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Last active August 4, 2019 17:53
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  • Save Kadrian/a076170d2c3599980fd9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Kadrian/a076170d2c3599980fd9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get Temperature and Humidity from DHT11 module with Raspberry Pi and RPi.GPIO
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import traceback
# Helper
def bin2dec(string_num):
return str(int(string_num, 2))
def setup_gpio(port):
GPIO.setup(port, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
def get_dht11_signal_stream(port, number):
signal_stream = []
for i in range(0, number):
return signal_stream
def cleanup_gpio(port):
def divide_into_buckets(signal_stream):
# Remove first bit + leading 1s, so we can start with our first bucket
signal_stream = signal_stream[1:]
cleaned_stream = signal_stream[signal_stream.index(0):]
buckets = []
current_bucket = []
is_one = False
for bit in cleaned_stream:
if bit == 0:
if is_one:
current_bucket = [bit]
is_one = False
if bit == 1:
is_one = True
return buckets
def interpret_stream(signal_stream):
buckets = divide_into_buckets(signal_stream)
output = interpret_buckets(buckets)
return output
def interpret_buckets(buckets):
# The DHT11 module sends signals (binary data) in buckets
# that represent one bit each.
# E.g.00000000111111111 is a 1 while 0000000111 is a 0
# The length of the 1s signal determines the bit
# so when there are more than <bit_threshold> 1s in a bucket
# it's interpreted as a 1, else as a 0
bit_threshold = 6
humidity_bits = ""
temperature_bits = ""
crc_bits = ""
if len(buckets) != 40:
print str(len(buckets)) + " Buckets found"
for b in buckets:
print b
raise Exception("Bad sensor data")
# Find out which bucket represents which bit for which measurement
# 5 times 8 bits:
# 0 - 7 : Humidity
# 7 - 15 : Not used here
# 16 - 24 : Temperature
# 25 - 31 : Not used here
# 32 - 39 : Checksum
for i, bucket in enumerate(buckets):
num_ones = sum(bucket)
if i < 8:
humidity_bits += "1" if num_ones > bit_threshold else "0"
elif i >= 16 and i < 24:
temperature_bits += "1" if num_ones > bit_threshold else "0"
elif i >= 32 and i < 40:
crc_bits += "1" if num_ones > bit_threshold else "0"
return {
"humidity_bits": humidity_bits,
"temperature_bits": temperature_bits,
"crc_bits": crc_bits
if __name__ == '__main__':
port = 4
# The number of this might vary on your sensor, 800 worked for me
# Basically this has to be enough to capture all the buckets
# from the 40 bits the sensor is sending.
data_count = 1000
signal_stream = get_dht11_signal_stream(port, data_count)
output = interpret_stream(signal_stream)
humidity = bin2dec(output["humidity_bits"])
temperature = bin2dec(output["temperature_bits"])
if int(humidity) + int(temperature) - int(bin2dec(output["crc_bits"])) == 0:
print "Humidity:"+ humidity +"%"
print "Temperature:"+ temperature +"C"
print int(humidity)
print int(temperature)
print int(bin2dec(output["crc_bits"]))
print "ERR_CRC"
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Kadrian commented Jun 7, 2015

However, it only works half of the times due to some weird GPIO to python real time issues. So make sure you try the script a bunch of times 😄

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