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Last active October 5, 2016 19:37
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  • Save KagamiChan/3e3f17650287ac7e456a5865e6d12e59 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KagamiChan/3e3f17650287ac7e456a5865e6d12e59 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jekyll fontmin plugin prototype
var Fontmin = require('fontmin');
var fs = require('fs')
var _ = require('lodash')
var srcPath = './SourceHanSansSC-Regular.ttf'; // 字体源文件
var destPath = 'assets/webfont'; // 输出路径
// var text = '中国'
var text
data = fs.readFileSync('./content.txt','utf8')
text = _.filter(data, function(e1,i,arr){return arr.indexOf(e1) === i}).join('')+"(),。“‘”’!?《》……·—"
// console.log(text.length)
// console.log(text)
// 初始化
var fontmin = new Fontmin()
.src(srcPath) // 输入配置
.use(Fontmin.glyph({ // 字型提取插件
text: text // 所需文字
.use(Fontmin.ttf2eot()) // eot 转换插件
.use(Fontmin.ttf2woff()) // woff 转换插件
.use(Fontmin.ttf2svg()) // svg 转换插件
.use(Fontmin.css()) // css 生成插件
.dest(destPath); // 输出配置
// 执行 (err, files, stream) {
if (err) { // 异常捕捉
console.log('done'); // 成功
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :post_write do |site|
content = ""
for p in site.pages
content = content + Nokogiri::HTML(p.content).text.gsub(/\w/,"").scan(/\p{Han}|\p{Hiragana}|\p{Katakana}/).join(' ')
File.write('content.txt', content)
system 'node font.js'
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