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Kurt Zenisek KZeni

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KZeni / freemius-killer.php
Last active December 12, 2024 00:02 — forked from thefrosty/freemius.php
Freemius Killer: A WordPress plugin that keeps your site lightweight by preventing the Freemius middleware from ever coming into play. Best when running Freemius' own "Freemius Fixer" plugin while this is enabled to purge existing Freemius data while this keeps it away. *NOTE:* This plugin manually specifies the plugins that use Freemius to then…
// REQUIRED: Make sure to edit the last few lines to assign the global variable that any particular Freemius/FS-enabled plugin wants to use to have this intercept it (if not already included below.)
// Please, any revisions for **adding more plugin to be supported by default** and/or better accommodating things are welcome at:
// One would like to think this could grow to automatically intercept all plugins trying to use Freemius, but manual editing & updating a gist (maybe eventually getting to the point of being a plugin with automatic updates [be it via a plugin listing, its own built-in updater like PUM, GitHub repo where sites have plugins check a repo for new releases, etc.])
// Based on: (via
* Create an override function, as to bypass Freemius in plugins that in
KZeni / wordpress-password-reset-unmultisite.php
Last active May 6, 2024 16:56 — forked from eteubert/wordpress-passwort-reset-unmultisite.php
Multisite: Password Reset on Local Blog
* Plugin Name: Multisite: Password Reset on Local Blog
* Plugin URI:
* Description: By default, WordPress Multisite uses the main blog for password resets. This plugin enables users to stay in their blog during the whole reset process.
* Version: 1.1.1
* Author: Eric Teubert + KZeni
* Author URI:
* License: MIT