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Created February 20, 2022 14:00
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Heapsort Algorithm
def heapify(heap_arr, heap_size, parent_index):
# heap_size is just the size of your array (heap_arr).
# We are sorting out a family of three, we want the max element to sit at the parent index
max_family_idx = parent_index
# Compute this parent's children index
left_child_idx = 2 * parent_index + 1
right_child_idx = 2 * parent_index + 2
# Find the maximum element in our "3-members" family.
# Since we are storing elements in an array, make sure that the children indices exist in the array (avoid out-of-bound issues)
if left_child_idx < heap_size and heap_arr[left_child_idx] > heap_arr[max_family_idx]: max_family_idx = left_child_idx
if right_child_idx < heap_size and heap_arr[right_child_idx] > heap_arr[max_family_idx]: max_family_idx = right_child_idx
# If the parent was not the maximum value, swap the maximum and the parent indicies and fix the subtree rooted
# at the node that used to hold the maximum value
if max_family_idx != parent_index:
heap_arr[max_family_idx], heap_arr[parent_index] = heap_arr[parent_index], heap_arr[max_family_idx] # Swap
heapify(heap_arr, heap_size, max_family_idx) # Fix subtree - max_family_idx now holds the value that used to be at parent position
def heapsort(arr):
# the algorithm will use the arr to store the heap. So the heap size is len(arr)
# Step 1: Build heap. i.e. all nodes must respect the heap property (parent val > chidlren vals)
idx = arr[len(arr)] # An interesting optimization will avoid all the nodes that don't have children (idx = arr[len(arr)]/2 - 1)
while idx > 0:
idx -= 1
heapify(arr, len(arr), idx)
# Step 2: Extract maximum
# this step is a bit clever. Your max is at index 0, extract it and put at the back of the array, and decrease the size of your
# heap. Now your heap has N-1 elements. The last one is not part of heap anymore. Rebuild the heap with this new size and repeat.
# At the end, your heap has one value and it's the smallest one sitting at index 0, the rest of the array has elements sorted
idx = arr[len(arr)]
while idx > 0:
idx -= 1
arr[idx], arr[0] = arr[0], arr[idx] # Extract max value, replace with last element - last element and smallest is now root
heapify(arr, idx, 0) # Rebuild your heap, since the new root is not the max.
# Note that heap_size is now idx, the heap is shrinking with each element that we extract
# while the left part of the array grows and contain elements sorted by ascending values
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