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Created August 28, 2023 12:42
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Focustro TLA+
ClientIds = {c1, c2}
ObjectIds = {o1, o2}
PropNames = {p1, p2}
Values = {v1, v2, v3}
MaxWrites = 3
MaxNetworkFailures = 2
PROPERTY Properties
This is a specification of the server synchronisation for Focustro.
I am not very experienced with TLA+, so this shouldn't be considered good style.
Let me know if you think this can be improved.
------------------------ MODULE consistency ------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences, TLC
CONSTANTS ClientIds, ObjectIds, PropNames, Values, NULL, MaxWrites, MaxNetworkFailures
VARIABLES clientStates, serverState, usedIds, writeCount, networkFailures
Init ==
(* Clients start with an empty set of objects and a NULL lastTimestamp *)
/\ clientStates = [
clientId \in ClientIds |->
objects |-> [objectId \in ObjectIds |-> NULL],
writeQueue |-> << >>,
lastTimestamp |-> NULL,
inbox |-> << >>
(* The server starts with an empty set of objects and a 0 timestamp *)
/\ serverState = [
objects |-> [objectId \in ObjectIds |-> NULL],
timestamp |-> 0,
inbox |-> << >>
(* Simulate UUIDs by keeping track of used IDs *)
/\ usedIds = {}
(* Keep track of the number of writes to limit the state space to MaxWrites *)
/\ writeCount = 0
(* Keep track of the number of failures to limit the state space to MaxNetworkFailures *)
/\ networkFailures = 0
(* Client actions *)
(* A client creates a new object using a unique ID *)
CreateObject(clientId, objectId, object) ==
/\ writeCount < MaxWrites
/\ objectId \notin usedIds
/\ clientStates[clientId].objects[objectId] = NULL
/\ clientStates' = [
clientStates EXCEPT
![clientId].objects[objectId] = object,
(* queue a 'create' operation *)
![clientId].writeQueue = Append(@,
writeId |-> writeCount,
op |-> "create",
id |-> objectId,
object |-> object
/\ usedIds' = usedIds \union {objectId}
/\ writeCount' = writeCount + 1
/\ UNCHANGED << serverState, networkFailures >>
(* A client updates a property of an existing object *)
ModifyProperty(clientId, objectId, property, value) ==
/\ writeCount < MaxWrites
/\ clientStates[clientId].objects[objectId] /= NULL
/\ clientStates' = [
clientStates EXCEPT
![clientId].objects[objectId][property] = value,
(* queue an 'update' operation *)
![clientId].writeQueue = Append(@,
writeId |-> writeCount,
op |-> "update",
id |-> objectId,
property |-> property,
value |-> value
/\ writeCount' = writeCount + 1
/\ UNCHANGED << usedIds, serverState, networkFailures >>
(* A client should periodically send a sync request to the server *)
ClientSend(clientId) ==
(* To limit the state space, only send one message at a time to the server *)
/\ serverState.inbox = << >>
(* Don't send if there are messages waiting to be processed from the server *)
/\ clientStates[clientId].inbox = << >>
/\ \/ clientStates[clientId].writeQueue /= << >>
\/ clientStates[clientId].lastTimestamp /= serverState.timestamp
/\ serverState' = [
serverState EXCEPT
!.inbox = Append(@, [
clientId |-> clientId,
lastTimestamp |-> clientStates[clientId].lastTimestamp,
write |->
IF clientStates[clientId].writeQueue /= << >>
THEN Head(clientStates[clientId].writeQueue)
/\ UNCHANGED << clientStates, usedIds, writeCount, networkFailures >>
(* The client receives a response from the server *)
ClientRecv(clientId) ==
/\ clientStates[clientId].inbox /= << >>
/\ clientStates' =
LET msg == Head(clientStates[clientId].inbox)
writes == clientStates[clientId].writeQueue
check(write) == write.writeId /= msg.ack
IN [
clientStates EXCEPT
![clientId].inbox = Tail(@),
![clientId].writeQueue = SelectSeq(writes, check),
![clientId].lastTimestamp = msg.timestamp,
![clientId].objects = [
objectId \in ObjectIds |->
IF objectId \in DOMAIN msg.updates
THEN msg.updates[objectId]
ELSE @[objectId]
/\ UNCHANGED << serverState, usedIds, writeCount, networkFailures >>
(* The client loses a response from the server *)
ClientLoseMessage(clientId) ==
/\ clientStates[clientId].inbox /= << >>
/\ networkFailures < MaxNetworkFailures
/\ clientStates' = [clientStates EXCEPT ![clientId].inbox = Tail(@)]
/\ networkFailures' = networkFailures + 1
/\ UNCHANGED << serverState, usedIds, writeCount >>
(* Server helpers *)
ApplyWrite(write, serverObjects, timestamp) ==
IF write = NULL THEN serverObjects ELSE
IF write.op = "create"
THEN [serverObjects EXCEPT ![] = [object |-> write.object, updated |-> timestamp]]
ELSE [serverObjects EXCEPT ![] = [
object |-> [@.object EXCEPT ![] = write.value],
updated |-> timestamp
UpdatedObjects(serverObjects, clientTimestamp) ==
IF clientTimestamp = NULL
THEN LET S == {objectId \in ObjectIds : serverObjects[objectId] /= NULL}
IN [ objectId \in S |-> serverObjects[objectId].object ]
ELSE LET S == {objectId \in ObjectIds : /\ serverObjects[objectId] /= NULL
/\ serverObjects[objectId].updated > clientTimestamp}
IN [ objectId \in S |-> serverObjects[objectId].object ]
(* Server actions *)
(* The server receives a message from a client *)
ServerRecv ==
/\ serverState.inbox /= << >>
/\ LET msg == Head(serverState.inbox)
newTimestamp == IF msg.write = NULL
THEN serverState.timestamp
ELSE serverState.timestamp + 1
/\ serverState' = [
serverState EXCEPT
!.objects = ApplyWrite(msg.write, serverState.objects, newTimestamp),
!.inbox = Tail(@),
!.timestamp = newTimestamp
/\ clientStates' = [
clientStates EXCEPT
![msg.clientId].inbox = Append(@,
timestamp |-> newTimestamp,
ack |-> IF msg.write = NULL THEN NULL ELSE msg.write.writeId,
updates |-> UpdatedObjects(serverState'.objects, msg.lastTimestamp)
/\ UNCHANGED <<usedIds, writeCount, networkFailures>>
(* The server loses a message from a client *)
ServerLoseMessage ==
/\ serverState.inbox /= << >>
/\ networkFailures < MaxNetworkFailures
/\ serverState' = [
serverState EXCEPT
!.inbox = Tail(@)
/\ networkFailures' = networkFailures + 1
/\ UNCHANGED <<clientStates, usedIds, writeCount>>
(* System actions *)
Next == \/ \E clientId \in ClientIds :
\E objectId \in ObjectIds :
\E object \in [PropNames -> Values] :
CreateObject(clientId, objectId, object)
\/ \E clientId \in ClientIds :
\E objectId \in ObjectIds :
\E prop \in PropNames :
\E value \in Values :
ModifyProperty(clientId, objectId, prop, value)
\/ \E clientId \in ClientIds : ClientSend(clientId)
\/ \E clientId \in ClientIds : ClientRecv(clientId)
\/ \E clientId \in ClientIds : ClientLoseMessage(clientId)
\/ ServerRecv
\/ ServerLoseMessage
AllVars == <<clientStates, usedIds, serverState, writeCount, networkFailures>>
(* Temporal properties *)
(* Assume that the client and server will eventually send/receive requests, even if the network *)
(* is temporarily down *)
Fairness ==
/\ \A clientId \in ClientIds :
/\ WF_AllVars(ClientRecv(clientId))
/\ WF_AllVars(ClientSend(clientId))
/\ WF_AllVars(ServerRecv)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_AllVars /\ Fairness
(* Properties to be checked *)
Consistent ==
\E clientId1 \in ClientIds :
\A clientId2 \in ClientIds :
clientStates[clientId1].objects = clientStates[clientId2].objects
Properties ==
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