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Last active November 27, 2021 10:31
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Node 17 custom ESM loader (TypeScript and paths rewrite)

Allows to use ts-node and tsconfig-paths with ES Modules. Works only in Node 17+.

WARNING: This Node API (custom ESM loaders) is currently being redesigned and will still change [>]

Usage: Pass --loader ./loader.js to Node: node --loader ./loader.js index.ts

Example with Webpack: node --loader ./loader.js node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack serve -c build/config/development.ts

This allows to run .ts files and import using aliases defined in tsconfig.json paths.

import {load as tsLoad, resolve as tsResolve} from "ts-node/esm";
import tsConfigPaths from "tsconfig-paths";
import {pathToFileURL} from "url";
const tsconfig = tsConfigPaths.loadConfig();
const matchPath = tsConfigPaths.createMatchPath(tsconfig.absoluteBaseUrl, tsconfig.paths);
export function resolve(specifier, context, defaultResolve) {
let mappedSpecifier = matchPath(specifier);
if (mappedSpecifier) {
mappedSpecifier += ".ts";
specifier = pathToFileURL(mappedSpecifier).href;
return tsResolve(specifier, context, defaultResolve);
export function load(url, context, defaultLoad) {
return tsLoad(url, context, defaultLoad);
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