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Multisite: Password Reset on Local Blog
* Plugin Name: Multisite: Password Reset on Local Blog
* Plugin URI:
* Description: By default, WordPress Multisite uses the main blog for password resets. This plugin enables users to stay in their blog during the whole reset process.
* Version: 1.1.1
* Author: Eric Teubert + KZeni
* Author URI:
* License: MIT
// fixes "Lost Password?" URLs on login page
function ($url, $redirect) {
$args = ["action" => "lostpassword"];
$args["wpe-login"] = "true"; // Comment out if not on WP Engine hosting; leave as-is (enabled) if on WPE hosting.
if (!empty($redirect)) {
$args["redirect_to"] = $redirect;
return add_query_arg($args, site_url("wp-login.php"));
// fixes other password reset related urls
function ($url, $path, $scheme) {
if (stripos($url, "action=lostpassword") !== false) {
return site_url("wp-login.php?action=lostpassword", $scheme);
if (stripos($url, "action=resetpass") !== false) {
return site_url("wp-login.php?action=resetpass", $scheme);
return $url;
// fixes URLs in email that goes out.
function ($message, $key) {
//return str_replace(get_site_url(1), get_site_url(), $message);
return str_replace(
// fixes email title
add_filter("retrieve_password_title", function ($title) {
return "[" .
wp_specialchars_decode(get_option("blogname"), ENT_QUOTES) .
"] Password Reset";
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KZeni commented Apr 15, 2024

If you're curious about what all changed from the original gist I forked this from, I've detailed things in my comment on the original gist here: (while it's also visible under the Revisions tab of this gist [although Prettier-ifying the code has the GitHub diff just showing a complete delete & add of the code.])

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KZeni commented Apr 15, 2024

Okay, I've added the straightforward manual inclusion of wpe-login=true in the URL just in case one is using WP Engine for hosting since WPE expects that & may return a 520 server Cloudflare error without it. Anyone not using WPEngine hosting can feel free to comment that line out (while I'd imagine it should be relatively, if not completely, harmless for hosting that then doesn't need it.)

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Hi! Im using WPS Hide Login, my login url changed to /login/ but using your modified version I'm still facing the issue of a user appearing in the main site when the password is reseted. Any suggestions?

Okay, I've added the straightforward manual inclusion of wpe-login=true in the URL just in case one is using WP Engine for hosting since WPE expects that & may return a 520 server Cloudflare error without it. Anyone not using WPEngine hosting can feel free to comment that line out (while I'd imagine it should be relatively, if not completely, harmless for hosting that then doesn't need it.)

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KZeni commented May 3, 2024

@geodefender Just to confirm... are you hosting with WP Engine? If not, you should consider using the code / discussing things at I say this because my code is a fork of that original gist where all I did was make it so it works with Paid Membership Pro (which you say you're using WPS Hide Login instead of what I'm using & have adapted this code for) and then made it work better with WP Engine.

If you are using WP Engine, I'd still consider giving a try while then just adding that $args["wpe-login"] = "true"; line below their $args = array( 'action' => 'lostpassword' ); line since that's all I did to improve WP Engine compatibility while the other changes I made might not work as well with WPS Hide Login as the original code.

Also, this seems like a no-brainer, but I have to confirm... you did enable the plugin after you added this code to your site, right? Again, it may seem silly to mention, but sometimes things like that slip by some people when it's not a fully packaged plugin available via the installer.

Finally, have you brought this up with the WPS Hide Login support forum? That plugin might be doing something unique that really just doesn't work well with this code, for all I know (when I'm not using that plugin in combination with this, myself.) At that point, it seems like they have their implementation for hiding the standard WordPress login/reset/register/etc. pages and you then need support from them considering what they've implemented isn't meeting your needs for your multisite setup & I'd be somewhat surprised if you're the first one to want/need this behavior while using that plugin (then making sure to mention that you've tried using this just so those on the support forum know that going in.)

Hopefully, that points you in the right direction and/or has some things to potentially try.

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KZeni commented May 3, 2024

@geodefender Oh, and I did do some quick Googling just in case you do host with WP Engine... shows someone else using WPS Hide Login on WP Engine (while multi-site network wasn't mentioned) where they needed WP Engine support to make a caching exception to get the reset password working properly for them. I'd imagine that would be just as applicable for a multisite network setup just as much as a single site setup (again, just making suggestions for things to possibly try/look into since I'm not using that same plugin as you.)

Also, it's recommended to clear your WP Engine caches fully & reset file permissions (the latter being less likely to be needed, but should be a harmless precaution) via WP Engine's tools after you added & enabled this code as it is possible that you were given a result where some part of it was cached from how it was behaving before while it might be all good if/when the cache refreshes.

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Hi @KZeni, thank you so much for your quick support.
I don't use WP Engine, I use Linode.
Sorry I'm not a coder, do you have any suggestion? The original code doen't work also for me.

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KZeni commented May 6, 2024

@geodefender Ah, yeah, this was me adapting existing code ( to work with Paid Membership Pro on WP Engine so you should certainly be looking elsewhere since you're using WPS Hide Login (instead of PMP) and Linode (instead of WPE) where my adapted code is less likely to work compared to the code I started with (see eteubert's gist) since I just made 2 changes to accommodate 2 things you're not using.

You might just need to contact WPS Hide Login's support (at least via their support forum) to report the issue you're having (mentioning you're on Linode as a side detail so it rules out other hosting-specific possibilities) so they can help you fix/adapt the behavior of their plugin to meet your needs (I'm sure you're not the first one to encounter this with WPS Hide Login.)

You might also have luck asking the eteubert gist's comments as there might be a fork of that starter code that's then unique to your setup (similar to how I started with that and made this forked version for PMP & WPE per my needs.)

Best of luck. I can't really devote more time as that's using a setup that's completely different from mine so I'm not involved other than lending a hand & making suggestions as an outsider who isn't encountering the issue you're having (per my setup using a different plugin & hosting provider while then not being associated with any of these plugins/etc.)

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