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Created February 13, 2015 09:32
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This program circularizes an orbit into a very low orbit and then waits for the proper time to de-orbit.
// gohome.ks
// Written by Seth Persigehl (KK4TEE)
// Released under the GPLv3 licence
// This program circularizes an orbit into a very low orbit and then waits for the proper time to de-orbit.
// Hopefully it should touch down reasonably close to the Kerbal Space Center
//Set a parking orbit that we will do the final deorbit from. This should be circular.
set LandingOrbitAltitude to 75000. //In this case, 75km up.
set deorbitBurnLNG to -170.5. //This is the longitude that we will start the deorbit burn at.
set entryPeriapsis to 0. // Target periapsis for the deorbit burn.
//Set the ship to a known configuration
SAS off.
RCS on.
lights on.
lock throttle to 0.
gear off.
panels on.
//Lattitude and Longitude Variables
// First, let's set a variable KSCLAUNCHPAD to be the lat/lng of the launch pad.
// This will be our target, and this script should be good enough to get us to
// within around 100km of the KSC.
// Note that a latlng variable is a special kind of list that only has two values
// and that "set" updates a variable only once while "lock" updates it every time
set KSCLAUNCHPAD to latlng(-0.0972092543643722, -74.557706433623).
// Lets get some math out of the way, shall we?
lock shipLatLng to SHIP:GEOPOSITION. //This is the ship's current location above the surface
//This variable store the altitude above sea level that the ground below the ship is at.
lock surfaceElevation to shipLatLng:TERRAINHEIGHT.
lock betterALTRADAR to max( 0.1, ALTITUDE - surfaceElevation).
//Depending on what other mods you have installed ALT:RADAR may not work properly,
// so instead I calculate it using the sea level altitude minus the ground elevation
lock impactTime to betterALTRADAR / -VERTICALSPEED. // Time until we hit the ground
// Calculate the theoretical throttle level to hover in place ( 1/TWR)
set GRAVITY to (constant():G * body:mass) / body:radius^2.
lock TWR to MAX( 0.001, MAXTHRUST / (MASS*GRAVITY)).
set runmode to 20. //Let's use runmodes that weren't used in the previous video.
// This way we can easily combine scripts later if we choose to.
if PERIAPSIS < LandingOrbitAltitude * 1.05 and APOAPSIS < LandingOrbitAltitude * 1.05 {
// If the orbit already meets the requirements, go ahead and skip changing Ap/Pe
set runmode to 24.
until runmode = 0 { //Run until we end the program
if runmode = 20 { //Time warp to Apoapsis
set TVAL to 0. //Engines off.
if (SHIP:ALTITUDE > 70000) and (ETA:APOAPSIS > 60) {
if WARP = 0 { // If we are not time warping
wait 1. //Wait to make sure the ship is stable
SET WARP TO 3. //Be really careful about warping
else if ETA:APOAPSIS < 60 {
SET WARP to 0.
set runmode to 21.
else {
set runmode to 0. //If we're unable to get to the Ap, give up.
if runmode = 21 { //Lower Periapsis to transfer orbit.
lock STEERING to RETROGRADE. //Point retrograde
//If we're less 5 seconds from Ap or loosing altitude
set TVAL to 1.1 - (LandingOrbitAltitude / PERIAPSIS).
//Lower the throttle the closer we get to our target
set TVAL to 0.
if PERIAPSIS < LandingOrbitAltitude {
set TVAL to 0.
set runmode to 22.
if runmode = 22 { //Time warp to Periapsis
set TVAL to 0. //Engines off.
if (SHIP:ALTITUDE > 70000) and (ETA:PERIAPSIS > 60) {
if WARP = 0 { // If we are not time warping
wait 1. //Wait to make sure the ship is stable
SET WARP TO 3. //Be really careful about warping
else if ETA:PERIAPSIS < 60 {
SET WARP to 0.
set runmode to 23.
if runmode = 23 { //Lower Apoapsis to transfer orbit.
lock STEERING to RETROGRADE. //Point retrograde
//If we're less 5 seconds from Pe or gaining altitude
set TVAL to 1.1 - (LandingOrbitAltitude / APOAPSIS).
//Lower the throttle the closer we get to our target
else {
set TVAL to 0.
if Apoapsis < MAX(LandingOrbitAltitude, PERIAPSIS * 1.05) {
//Here we use a MAX function to pick the largest of the two values
set TVAL to 0.
set runmode to 24.
if runmode = 24 { //Time warp to the deorbit burn location
set TVAL to 0. //Engines off.
if (SHIP:ALTITUDE > 70000) and (shipLatLng:LNG < deorbitBurnLNG - 10 or shipLatLng:LNG > deorbitBurnLNG + 1) {
if WARP = 0 { // If we are not time warping
wait 1. //Wait to make sure the ship is stable
SET WARP TO 3. //Be really careful about warping
else {
SET WARP to 0.
set runmode to 25.
if runmode = 25 { // Deorbit and Lower periapsis into the ground
lock STEERING to RETROGRADE. //Point retrograde
if shipLatLng:LNG > deorbitBurnLNG and shipLatLng:LNG < deorbitBurnLNG + 2 {
set TVAL to 0.5.
//Burn gently
if PERIAPSIS < entryPeriapsis {
//Burn until the periapsis is below the
set TVAL to 0.
lock throttle to TVAL.
wait 1.
stage. //jettison service module
wait 5. // and wait for it to clear.
set runmode to 26.
if runmode = 26 { // Coast until the ETA of slamming into the ground < 10 seconds
panels off.
lock STEERING to velocity:surface * -1. //Point retrograde relative to surface velocity
set TVAL to 0.
if ALTITUDE > 70000 {
wait 1. //Wait to make sure the ship is stable
SET WARP TO 3. //Be really careful about warping
else if ALTITUDE < 70000 and WARP > 0 {
SET WARP TO 0. // Make sure we don't time warp through the atmosphere
if impactTime < 100 and verticalspeed < -1 and betterALTRADAR < 5000{
set runmode to 27.
if runmode = 27 { // Land on the ground
lock STEERING to velocity:surface * -1.//Point retrograde relative to surface velocity
set landingRadar to min(ALTITUDE, betterALTRADAR).
// Use whichever says our altitude is lower
//This is useful in case we overshoot the KSC and need to land in the ocean.
set TVAL to (1 / TWR) - (verticalspeed + max(5, min (250, landingRadar^1.08 / 8)) ) / 3 / TWR.
gear on.
// Here we set the throttle to hover using a Thrust to weight ratio of one to counter act gravity
// Then we modify the throttle by the error between the speed we want to be at (based on altitude)
// and the speed we are currently at, then divide it by three to smooth it out and then divide it again
// by the TWR to automatically customize it for each ship.
if betterALTRADAR < 15 and ABS(VERTICALSPEED) < 1 {
lock throttle to 0.
lock steering to up.
print "LANDED!".
wait 2.
set runmode to 0.
set finalTVAL to TVAL.
lock throttle to finalTVAL. //Write our planned throttle to the physical throttle
//Print data to screen.
print "RUNMODE: " + runmode + " " at (5,4).
print "ALTITUDE: " + round(SHIP:ALTITUDE) + " " at (5,5).
print "APOAPSIS: " + round(SHIP:APOAPSIS) + " " at (5,6).
print "PERIAPSIS: " + round(SHIP:PERIAPSIS) + " " at (5,7).
print "ETA to AP: " + round(ETA:APOAPSIS) + " " at (5,8).
print "ETA to Pe: " + round(ETA:PERIAPSIS) + " " at (5,9).
print "Impact Time:" + round(impacttime,1) + " " at (5,10).
print "LAT: " + round(shipLatLng:LAT,3) + " " at (5,12).
print "LNG: " + round(shipLatLng:LNG,3) + " " at (5,13).
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