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Created March 12, 2021 21:43
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RPG Maker plugin - Animations On Pictures (MZ)
// PKD_AnimationOnPictures.js (ver.1.0)
// [Update History]
// v1.0 (13.03.2021) - release
* @plugindesc v1.0 - Play animations on any Picture in game
* @author Pheonix KageDesu
* @target MZ
* @url
* @help
* [Description]
* Plugin allows you play Effekseer animations from Database on
* any Picture in game
* -------------------------
* [Usage]
* Plugin have plugin commands.
* Script calls:
* Example: playAnimationOnPicture(33, 2);
* ------------------------
* [Terms of Use]
* See at plugin web page
* [Help]
* [Support Author]
* @command PlayAnimation
@text Play Animation
@desc Play animation on picture
@arg pictureId
@text Picture
@type number
@min 1
@max 100
@default 1
@arg animationId
@text Animation
@type animation
@default 1
PluginManager.registerCommand("PKD_AnimationOnPictures", 'PlayAnimation', args => {
try {
let pictureNumber = parseInt(args.pictureId);
let animationId = parseInt(args.animationId);
playAnimationOnPicture(pictureNumber, animationId);
} catch (e) {
window.playAnimationOnPicture = (pictureNumber, animationId) => {
let picture = $gameScreen.picture(pictureNumber);
if(picture) $gameTemp.requestAnimation([picture], animationId, false);
var _alias_Spriteset_Map_findTargetSprite = Spriteset_Map.prototype.findTargetSprite;
Spriteset_Map.prototype.findTargetSprite = function (target) {
if(target instanceof Game_Picture) {
return this._pictureContainer.children.find( (spr) => spr.picture() == target);
} else
return, ...arguments);
var _alias_Sprite_Animation_targetSpritePosition = Sprite_Animation.prototype.targetSpritePosition;
Sprite_Animation.prototype.targetSpritePosition = function (sprite) {
if (sprite instanceof Sprite_Picture) {
var x = sprite.x + sprite.width / 2;
var y = sprite.y;
if(this._animation.alignBottom) {
y += sprite.height;
} else
y += sprite.height / 2;
return {x, y};
} else
return, sprite);
var _alias_Spriteset_Base_createAnimationSprite = Spriteset_Base.prototype.createAnimationSprite;
Spriteset_Base.prototype.createAnimationSprite = function (targets, animation, mirror, delay) {, targets, animation, mirror, delay);
if(targets && targets[0] instanceof Game_Picture) {
let last = this._effectsContainer.children[this._effectsContainer.children.length - 1];
last.__removeFromUpperLayer = true;
var _alias_Spriteset_Base_createPictures = Spriteset_Base.prototype.createPictures;
Spriteset_Base.prototype.createPictures = function () {;
this._effectsPicturesContainer = new Sprite();
var _alias_Spriteset_Base_removeAnimation = Spriteset_Base.prototype.removeAnimation;
Spriteset_Base.prototype.removeAnimation = function (sprite) {
if(sprite.__removeFromUpperLayer === true) {
}, sprite);
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