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Forked from anonymous/gist:3947502
Created October 27, 2012 21:43
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Feature: search for movies by director
As a movie buff
So that I can find movies with my favorite director
I want to include and serach on director information in movies I enter
Background: movies in database
Given the following movies exist:
| title | rating | director | release_date |
| Star Wars | PG | George Lucas | 1977-05-25 |
| Blade Runner | PG | Ridley Scott | 1982-06-25 |
| Alien | R | | 1979-05-25 |
| THX-1138 | R | George Lucas | 1971-03-11 |
Scenario: add director to existing movie
When I go to the edit page for "Alien"
And I fill in "Director" with "Ridley Scott"
And I press "Update Movie Info"
Then the director of "Alien" should be "Ridley Scott"
Scenario: find movie with same director
Given I am on the details page for "Star Wars"
When I follow "Find Movies With Same Director"
Then I should be on the Similar Movies page for "Star Wars"
And I should see "THX-1138"
But I should not see "Blade Runner"
Scenario: can't find similar movies if we don't know director (sad path)
Given I am on the details page for "Alien"
Then I should not see "Ridley Scott"
When I follow "Find Movies With Same Director"
Then I should be on the home page
And I should see "'Alien' has no director info"
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