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Created May 7, 2016 12:12
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Inputing and Outputing decimal integer numbers in emu8086-asm
.model small
.stack 0x100
ask db 10, 13, 'Nhap mot so nguyen (0 - 255): $'
reply db 10, 13, 'So nguyen vua nhap: $'
number dw ? ; Luu so nguyen vao day
count db ? ; (Dung trong OutDec) Dem so chu so cua number
main proc
mov AX, @data
mov DS, AX
call InDec
call OutDec
mov AH, 1
int 0x21
mov AH, 0x4C
int 0x21
main endp
InDec proc
push AX
push BX
push CX
push DX
; Thong bao nhap
mov AH, 9
lea DX, ask
int 0x21
; Khoi tao
mov number, 0
mov BL, 10
; Nhap ki tu
mov AH, 1
int 0x21
mov CH, 0 ; chu so vua nhap duoc luu vao CX
; Neu nhan Enter, thoat vong lap
cmp AL, 10
je endloop
cmp AL, 13
je endloop
; Neu nhap sai, nhap lai
cmp AL, '0'
jb reask
cmp AL, '9'
ja reask
; number = 10 * number + CX
mov CL, AL
sub CL, '0'
mov AX, number
mul BL
add AX, CX
mov number, AX
jmp beginloop
pop DX
pop CX
pop BX
pop AX
InDec endp
OutDec proc
push AX
push BX
push CX
push DX
; Thong bao xuat
mov AH, 9
lea DX, reply
int 0x21
; Khoi tao cac bien
mov BL, 10
mov CX, number
mov count, 0
; Vong lap: Them cac chu so vao stack
cmp CX, 0
je endaddstack
inc count
mov AX, CX
div BL
mov CX, AX
mov CH, 0
push AX
jmp beginaddstack
mov AH, 2
; Vong lap: Hien thi cac chu so trong stack (theo thu tu nguoc lai)
cmp count, 0
je enddisplay
dec count
pop CX
mov DL, CH
add DL, '0'
int 0x21
jmp begindisplay
pop DX
pop CX
pop BX
pop AX
OutDec endp
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