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Created July 12, 2019 00:27
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200. Number of Islands using DSU
- Use DSU
- For each cell, check if the one above, below, left or right is a 1. If they are, perform union.
- Remember to perform union on itself in case you have an orphan island.
- To create a unique identifier per cell, take the current row and multiply it by number of columns (3 for example), then add the current column. So the first row would be 0 * 3 (always 0), then add 0, 1, 2. Second row would be 1 * 3, then add 0, 1, 2…
var x = current_row * num_columns + current_column
var numIslands = function(rows) {
if((rows==null)||(rows.length==0)) {
return 0;
var d = new DSU();
var num_col = rows[0].length;
for(var r=0; r<rows.length; r++) {
for(var c=0; c<rows[r].length; c++) {
if(rows[r][c]=="1") {
var x = r * num_col + c; //unique identifier
// check one to the left
if((rows[r][c-1])&&(rows[r][c-1]=="1")) {
var y = r * num_col + (c-1);
// check one to the right
if((rows[r][c+1])&&(rows[r][c+1]=="1")) {
var y = r * num_col + (c+1);
// check one above
if((rows[r-1])&&(rows[r-1][c])&&(rows[r-1][c]=="1")) {
var y = (r-1) * num_col + c;
// check one below
if((rows[r+1])&&(rows[r+1][c])&&(rows[r+1][c]=="1")) {
var y = (r+1) * num_col + c;
//ensure orphan islands are still added
return d.getNumIslands();
class DSU {
constructor() {
this.parents = [];
find(x) {
if(typeof this.parents[x] != "undefined") {
if(this.parents[x]<0) {
return x; //x is a parent
} else {
//recurse until you find x's parent
return this.find(this.parents[x]);
} else {
// initialize this node to it's on parent (-1)
return x; //return the index of the parent
union(x,y) {
var xpar = this.find(x);
var ypar = this.find(y);
if(xpar != ypar) {
// x's parent is now the parent of y also.
// if y was a parent to more than one node, then
// all of those nodes are now also connected to x's parent.
return false;
} else {
return true; //this link creates a cycle
getNumIslands() {
var islands = 0;
for(var i in this.parents) {
var par = this.find(this.parents[i]);
return islands;
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