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Last active February 23, 2020 16:33
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from maya import cmds, mel
import sys
def follow_camera():
group_name = "followCameraGroup"
# Delete Unused Follow Panel And Camera
model_panels = cmds.getPanel(type='modelPanel')
follow_panels = []
is_run_delete = False
for panel in model_panels:
panel_label = cmds.panel(panel, q=True, label=True)
if "follow_camera_" in panel_label:
invisible_panels = cmds.getPanel(invisiblePanels=True)
for fpanel in follow_panels:
if fpanel in invisible_panels:
camera_name = cmds.modelPanel(fpanel, q=True, camera=True)
if cmds.objExists(camera_name):
camera_obj = cmds.listRelatives(camera_name, parent=True)
cmds.deleteUI(fpanel, panel=True)
is_run_delete = True
if cmds.objExists(group_name):
children = cmds.listRelatives(group_name) or None
if children is None:
# Check Selection Valid
selections = or None
if selections is None:
if is_run_delete:
sys.stdout.write("Delete unused panel and camera.")
cmds.warning("Not found selection.")
# Check Focus Panel
focus_panel = cmds.getPanel(withFocus=True)
if "modelPanel" not in focus_panel:
cmds.warning("modelPanel is not focused.")
# Create Camera
new_cam_id = len("follow_camera_*", type="camera"))
before =
after =
new_camera = list(set(after) - set(before)) or None
if new_camera is None:
cmds.warning("Camera create faled.")
new_camera = cmds.rename(new_camera[0], "follow_camera_{}".format(new_cam_id))
cmds.parentConstraint(selections, new_camera, maintainOffset=True)
attrs = ["tx", "ty", "tz", "rx", "ry", "rz"]
for attr in attrs:
cmds.setAttr("{}.{}".format(new_camera, attr), lock=True)
# Cheack Camera Parent
if not cmds.objExists(group_name):
cmds.createNode("transform", name=group_name)
cmds.parent(new_camera, group_name)
# Tear Of Copy...
copy_panel = cmds.modelPanel(tearOffCopy="{}".format(focus_panel), label="follow_camera_{}".format(new_cam_id))
# Back To Persp Panel
mel.eval("lookThroughModelPanel persp {};".format(focus_panel))
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