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Last active June 19, 2024 20:35
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(travis пропускаем)

Выполнил студент группы ИУ8-24 Конов Михаил

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computer@MLK:~$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=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
computer@MLK:~$ cd ${GITHUB_USERNAME}/workspace
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ pushd .
~/KMACREATOR/workspace ~/KMACREATOR/workspace
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ source scripts/activate
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ \curl -sSL | bash -s -- --ignore-dotfiles
Turning on ignore dotfiles mode.
Upgrading the RVM installation in /home/computer/.rvm/
Upgrade of RVM in /home/computer/.rvm/ is complete.

Thanks for installing RVM 🙏
Please consider donating to our open collective to help us maintain RVM.

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computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ echo "source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> scripts/activate
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ . scripts/activate
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ rvm autolibs disable
RVM version 1.29.12-next (master) is installed, yet version 1.29.12 (latest) is loaded.

Please open a new shell or run one of the following commands:

    rvm reload
    echo rvm_auto_reload_flag=1 >> ~/.rvmrc # OR for auto reload with msg
    echo rvm_auto_reload_flag=2 >> ~/.rvmrc # OR for silent auto reload

computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ rvm reload
RVM reloaded!
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ echo rvm_auto_reload_flag=1 >> ~/.rvmrc 
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ rvm autolibs disable
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ rvm install ruby-2.6.0
Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.
No binary rubies available for: mint/20.3/x86_64/ruby-2.6.0.
Continuing with compilation. Please read 'rvm help mount' to get more information on binary rubies.
Installing Ruby from source to: /home/computer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.0, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)...
ruby-2.6.0 - #downloading ruby-2.6.0, this may take a while depending on your connection...
ruby-2.6.0 - #extracting ruby-2.6.0 to /home/computer/.rvm/src/ruby-2.6.0.....
ruby-2.6.0 - #configuring.......................................................................
ruby-2.6.0 - #post-configuration..
ruby-2.6.0 - #compiling..............................................................................................|
ruby-2.6.0 - #installing.................
ruby-2.6.0 - #making binaries executable..
ruby-2.6.0 - #downloading rubygems-3.0.9
ruby-2.6.0 - #extracting rubygems-3.0.9......
ruby-2.6.0 - #removing old rubygems........
ruby-2.6.0 - #installing rubygems-3.0.9..
Error running 'env GEM_HOME=/home/computer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.0@global GEM_PATH= /home/computer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.0/bin/ruby -d /home/computer/.rvm/src/rubygems-3.0.9/setup.rb --no-document',
please read /home/computer/.rvm/log/1718656417_ruby-2.6.0/rubygems.install.log
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ rvm use 2.6.0 --default
Using /home/computer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.0
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ gem install travis
ERROR:  Loading command: install (LoadError)
	cannot load such file -- openssl
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (NoMethodError)
    undefined method `invoke_with_build_args' for nil:NilClass
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ rvm list
=* ruby-2.6.0 [ x86_64 ]
   ruby-3.0.2 [ x86_64 ]

# => - current
# =* - current && default
#  * - default

computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ rvm use 3.0.2 --default
Using /home/computer/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ git clone${GITHUB_USERNAME}/lab03 projects/lab04
Клонирование в «projects/lab04»...
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ git clone${GITHUB_USERNAME}/lab03 projects/lab04
Клонирование в «projects/lab04»...
remote: Enumerating objects: 35, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (35/35), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
remote: Total 35 (delta 5), reused 35 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
Получение объектов: 100% (35/35), 6.77 КиБ | 6.77 МиБ/с, готово.
Определение изменений: 100% (5/5), готово.
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace$ cd projects/lab04
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ git remote remove origin
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ git remote add origin
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ cat > .travis.yml <<EOF
> language: cpp
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ cat >> .travis.yml <<EOF
> script:
> - cmake -H. -B_build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=_install
> - cmake --build _build
> - cmake --build _build --target install
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ cat >> .travis.yml <<EOF
> addons:
>   apt:
>     sources:
>       - george-edison55-precise-backports
>     packages:
>       - cmake
>       - cmake-data
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ travis login --github-token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}

Команда «travis» не найдена, но может быть установлена с помощью:

sudo snap install travis  # version 1.8.9, or
sudo apt  install travis  # version 190101-1build1

See 'snap info travis' for additional versions.

computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ travis lint

Команда «travis» не найдена, но может быть установлена с помощью:

sudo snap install travis  # version 1.8.9, or
sudo apt  install travis  # version 190101-1build1

See 'snap info travis' for additional versions.

computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ ex -sc '1i|<фрагмент_вставки_значка>' -cx
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ git add .travis.yml
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ git add
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ git commit -m"added CI"
[main ab82ed2] added CI
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .travis.yml
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ git push origin master
error: src refspec master ничему не соответствует
error: не удалось отправить некоторые ссылки в «»
computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ travis lint

Команда «travis» не найдена, но может быть установлена с помощью:

sudo snap install travis  # version 1.8.9, or
sudo apt  install travis  # version 190101-1build1

See 'snap info travis' for additional versions.

computer@MLK:~/KMACREATOR/workspace/projects/lab04$ git push --set-upstream origin main
Перечисление объектов: 39, готово.
Подсчет объектов: 100% (39/39), готово.
При сжатии изменений используется до 4 потоков
Сжатие объектов: 100% (26/26), готово.
Запись объектов: 100% (39/39), 7.24 КиБ | 7.24 МиБ/с, готово.
Всего 39 (изменения 7), повторно использовано 33 (изменения 5)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), done.
 * [new branch]      main -> main
Ветка «main» отслеживает внешнюю ветку «main» из «origin».

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