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Last active August 16, 2023 01:55
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Page 1:
Contents: "Dear reader, you're on the verge to stumble upon some new experiences being an adolescent boy. Some things may be puzzling - like why da pee pee wet? Let's explore this together!"
Alt text: A young teen boy appearing confused, holding a magnifying glass, setting off on an investigation.

Page 2:
Contents: "Let's start from the basics. What's puberty? Puberty is when your body starts to develop and change. It's a part of growing up!"
Alt text: Animated image of a boy hitting a growth chart marked with ages and signs of puberty.

Page 3:
Contents: "And, did you know, everyone experiences puberty differently. Your body grows hair in new places, your voice can change, and you may start having wet dreams."
Alt text: Cartoon image of various adolescent boys with different signs of puberty like facial hair, voice bubbles indicating deep voice, and dream clouds around sleeping boys.

Page 4:
Contents: "What's a wet dream? It is completely natural phenomenon where you may wake up after having an erotic dream with your underwear being wet."
Alt text: Picture of a teen boy sleeping peacefully, a thought bubble with a gender-neutral heart symbol.

Page 5:
Contents: "Why da pee pee wet? No, it's not pee, it's semen. This is a sign that your body is maturing and capable of reproduction."
Alt text: Comic-style graphic of surprised adolescent boy holding a Health Textbook open to a page about semen.

Page 6:
Contents: "What's Semen? It's made up of sperm (from the testes) and fluids (from protaste gland and seminal vesicles)."
Alt text: Interconnected cartoon diagram of testes, protaste gland, and seminal vesicles - each generating part of what becomes semen.

Page 7:
Contents: "Feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable? Don't be, it's as normal as sweating or growing taller. Remember, it happens to every growing boy."
Alt text: Image of whimsical scale balancing 'wet dreams' and 'growing taller' showing it's as normal as any other sign of puberty.

Page 8:
Contents: "Talking about it might be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Find someone you trust and break the ice. You'll find a sympathetic ear and some helpful insights."
Alt text: Drawing of a teen boy talking to a friendly, approachable adult with supportive speech bubble.

Page 9:
Contents: "Finally, always remember! You're getting to know your body, keep learning about these changes. It's all part of being human. You're not alone, young man!"
Alt text: Image of the same boy, now seen in a mirror, looking more confident and understanding.

Final Page:
Contents: "These changes might seem strange for now, but it's all part of growing up. Keep exploring, keep questioning, and most importantly, keep being YOU!"
Alt text: Picture of the young man stepping toward his future, leaving footprints behind saying 'Growing Up', 'Puberty', and 'Adolescence'.

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