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Last active August 24, 2020 15:48
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This Python script takes the metadata from the USGS Landsat Bulk Metadata Service in XML format and finds coincidence dates for water quality station samples
import datetime
import xmltodict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
XML metata data file is take from
# Define input files
lsmetaData = r'~/metadata_XXXX.xml'
inDateFile = r'~/wq_dataTable.csv'
statData = pd.read_csv(inDateFile)
# Get input water quality station and sampling dates
statID = np.array(statData.StatID,dtype=str)
sampleDates = np.array(statData.SDate,dtype=str)
# Get unique stations
stations = np.unique(statID)
# Create empty lists to populate
statList = ['StationID']
sDateList = ['SampleDate']
lsIdList = ['SceneID']
lDateList = ['SceneDate']
for i in range(stations.size):
stat = stations[i]
idx = np.where(statID==stat)
tmpDates = sampleDates[idx]
with open(lsmetaData.replace('XXXX',stat)) as fd:
doc = xmltodict.parse(
except IOError:
print 'Passing station {0}'.format(stat)
metaData = doc['searchResponse']['metaData']
for j in range(len(metaData)):
dDate = metaData[j]['acquisitionDate'].split('-')
lsDate =[0]),int(dDate[1]),int(dDate[2]))
lsId = str(metaData[j]['sceneID'])
for k in range(tmpDates.size):
# Update how to grab date based on input data
d = tmpDates[k].split('/')
# Make a date variable
# Expects the date string format to be MM/dd/YYYY
sampDate =[2]),int(d[0]),int(d[1]))
deltaT = abs(sampDate - lsDate)
if deltaT.days < 2:
outfile = r'~/out_Landsat_coincidence.csv'
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(*[statList,sDateList,lsIdList,lDateList]))
df.to_csv(outfile, sep=',', encoding='utf-8')
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KMarkert commented Aug 24, 2020

Example format for the inDateFile CSV:

StatID SDate
H010500 18/08/2005
H010500 10/11/2005
H010500 14/07/2007

StatID is the station unique identifier and SDate is a date that a sample was take for the station.

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