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Created August 29, 2022 16:26
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set -o errexit -o pipefail -o nounset
if [[ "${TERMINAL_OPENED:-false}" == 'false' ]]; then
exec gnome-terminal -- env TERMINAL_OPENED=true "$0" "$@"
storage=$(mktemp -d)
echo "🛈 Created $storage" >&2
for file in "$@"; do
file_path=$(realpath "$file")
echo "🛈 Creating link to $file_path in $storage"
ln -s "$file_path" "$storage" >&2
echo "🛈 Starting server at $storage" >&2
miniserve "${miniserve_flags[@]}" "$storage" || {
echo "⮾ Server exit with error (code $server_status)" >&2
rm -rfv "$storage" || {
echo "⚠ Failed to clean up (code $?)" >&2
exit "$server_status"
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