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Last active November 3, 2017 05:24
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List of explicit dependencies of poi, a.k.a. packages shipped with poi

If a npm package is listed as explicit dependency in poi's package.json, this means that poi releases will contains a copy of the package. And then plugin author can directly import the package without adding to plugin's dependency. As we're working on 8.0 version, it might be a good time to do a housekeeping and add more packages that will be used.


  • poi release does not ship with dev-deps, do not expect to safely use them in plugins.
  • We'll update packages when it is necessary (e.g. security issues), or when we feel it is time to

It the following table, CORE means that this is considered solid part of poi, we would seldom replace or remove them

package desc. who's using it
@exponent/electron-cookies cookies support for electron poi
babel-core es transpiler CORE
babel-plugin-add-module-exports CORE
babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node CORE
babel-preset-es2017-node7 CORE
babel-preset-react CORE
babel-preset-stage-0 CORE
babel-register CORE
bluebird enhanced Promise support CORE
classnames className computation CORE
coffee-react coffeescript react binding CORE
coffee-script CORE
colors predefined colors poi
cson coffeescript style json CORE
electron-log CORE
electron-react-titlebar CORE
electron-updater CORE
fast-memoize memoize support CORE
font-awesome graphicons CORE
fs-extra node fs API enhancement CORE
fuse.js fuzzy search ship-info, exp-calc and maybe more
glob pattern matching CORE
header-case-normalizer the name explains poi
i18n-2 i18n/l10n support CORE
immutable immutable data structure support I don't know
lodash swiss knife CORE
mime mime type support poi
moment-timezone time manipulation with timezone support poi, and where-my-fuels-gone, etc
mousetrap keyboard shortcut handling poi
npm something buggy CORE
objtree XML parser and generator I don't know
pac-proxy-agent the name explains poi
path-extra node path API enhancement CORE
poi-asset-contributor-data contributor data collected through repos poi
poi-asset-themes themes poi
poi-lib-battle battle data parser & utilities poi only, plugins use their own submodule
prop-types prop type check for react CORE
react CORE
react-addons-shallow-compare CORE, but to be removed in favor of React.PureComponent
react-bootstrap component library CORE
react-dom CORE
react-file-dropzone file drop support poi
react-fontawesome fontawesome react binding, no asset provided CORE
react-portal portal component support I don't know
react-redux CORE
react-remarkable markdown parser react component poi
react-toastr toastr message component poi
react-virtualized performant data display components ship-info, anchorage-repair
reduce-reducers reduce multiple reducers CORE
redux CORE
redux-observers observers for redux CORE
redux-thunk thunk middleware for redux CORE
request node http API wrapper poi
reselect selector support for redux CORE
semver version manipulation poi
socks5-client the name explains poi
socks5-http-client the name explians poi
yargs cmd arguments parser poi
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