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Created March 21, 2022 16:24
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* Prompt:
* A customer has reported a bug in one of our APIs. The `/applicants` endpoint
* is designed to respond to search queries for applicants according to query
* parameters that are sent along with the request.
* For example, this request:
* GET /applicants?resume=1
* Should return all applicants that have submitted a resume.
* This request:
* GET /applicants?country=USA&background_check=1
* Should return all applicants from the USA that have passed a background check.
* However, the customer has reported that in response to this request:
* GET /applicants?resume=1&background_check=1&country=USA
* They seem to be getting back all USA applicants that have submitted a resume,
* whether or not they've actually passed a background check.
* After confirming that the problem is reproducible, we've narrowed down the
* problem to the controller that responds to `GET /applicants` requests below.
* We'll pair together on diagnosing the problem and seeing if we can fix the
* bug. Feel free to use any resources or reference materials you like, and feel
* free to ask me questions.
* More important than actually finding/fixing the issue is that I want to
* understand your thought process, so let me know what you're thinking and why
* you're taking the steps you're taking.
* You can simulate the request that causes the bug by pressing the 'Run' button
function getApplicants(params) {
// load all applicants from database
let applicants = APPLICANTS;
// We need to treat background checks and resumes special because they exist in different systems
if ('background_check' in params) {
applicants = filterByBackgroundChecks(applicants, params['background_check']);
delete params['background_check'];
if ('resume' in params) {
applicants = filterByResume(applicants, params['resume']);
delete params['resume'];
applicants = filterByParams(applicants, params);
return applicants;
function filterByBackgroundChecks(applicants, shouldHavePassed) {
// load background checks from external service
const backgroundChecks = BACKGROUND_CHECKS;
const checkPassedByName = {};
for (const check of backgroundChecks) {
checkPassedByName[] = check.passed;
const filtered = [];
for (const applicant of APPLICANTS) {
if (checkPassedByName[] === shouldHavePassed) {
return filtered;
function filterByResume(applicants, shouldHaveSubmitted) {
// load resumes from S3
const resumes = RESUMES;
const resumeSubmittedByName = {};
for (const resume of resumes) {
resumeSubmittedByName[] = resume.submitted;
const filtered = [];
for (const applicant of APPLICANTS) {
if (resumeSubmittedByName[] === shouldHaveSubmitted) {
return filtered;
function filterByParams(applicants, params) {
const filtered = [];
for (const applicant of applicants) {
let match = true;
for (const param in params) {
match = match && applicant[param] === params[param];
if(!match) {
if(match) {
return filtered;
const APPLICANTS = [
name: 'Dan Raloff',
country: 'USA',
phone: '15555555555',
name: 'Spam Sawzall',
country: 'USA',
phone: '15555555555',
name: 'Sherm Wermbly',
country: 'USA',
phone: '15555555555',
name: 'Cat Dancin',
country: 'USA',
phone: '15555555555',
name: 'Danny Schmanny',
country: 'España',
phone: '15555555555',
name: 'Richy Rich',
country: 'Switzerland',
phone: '1$$$$$$$$$$'
{ name: 'Dan Raloff' , passed: 1 },
{ name: 'Spam Sawzall' , passed: 0 },
{ name: 'Sherm Wermbly' , passed: 1 },
{ name: 'Cat Dancin' , passed: 0 },
{ name: 'Danny Schmanny', passed: 0 },
{ name: 'Richy Rich' , passed: 1 }
const RESUMES = [
{ name: 'Dan Raloff' , submitted: 1 },
{ name: 'Spam Sawzall' , submitted: 1 },
{ name: 'Sherm Wermbly' , submitted: 1 },
{ name: 'Cat Dancin' , submitted: 0 },
{ name: 'Danny Schmanny', submitted: 1 },
{ name: 'Richy Rich' , submitted: 0 }
country: 'USA',
resume: 1,
background_check: 1
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