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Forked from mxstbr/
Created May 17, 2017 15:33
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Enable tab completion for JSX with Emmet in Atom

Enable tab completion for JSX with Emmet in Atom

This guide assumes you have the emmet and language-babel packages already installed in Atom

Gif of the tab completion working

  1. Open the keymap.cson file by clicking on Atom -> Keymap… in the menu bar
  2. Add these lines of code to your keymap:
  'tab': 'emmet:expand-abbreviation-with-tab'

Now open a file with JSX code, type div.myclass, press tab and it should autocomplete to <div className="myclass"></div>! (if it's not properly syntax highlighted, select Babel ES6 JavaScript or JSX as the syntax, this won't work otherwise)

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