5<=this.r&&this.r<255.5&&-.5<=this.g&&this.g<255.5&&-.5<=this.b&&this.b<255.5&&0<=this.opacity&&this.opacity<=1},hex:dn,formatHex:dn,formatRgb:vn,toString:vn})),Ft(wn,(function(t,n,e,r){return 1===arguments.length?yn(t):new wn(t,n,e,null==r?1:r)}),Gt(Ut,{brighter:function(t){return t=null==t?1/.7:Math.pow(1/.7,t),new wn(this.h,this.s,this.l*t,this.opacity)},darker:function(t){return t=null==t?.7:Math.pow(.7,t),new wn(this.h,this.s,this.l*t,this.opacity)},rgb:function(){var t=this.h%360+360*(this.h<0),n=isNaN(t)||isNaN(this.s)?0:this.s,e=this.l,r=e+(e<.5?e:1-e)*n,i=2*e-r;return new pn(_n(t>=240?t-240:t+120,i,r),_n(t,i,r),_n(t<120?t+240:t-120,i,r),this.opacity)},displayable:function(){return(0<=this.s&&this.s<=1||isNaN(this.s))&&0<=this.l&&this.l<=1&&0<=this.opacity&&this.opacity<=1},formatHsl:function(){var t=this.opacity;return(1===(t=isNaN(t)?1:Math.max(0,Math.min(1,t)))?"hsl(":"hsla(")+(this.h||0)+", "+100*(this.s||0)+"%, "+100*(this.l||0)+"%"+(1===t?")":", "+t+")")}}));var xn=function(t){return function(){return t}};function Mn(t,n){return function(e){return t+e*n}}function Nn(t){return 1==(t=+t)?An:function(n,e){return e-n?function(t,n,e){return t=Math.pow(t,e),n=Math.pow(n,e)-t,e=1/e,function(r){return Math.pow(t+r*n,e)}}(n,e,t):xn(isNaN(n)?e:n)}}function An(t,n){var e=n-t;return e?Mn(t,e):xn(isNaN(t)?n:t)}var kn=function t(n){var e=Nn(n);function r(t,n){var r=e((t=fn(t)).r,(n=fn(n)).r),i=e(t.g,n.g),o=e(t.b,n.b),a=An(t.opacity,n.opacity);return function(n){return t.r=r(n),t.g=i(n),t.b=o(n),t.opacity=a(n),t+""}}return r.gamma=t,r}(1);function En(t){return function(n){var e,r,i=n.length,o=new Array(i),a=new Array(i),u=new Array(i);for(e=0;e<i;++e)r=fn(n[e]),o[e]=r.r||0,a[e]=r.g||0,u[e]=r.b||0;return o=t(o),a=t(a),u=t(u),r.opacity=1,function(t){return r.r=o(t),r.g=a(t),r.b=u(t),r+""}}}En((function(t){var n=t.length-1;return function(e){var r=e<=0?e=0:e>=1?(e=1,n-1):Math.floor(e*n),i=t[r],o=t[r+1],a=r>0?t[r-1]:2*i-o,u=r<n-1?t[r+2]:2*o-i;return bn((e-r/n)*n,a,i,o,u)}})),En((function(t){var n=t.length;return function(e){var r=Math.floor(((e%=1)<0?++e:e)*n),i=t[(r+n-1)%n],o=t[r%n],a=t[(r+1)%n],u=t[(r+2)%n];return bn((e-r/n)*n,i,o,a,u)}}));var Sn=function(t,n){n||(n=[]);var e,r=t?Math.min(n.length,t.length):0,i=n.slice();return function(o){for(e=0;e<r;++e)i[e]=t[e]*(1-o)+n[e]*o;return i}};function Cn(t){return ArrayBuffer.isView(t)&&!(t instanceof DataView)}function jn(t,n){var e,r=n?n.length:0,i=t?Math.min(r,t.length):0,o=new Array(i),a=new Array(r);for(e=0;e<i;++e)o[e]=Hn(t[e],n[e]);for(;e<r;++e)a[e]=n[e];return function(t){for(e=0;e<i;++e)a[e]=o[e](t);return a}}var Bn=function(t,n){var e=new Date;return t=+t,n=+n,function(r){return e.setTime(t*(1-r)+n*r),e}},Ln=function(t,n){return t=+t,n=+n,function(e){return t*(1-e)+n*e}},On=function(t,n){var e,r={},i={};for(e in null!==t&&"object"==typeof t||(t={}),null!==n&&"object"==typeof n||(n={}),n)e in t?r[e]=Hn(t[e],n[e]):i[e]=n[e];return function(t){for(e in r)i[e]=r[e](t);return i}},Tn=/[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,In=new RegExp(Tn.source,"g");var Pn=function(t,n){var e,r,i,o=Tn.lastIndex=In.lastIndex=0,a=-1,u=[],l=[];for(t+="",n+="";(e=Tn.exec(t))&&(r=In.exec(n));)(i=r.index)>o&&(i=n.slice(o,i),u[a]?u[a]+=i:u[++a]=i),(e=e[0])===(r=r[0])?u[a]?u[a]+=r:u[++a]=r:(u[++a]=null,l.push({i:a,x:Ln(e,r)})),o=In.lastIndex;return o<n.length&&(i=n.slice(o),u[a]?u[a]+=i:u[++a]=i),u.length<2?l[0]?function(t){return function(n){return t(n)+""}}(l[0].x):function(t){return function(){return t}}(n):(n=l.length,function(t){for(var e,r=0;r<n;++r)u[(e=l[r]).i]=e.x(t);return u.join("")})},Hn=function(t,n){var e,r=typeof n;return null==n||"boolean"===r?xn(n):("number"===r?Ln:"string"===r?(e=ln(n))?(n=e,kn):Pn:n instanceof ln?kn:n instanceof Date?Bn:Cn(n)?Sn:Array.isArray(n)?jn:"function"!=typeof n.valueOf&&"function"!=typeof n.toString||isNaN(n)?On:Ln)(t,n)},qn=function(t,n){return t=+t,n=+n,function(e){return Math.round(t*(1-e)+n*e)}},Rn=function(t){return+t},zn=[0,1];function Dn(t){return t}function Vn(t,n){return(n-=t=+t)?function(e){return(e-t)/n}:(e=isNaN(n)?NaN:.5,function(){return e});var e}function Xn(t,n,e){var r=t[0],i=t[1],o=n[0],a=n[1];return i<r?(r=Vn(i,r),o=e(a,o)):(r=Vn(r,i),o=e(o,a)),function(t){return o(r(t))}}function $n(t,n,e){var r=Math.min(t.length,n.length)-1,i=new Array(r),o=new Array(r),a=-1;for(t[r]<t[0]&&(t=t.slice().reverse(),n=n.slice().reverse());++a<r;)i[a]=Vn(t[a],t[a+1]),o[a]=e(n[a],n[a+1]);return function(n){var e=$t(t,n,1,r)-1;return o[e](i[e](n))}}function Fn(t,n){return n.domain(t.domain()).range(t.range()).interpolate(t.interpolate()).clamp(t.clamp()).unknown(t.unknown())}function Gn(){var t,n,e,r,i,o,a=zn,u=zn,l=Hn,s=Dn;function c(){var t,n,e,l=Math.min(a.length,u.length);return s!==Dn&&(t=a[0],n=a[l-1],t>n&&(e=t,t=n,n=e),s=function(e){return Math.max(t,Math.min(n,e))}),r=l>2?$n:Xn,i=o=null,h}function h(n){return isNaN(n=+n)?e:(i||(i=r(,u,l)))(t(s(n)))}return h.invert=function(e){return s(n((o||(o=r(u,,Ln)))(e)))},h.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(a=Array.from(t,Rn),c()):a.slice()},h.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=Array.from(t),c()):u.slice()},h.rangeRound=function(t){return u=Array.from(t),l=qn,c()},h.clamp=function(t){return arguments.length?(s=!!t||Dn,c()):s!==Dn},h.interpolate=function(t){return arguments.length?(l=t,c()):l},h.unknown=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,h):e},function(e,r){return t=e,n=r,c()}}function Un(){return Gn()(Dn,Dn)}function Zn(t,n){switch(arguments.length){case 0:break;case 1:this.range(t);break;default:this.range(n).domain(t)}return this}var Yn=function(t,n,e,r){var i,o=function(t,n,e){var r=Math.abs(n-t)/Math.max(0,e),i=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(r)/Math.LN10)),o=r/i;return 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for(t=Math.floor(t*a),n=Math.ceil(n*a),o=new Array(i=Math.ceil(t-n+1));++u<i;)o[u]=(t-u)/a;return r&&o.reverse(),o}(e[0],e[e.length-1],null==t?10:t)},t.tickFormat=function(t,e){var r=n();return Yn(r[0],r[r.length-1],null==t?10:t,e)},t.nice=function(e){null==e&&(e=10);var r,i=n(),o=0,a=i.length-1,u=i[o],l=i[a];return l<u&&(r=u,u=l,l=r,r=o,o=a,a=r),(r=zt(u,l,e))>0?r=zt(u=Math.floor(u/r)*r,l=Math.ceil(l/r)*r,e):r<0&&(r=zt(u=Math.ceil(u*r)/r,l=Math.floor(l*r)/r,e)),r>0?(i[o]=Math.floor(u/r)*r,i[a]=Math.ceil(l/r)*r,n(i)):r<0&&(i[o]=Math.ceil(u*r)/r,i[a]=Math.floor(l*r)/r,n(i)),t},t}function Jn(){var t=Un();return t.copy=function(){return Fn(t,Jn())},Zn.apply(t,arguments),Wn(t)}function Kn(t){return((t*=2)<=1?t*t*t:(t-=2)*t*t+2)/2}var Qn={value:function(){}};function te(){for(var t,n=0,e=arguments.length,r={};n<e;++n){if(!(t=arguments[n]+"")||t in r||/[\s.]/.test(t))throw new Error("illegal type: "+t);r[t]=[]}return new ne(r)}function ne(t){this._=t}function ee(t,n){return 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Array(e),o=0;o<e;++o)i[o]=arguments[o+2];if(!this._.hasOwnProperty(t))throw new Error("unknown type: "+t);for(o=0,e=(r=this._[t]).length;o<e;++o)r[o].value.apply(n,i)},apply:function(t,n,e){if(!this._.hasOwnProperty(t))throw new Error("unknown type: "+t);for(var r=this._[t],i=0,o=r.length;i<o;++i)r[i].value.apply(n,e)}};var oe,ae,ue=te,le=0,se=0,ce=0,he=0,fe=0,pe=0,de="object"==typeof performance&&,ve="object"==typeof window&&window.requestAnimationFrame?window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window):function(t){setTimeout(t,17)};function ge(){return fe||(ve(me),}function me(){fe=0}function ye(){this._call=this._time=this._next=null}function we(t,n,e){var r=new ye;return r.restart(t,n,e),r}function _e(){fe=(,le=se=0;try{!function(){ge(),++le;for(var t,n=oe;n;)(t=fe-n._time)>=0&&,t),n=n._next;--le}()}finally{le=0,function(){var t,n,e=oe,r=1/0;for(;e;)e._call?(r>e._time&&(r=e._time),t=e,e=e._next):(n=e._next,e._next=null,e=t?t._next=n:oe=n);ae=t,xe(r)}(),fe=0}}function be(){var,n=t-he;n>1e3&&(pe-=n,he=t)}function xe(t){le||(se&&(se=clearTimeout(se)),t-fe>24?(t<1/0&&(se=setTimeout(_e,,ce&&(ce=clearInterval(ce))):(ce||(,ce=setInterval(be,1e3)),le=1,ve(_e)))}ye.prototype=we.prototype={constructor:ye,restart:function(t,n,e){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("callback is not a function");e=(null==e?ge():+e)+(null==n?0:+n),this._next||ae===this||(ae?ae._next=this:oe=this,ae=this),this._call=t,this._time=e,xe()},stop:function(){this._call&&(this._call=null,this._time=1/0,xe())}};var Me=function(t,n,e){var r=new ye;return n=null==n?0:+n,r.restart((function(e){r.stop(),t(e+n)}),n,e),r},Ne=ue("start","end","cancel","interrupt"),Ae=[],ke=function(t,n,e,r,i,o){var a=t.__transition;if(a){if(e in a)return}else t.__transition={};!function(t,n,e){var r,i=t.__transition;function o(l){var s,c,h,f;if(1!==e.state)return u();for(s in i)if((f=i[s]){if(3===f.state)return Me(o);4===f.state?(f.state=6,f.timer.stop(),"interrupt",t,t.__data__,f.index,,delete 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Error("too late; already running");return e}function Ce(t,n){var e=t.__transition;if(!e||!(e=e[n]))throw new Error("transition not found");return e}var je,Be,Le,Oe,Te=180/Math.PI,Ie={translateX:0,translateY:0,rotate:0,skewX:0,scaleX:1,scaleY:1},Pe=function(t,n,e,r,i,o){var a,u,l;return(a=Math.sqrt(t*t+n*n))&&(t/=a,n/=a),(l=t*e+n*r)&&(e-=t*l,r-=n*l),(u=Math.sqrt(e*e+r*r))&&(e/=u,r/=u,l/=u),t*r<n*e&&(t=-t,n=-n,l=-l,a=-a),{translateX:i,translateY:o,rotate:Math.atan2(n,t)*Te,skewX:Math.atan(l)*Te,scaleX:a,scaleY:u}};function He(t,n,e,r){function i(t){return t.length?t.pop()+" ":""}return function(o,a){var u=[],l=[];return o=t(o),a=t(a),function(t,r,i,o,a,u){if(t!==i||r!==o){var l=a.push("translate(",null,n,null,e);u.push({i:l-4,x:Ln(t,i)},{i:l-2,x:Ln(r,o)})}else(i||o)&&a.push("translate("+i+n+o+e)}(o.translateX,o.translateY,a.translateX,a.translateY,u,l),function(t,n,e,o){t!==n?(t-n>180?n+=360:n-t>180&&(t+=360),o.push({i:e.push(i(e)+"rotate(",null,r)-2,x:Ln(t,n)})):n&&e.push(i(e)+"rotate("+n+r)}(o.rotate,a.rotate,u,l),function(t,n,e,o){t!==n?o.push({i:e.push(i(e)+"skewX(",null,r)-2,x:Ln(t,n)}):n&&e.push(i(e)+"skewX("+n+r)}(o.skewX,a.skewX,u,l),function(t,n,e,r,o,a){if(t!==e||n!==r){var u=o.push(i(o)+"scale(",null,",",null,")");a.push({i:u-4,x:Ln(t,e)},{i:u-2,x:Ln(n,r)})}else 1===e&&1===r||o.push(i(o)+"scale("+e+","+r+")")}(o.scaleX,o.scaleY,a.scaleX,a.scaleY,u,l),o=a=null,function(t){for(var n,e=-1,r=l.length;++e<r;)u[(n=l[e]).i]=n.x(t);return u.join("")}}}var 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const options = [{"colorscheme": "blue-green", "context": "# ========\n# captured on : Mon Sep 18 16:28:48 2023\n# header version : 1\n# data offset : 320\n# data size : 2195000\n# feat offset : 2195320\n# hostname : kj-thinkpad\n# os release : 6.4.13-200.fc38.x86_64\n# perf version : 6.4.4\n# arch : x86_64\n# nrcpus online : 8\n# nrcpus avail : 8\n# cpudesc : 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz\n# cpuid : GenuineIntel,6,140,1\n# total memory : 24308972 kB\n# cmdline : /usr/bin/perf record -F 999 -g -- /home/kj/.rbenv/shims/ruby makemany.rb \n# event : name = cycles, , id = { 2702, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2709 }, size = 136, { sample_period, sample_freq } = 999, sample_type = IP|TID|TIME|CALLCHAIN|PERIOD, read_format = ID|LOST, disabled = 1, inherit = 1, mmap = 1, comm = 1, freq = 1, enable_on_exec = 1, task = 1, precise_ip = 3, sample_id_all = 1, exclude_guest = 1, mmap2 = 1, comm_exec = 1, ksymbol = 1, bpf_event = 1\n# CPU_TOPOLOGY info available, use -I to display\n# NUMA_TOPOLOGY info available, use -I to display\n# pmu mappings: intel_pt = 9, intel_bts = 8, software = 1, uncore_imc_free_running_1 = 18, uncore_clock = 16, power = 21, uprobe = 7, cpu = 4, cstate_core = 19, uncore_cbox_2 = 13, breakpoint = 5, uncore_cbox_0 = 11, tracepoint = 2, cstate_pkg = 20, uncore_imc_free_running_0 = 17, uncore_arb = 15, kprobe = 6, i915 = 22, msr = 10, uncore_cbox_3 = 14, uncore_cbox_1 = 12\n# CACHE info available, use -I to display\n# time of first sample : 19890.347359\n# time of last sample : 19899.292312\n# sample duration : 8944.953 ms\n# MEM_TOPOLOGY info available, use -I to display\n# cpu pmu capabilities: branches=32, max_precise=3, pmu_name=icelake\n# intel_pt pmu capabilities: topa_multiple_entries=1, psb_cyc=1, single_range_output=1, mtc_periods=249, ip_filtering=1, output_subsys=0, cr3_filtering=1, psb_periods=3f, event_trace=0, cycle_thresholds=1fff, power_event_trace=0, mtc=1, payloads_lip=0, ptwrite=0, num_address_ranges=2, max_subleaf=1, topa_output=1, tnt_disable=0\n# missing features: TRACING_DATA BRANCH_STACK GROUP_DESC AUXTRACE STAT CLOCKID DIR_FORMAT COMPRESSED CLOCK_DATA HYBRID_TOPOLOGY \n# ========\n#\n"}];
flamegraph(stacks[0], options[0]);
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