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Last active November 15, 2020 12:07
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Save KK4TEE/5966971602973c24107f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cruise control and autopilot for rovers in Kerbal Space Program using kOS
// rover.ks
// Written by KK4TEE
// License: GPLv3
// This program provides stability assistance
// for manually driven rovers
set speedlimit to 10. //All speeds are in m/s
lock turnlimit to min(1, 1.5 / surfacespeed). //Scale the
//turning radius based on current speed
set looptime to 0.01.
set loopEndTime to TIME:SECONDS.
set eWheelThrottle to 0. // Error between target speed and actual speed
set iWheelThrottle to 0. // Accumulated speed error
set wtVAL to 0. //Wheel Throttle Value
set kTurn to 0. //Wheel turn value.
set targetspeed to 0. //Cruise control starting speed
set targetHeading to 90. //Used for autopilot steering
set NORTHPOLE to latlng( 90, 0). //Reference heading
sas off.
rcs off.
lights on.
lock throttle to 0.
set runmode to 0.
on ag10 { //When the 0 key is pressed:
// End the program
set runmode to -1.
until runmode = -1 {
//Update the compass:
// I want the heading to match the navball
// and be out of 360' instead of +/-180'
// I do this by judging the heading relative
// to a latlng set to the north pole
if northPole:bearing <= 0 {
set cHeading to ABS(northPole:bearing).
else {
set cHeading to (180 - northPole:bearing) + 180.
if runmode = 0 { //Govern the rover
//Wheel Throttle:
set targetspeed to targetspeed + 0.05 * SHIP:CONTROL:PILOTWHEELTHROTTLE.
set targetspeed to max(-1, min( speedlimit, targetspeed)).
if targetspeed > 0 { //If we should be going forward
//brakes off.
set eWheelThrottle to targetspeed - SURFACESPEED.
set iWheelThrottle to min( 1, max( -1, iWheelThrottle +
(looptime * eWheelThrottle))).
set wtVAL to eWheelThrottle + iWheelThrottle.//PI controler
if surfacespeed < 5 {
//Safety adjustment to help reduce roll-back at low speeds
set wtVAL to min( 1, max( -0.2, wtVAL)).
else if targetspeed < 0 { //Else if we're going backwards
set targetspeed to 0. //Manual reverse throttle
set iWheelThrottle to 0.
else { // If value is out of range or zero, stop.
set wtVAL to 0.
brakes on.
if brakes = 1 { //Disable cruise control if the brakes are turned on.
set targetspeed to 0.
if AG1 { //Activate autopilot if Actiong group 1 is on
set errorSteering to (targetheading - cHeading).
if errorSteering > 180 { //Make sure the headings make sense
set errorSteering to errorSteering - 360.
else if errorSteering < -180 {
set errorSteering to errorSteering + 360.
set desiredSteering to -errorSteering / 10.
set kturn to min( 1, max( -1, desiredSteering)) * turnlimit.
else {
set kturn to turnlimit * SHIP:CONTROL:PILOTWHEELSTEER.
//Handle User Input using action groups
if AG2 { // Set heading to the current heading
set targetHeading to cHeading.
set AG2 to FALSE. //Reset the AG after we read it
else if AG3 { // Decrease the heading
set targetHeading to targetHeading - 0.5.
set AG3 to FALSE.
else if AG4 { // Increase the heading
set targetHeading to targetHeading + 0.5.
set AG4 to FALSE.
else if AG5 {
set targetHeading to targetHeading - 0.5.
set AG6 to FALSE.
//Prevent increase if we are decreasing
else if AG6 {
set targetHeading to targetHeading + 0.5.
set AG5 to FALSE.
//Prevent decrease if we are increasing
if targetHeading > 360 {
set targetHeading to targetHeading - 360.
else if targetHeading < 0 {
set targetHeading to targetHeading + 360.
print "Target Speed: " + round( targetspeed, 1) + " " at (2, 3).
print "Speed Limit: " + round( speedlimit, 1) + " " at (2, 4).
print "Surface Speed: " + round( SURFACESPEED, 1) + " " at (2, 5).
print "Pilot Throttle: " + round( SHIP:CONTROL:PILOTWHEELTHROTTLE, 2)
+ " " at (2, 7).
print "Kommanded tVAL: " + round( wtVAL, 2) + " " at (2, 8).
print "Pilot Turn: " + round( SHIP:CONTROL:PILOTWHEELSTEER, 2)
+ " " at (2, 9).
print "Kommanded Turn: " + round( kTurn, 2) + " " at (2, 10).
print "Target Heading: " + round( targetheading, 2) + " " at (2, 12).
print "CurrentHeading: " + round( cheading, 2) + " " at (2, 13).
print "Cruise Control: " + AG1 + " " at (2, 14).
print "E: " + round(eWheelThrottle,2)+ " " at ( 2, 16).
print "I: " + round(iWheelThrottle,2) + " " at (10,16).
set looptime to TIME:SECONDS - loopEndTime.
set loopEndTime to TIME:SECONDS.
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