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Last active September 18, 2023 05:30
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  • Save KK4TEE/c41b4fb789a01cef6122 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KK4TEE/c41b4fb789a01cef6122 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This program for the Kerbal Space Program mod kOS launches a ship from the KSC and flies it into orbit
// This program launches a ship from the KSC and flies it into orbit
//Set the ship to a known configuration
SAS off.
RCS on.
lights on.
lock throttle to 0. //Throttle is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
gear off.
set targetApoapsis to 150000. //Target apoapsis in meters
set targetPeriapsis to 150000. //Target periapsis in meters
set runmode to 2. //Safety in case we start mid-flight
if ALT:RADAR < 50 { //Guess if we are waiting for take off
set runmode to 1.
until runmode = 0 { //Run until we end the program
if runmode = 1 { //Ship is on the launchpad
lock steering to UP. //Point the rocket straight up
set TVAL to 1. //Throttle up to 100%
stage. //Same thing as pressing Space-bar
set runmode to 2. //Go to the next runmode
else if runmode = 2 { // Fly UP to 10,000m
lock steering to heading (90,90). //Straight up.
set TVAL to 1.
if SHIP:ALTITUDE > 10000 {
//Once altitude is higher than 10km, go to Gravity Turn mode
set runmode to 3.
} //Make sure you always close out your if statements.
else if runmode = 3 { //Gravity turn
set targetPitch to max( 5, 90 * (1 - ALT:RADAR / 50000)).
//Pitch over gradually until levelling out to 5 degrees at 50km
lock steering to heading ( 90, targetPitch). //Heading 90' (East), then target pitch
set TVAL to 1.
if SHIP:APOAPSIS > targetApoapsis {
set runmode to 4.
else if runmode = 4 { //Coast to Ap
lock steering to heading ( 90, 3). //Stay pointing 3 degrees above horizon
set TVAL to 0. //Engines off.
if (SHIP:ALTITUDE > 70000) and (ETA:APOAPSIS > 60) and (VERTICALSPEED > 0) {
if WARP = 0 { // If we are not time warping
wait 1. //Wait to make sure the ship is stable
SET WARP TO 3. //Be really careful about warping
else if ETA:APOAPSIS < 60 {
SET WARP to 0.
set runmode to 5.
else if runmode = 5 { //Burn to raise Periapsis
if ETA:APOAPSIS < 5 or VERTICALSPEED < 0 { //If we're less 5 seconds from Ap or loosing altitude
set TVAL to 1.
if (SHIP:PERIAPSIS > targetPeriapsis) or (SHIP:PERIAPSIS > targetApoapsis * 0.95) {
//If the periapsis is high enough or getting close to the apoapsis
set TVAL to 0.
set runmode to 10.
else if runmode = 10 { //Final touches
set TVAL to 0. //Shutdown engine.
panels on. //Deploy solar panels
lights on.
unlock steering.
set runmode to 0.
if stage:Liquidfuel < 1 { //Stage if the stage is out of fuel
lock throttle to 0.
wait 2.
wait 3.
lock throttle to TVAL.
set finalTVAL to TVAL.
lock throttle to finalTVAL. //Write our planned throttle to the physical throttle
//Print data to screen.
print "RUNMODE: " + runmode + " " at (5,4).
print "ALTITUDE: " + round(SHIP:ALTITUDE) + " " at (5,5).
print "APOAPSIS: " + round(SHIP:APOAPSIS) + " " at (5,6).
print "PERIAPSIS: " + round(SHIP:PERIAPSIS) + " " at (5,7).
print "ETA to AP: " + round(ETA:APOAPSIS) + " " at (5,8).
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Thanks a lot. I am using this code to learn KOS.

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DevDokus commented Mar 1, 2023

Very well indeed sir, many thanks for your contribution!
It helps a log understanding the kOS system :)

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