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Last active June 5, 2024 22:29
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VPlayer RPG Maker plugin (MV + MZ)
* Copyright (c) 2021 Vladimir Skrypnikov (Pheonix KageDesu)
* <>
* License: Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution, Share Alike, Non-Commercial
// * CHANGELOG ===================
// v1.3
// - Added option to show Animation on screen BELOW pictures
// ("ShowVAnimScreenBelowPictures" script call)
// - Added "MirrorVAnim" script call (for easy hor and ver flip)
// - Added "SetAnchorForVAnim" script call (change anchor point)
// - Now you can pause and resume animation
// ("SetVAnimPause" script call)
// - Fixed animation play issue on some Android devices
// - Added compatibility with DAE Lighting plugin
// v1.2
// - Added "ShowVAnimOnMapAboveEvents" script call
// - Added "SetVAnimBattleBack" script call
// - Added RPG Maker MZ support (PIXI v5 support)
// - Added RPG Maker MZ plugin commands
// v1.1
// - Fixed bug with looping video sound
// - Improved deallocation of memory
// v1.0
// - Release
// ===============================
* @plugindesc (v.1.3)[BASIC] Extended WEBM Video Player
* @author Pheonix KageDesu
* @url
* @target MZ MV
* @help
* The plugin allows you play GIF (converted to .webm) animations
* ==================================================================
* Convert .gif image to .webm and put file in {project directory} movies\ folder
* Free online converter:
* ==================================================================
* Plugin have plugin commands, ONLY for RPG Maker MZ version
* Script Calls (MV, MZ):
* - ShowVAnim(ID, FILE_NAME, X, Y, IS_LOOP) - add animated image to any Scene (above all windows)
* ID - unique Id, you can use any number
* FILE_NAME - file name without extension in quotes (.webm file from movies folder)
* X, Y - coordinates in pixels
* IS_LOOP - true | false, looping image
* Example: ShowVAnim(44, "test", 0, 0, true)
* - ShowVAnimOnSpriteset(ID, FILE_NAME, X, Y, IS_LOOP) - add animated image to Map or Battle Scene (below windows)
* - ShowVAnimOnMap(ID, FILE_NAME, X, Y, IS_LOOP) - add animated image to Map like character (below events)
* X,Y - in map cells!!!
* Example: ShowVAnimOnMap(11, "fire", 4, 6, true)
* - ShowVAnimOnMapAboveEvents(ID, FILE_NAME, X, Y, IS_LOOP) - add animated image to Map like character (above events)
* X,Y - in map cells!!!
* Example: ShowVAnimOnMap(11, "fire", 4, 6, true)
* ! This script call works only in PRO version !
* - ShowVAnimScreenBelowPictures(ID, FILE_NAME, X, Y, IS_LOOP) - add animated image to Screen (below all pictures)
* ! This script call works only in PRO version !
* - DeleteVAnim(ID) - remove animated image
* - MoveVAnim(ID, NEW_X, NEW_Y, DURATION) - moving animated image to new coordinates in duration
* DURATION - time in frames (60 = 1 sec, 0 = instant)
* Example: MoveVAnim(44, 100, 100, 120)
* - ScaleVAnim(ID, SCALE_X, SCALE_Y, DURATION) - scaling
* SCALE_X, SCALE_Y - can be float number
* Example: ScaleVAnim(44, 0.4, 0.4, 60)
* - MirrorVAnim(ID, IS_HORIZONTAL) - mirror (flip) animation
* IS_HORIZONTAL - if true flip horizontally, if false - flip vertically
* Example: MirrorVAnim(1, false)
* ! This script call works only in PRO version !
* - SetAnchorForVAnim(ID, X, Y) - set anchor for animation
* X, Y = from 0 to 1, where 0.5 - center
* Example: SetAnchorForVAnim(1, 0.5, 0.5)
* - ChangeOpacityVAnim(ID, OPACITY, DURATION) - change opacity
* OPACITY - from 0 to 255
* - SetVAnimPause(ID, IS_PAUSE) - set pause \ resume
* IS_PAUSE - true for Pause, false for Resume
* Example: SetVAnimPause(1, true)
* ! This script call works only in PRO version !
* - SetEndScriptToVAnim(ID, SCRIPT, IS_DELETE) - set script to call when animation is end
* SCRIPT - script call in quotes
* IS_DELETE - true | false, if true - animated image will be erased after script called
* Example: SetEndScriptToVAnim(44, "console.log('Hello')", false)
* - SetEndCommonEventToVAnim(ID, COMMON_EVENT_ID, IS_DELETE) - set common event to call when animation is end
* Example: SetEndScriptToVAnim(44, 11, false)
* - SetClickScriptToVAnim(ID, SCRIPT, IS_DELETE) - set script call when you clicked by mouse on animation
* - SetClickCommonEventToVAnim(ID, COMMON_EVENT_ID, IS_DELETE) - set common event call when you clicked by mouse on animation
* - SetVAnimBattleBack(FILE_NAME, OFFSET_X, OFFSET_Y) - Add .webm anmation to the battleback in battle
* FILE_NAME - file name without extension in quotes (.webm file from movies folder)
* Example: ShowVAnimOnMap("battle", 0, 0)
* Example: SetVAnimBattleBack("") - remove animated battleback
* ! This script call works only in PRO version !
* ==================================================================
* ! Warning: Not deleted MAP animation images with looping (IS_LOOP is TRUE) saved with the game
* ! Warning: Not recommended using same .webm file with different ID's in RPG Maker MZ
* ==================================================================
* Animated Battlers
* Add <GIF:NAME> notetage to Enemy Note in database
* Whene NAME .webm image file name from movies\ folder
* Example: <GIF:Slime>
* For this example you should have file movies\Slime.webm
* ==================================================================
* This is BASIC plugin version and have some restrictions:
* - Player can add only 5 animation at same time
* - Not allowed Script call (plugin command) ShowVAnimOnMapAboveEvents
* - Not allowed Script call (plugin command) SetVAnimBattleBack
* - Not allowed Script call (plugin command) ShowVAnimScreenBelowPictures
* - Not allowed Script call (plugin command) SetVAnimPause
* - Not allowed Script call (plugin command) MirrorVAnim
* PRO version of plugin don't have this restrictions!
* ==================================================================
* Visit plugin web page for more information, also you can find Demo project.
* If you like my Plugins, want more and offten updates,
* please support me on Patreon!
* Patreon Page:
* YouTube Channel:
* You can use this plugin in your game thanks to all my Patrons!
* Special thanks to:
* - SMO_Valadorn (Tester)
* - Yukio Connor (Idea)
* ==================================================================
* License: Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution, Share Alike, Non-Commercial
* @command ShowVAnim
* @text Show Animation
* @desc Show Gif animation
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc .webm file name in movies folder. Uses as Unique ID for this animation for delete, move and other actions
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg order
* @text Order
* @desc If Map - animation will be linked to map, event level, don't moving with camera
* @type select
* @option Screen, above windows
* @option Screen, below windows
* @option Screen, below pictures
* @option Map, above Events
* @option Map, below Events
* @default Screen, above windows
* @arg x
* @text X
* @desc X position on screen. In pixels or map cells if order is Map
* @type number
* @default 0
* @arg y
* @text Y
* @desc Y position on screen. In pixels or map cells if order is Map
* @type number
* @default 0
* @arg isLoop
* @text Is Looping?
* @desc Should animation looping or play once?
* @type boolean
* @on Looping
* @off Play Once
* @default true
* @command DeleteVAnim
* @text Delete Animation
* @desc Delete added Gif animation
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that should be deleted
* @type text
* @default 1
* @command SetEndCallToAnim
* @text Set End Action
* @desc Add script or common event call when animation is end. Don't work with looping animations
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that the end action for
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg script
* @text Script
* @desc Call this script call when animation is end
* @type text
* @default
* @arg commonEvent
* @text Common Event
* @desc Call common event when animation is end
* @type common_event
* @default 0
* @arg isDelete
* @text Last action?
* @desc Delete animation when action is done (animation end) or repeat action (loop animation)
* @type boolean
* @on Delete
* @off Repeat
* @default false
* @command SetClickToAnim
* @text Set Click Action
* @desc Add script or common event call when animation is clicked by mouse (touch)
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that the click action for
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg script
* @text Script
* @desc Call this script call when animation is clicked
* @type text
* @default
* @arg commonEvent
* @text Common Event
* @desc Call common event when animation is clicked
* @type common_event
* @default 0
* @arg isDelete
* @text Delete?
* @desc Delete animation after click?
* @type boolean
* @on Delete
* @off Keep
* @default false
* @command MoveVAnim
* @text Move Animation
* @desc Move exists animation to new position over time
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that should be moved
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg x
* @text X
* @desc New X position on screen. In pixels or map cells if order is Map
* @type number
* @default 0
* @arg y
* @text Y
* @desc New Y position on screen. In pixels or map cells if order is Map
* @type number
* @default 0
* @arg duration
* @text Duration
* @desc Moving duration in frames, 60 = 1 sec, 0 - instant
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 60
* @command ScaleVAnim
* @text Scale Animation
* @desc Scale exists animation to new size over time
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that should be scaled
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg x
* @text Width
* @desc New scale value for Width, 1 - 100%, 0.5 - 50%, etc...
* @type number
* @decimals 2
* @default 1.0
* @arg y
* @text Height
* @desc New scale value for Height, 1 - 100%, 0.5 - 50%, etc...
* @type number
* @decimals 2
* @default 1.0
* @arg duration
* @text Duration
* @desc Scale change duration in frames, 60 = 1 sec, 0 - instant
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 60
* @command ChangeOpacity
* @text Change Anim. Opacity
* @desc Change exists animation opacity over time
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that opacity should be changed
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg opacity
* @text Opacity level
* @desc 0 - invisible, 255 - fully opaque
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 255
* @default 255
* @arg duration
* @text Duration
* @desc Change duration in frames, 60 = 1 sec, 0 - instant
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 60
* @command SetVAnimBattleBack
* @text Set Animated BattleBack
* @desc Add .webm anmation to the battleback in battle
* @arg id
* @text File name
* @desc .webm file name in movies folder. Keep empty for clear animated battleback
* @type text
* @default
* @arg x
* @text X
* @desc Offset by X (in pixels)
* @type number
* @default 0
* @arg y
* @text Y
* @desc Offset by Y (in pixels)
* @type number
* @default 0
* @command MirrorVAnim
* @text Mirror Animation
* @desc Mirror (flip) exists animation horizontally or vertically
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that should be flipped
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg mirrorType
* @text Mirror
* @desc Select how mirror (flip) animation
* @type select
* @option Vertical
* @option Horizontal
* @default Horizontal
* @command AnchorVAnim
* @text Change Anchor
* @desc Change exist animation anchor point
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that should be scaled
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg x
* @text X
* @desc Anchor Point X
* @type number
* @decimals 2
* @min 0
* @max 1
* @default 0
* @arg y
* @text Y
* @desc Anchor Point Y
* @type number
* @decimals 2
* @min 0
* @max 1
* @default 0
* @command StateVAnim
* @text Change State
* @desc Set pause or resume animation
* @arg id
* @text ID (File name)
* @desc ID of animation that should be scaled
* @type text
* @default 1
* @arg state
* @text State
* @desc Select what you want do with animation. Switch - if paused then resume and otherwise
* @type select
* @option Pause
* @option Resume
* @option Switch
* @default Pause
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.PKD_VPlayer = true;
var VPLAYER = {};
VPLAYER.Version = 1.3;
VPLAYER.printError = function (error, message) {
if (message)
console.warn('PKD_VPlayer.js: ' + message);
VPLAYER.GetVMByID = function(id) {
if (SceneManager._scene) {
var vm = SceneManager._scene._getVM(id);
if (vm) {
return vm;
return null;
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
var KDCore;
KDCore = window.KDCore || {};
(function() {
var SDK;
if (KDCore.isMV == null) {
KDCore.isMV = function() {
return Utils.RPGMAKER_NAME.contains("MV");
if (KDCore.isMZ == null) {
KDCore.isMZ = function() {
return !KDCore.isMV();
if (KDCore.SDK == null) {
SDK = function() {};
SDK.canvasToLocalX = function(layer, x) {
while (layer) {
x -= layer.x;
layer = layer.parent;
return x;
SDK.canvasToLocalY = function(layer, y) {
while (layer) {
y -= layer.y;
layer = layer.parent;
return y;
if (KDCore.Utils == null) {
KDCore.Utils = function() {};
(function() {
var _;
_ = KDCore.Utils;
_.hasMeta = function(symbol, obj) {
return (obj.meta != null) && (obj.meta[symbol] != null);
return _.getValueFromMeta = function(symbol, obj) {
if (!_.hasMeta(symbol, obj)) {
return null;
return obj.meta[symbol];
// * PIXI EXTENSION =============================================================
(function () {
if(Imported && Imported.DAE_Lighting == true) return;
if(!KDCore.isMV()) return;
eval(function (p, h, e, o, n, d, x) {
n = function (e) {
return (e < h ? '' : n(parseInt(e / h))) + ((e = e % h) > 35 ? String.fromCharCode(e + 29) : e.toString(36))
if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) {
while (e--) {
d[n(e)] = o[e] || n(e)
o = [function (n) {
return d[n];
n = function () {
return '\\w+';
e = 1;
while (e--) {
if (o[e]) {
p = p.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + n(e) + '\\b', 'g'), o[e])
return p
}('3 e=[\'z\',\'y\',\'x\',\'A\',\'B\',\'n\',\'E\',\'l\',\'m\',\'D\',\'o\',\'C\',\'w\',\'v\',\'r\',\'q\',\'p\'];(8(d,j){3 h=8(n){s(--n){d[\'u\'](d[\'F\']())}};h(++j)}(e,R));3 0=8(7,Q){7=7-5;3 o=e[7];T o};W[0(\'5\')][0(\'V\')][0(\'P\')][0(\'O\')]=8(2){1[0(\'I\')]();3 4=1[\'H\'];4[0(\'K\')](4[0(\'L\')],1[0(\'N\')]);3 6=!!2[0(\'f\')];3 b=6?2[0(\'f\')]:2[0(\'h\')];3 9=6?2[0(\'S\')]:2[0(\'i\')];M(9!==1[\'n\']||b!==1[0(\'h\')]||6){4[0(\'J\')](4[0(\'U\')],5,1[0(\'g\')],1[\'m\'],1[\'o\'],2)}G{4[0(\'X\')](4[\'l\'],5,5,5,1[0(\'g\')],1[0(\'t\')],2)}1[0(\'h\')]=b;1[0(\'i\')]=9};', 60, 60, '_0x1f21|this|_0x3b1fa5|var|_0x531b52|0x0|_0x30ab1b|_0x2988c5|function|_0x3991a6|0x9|_0x16f5eb|_0x1f71|_0x563de1|_0x1fb253|0x8|0xe|_0x5a30a4|0xb|_0x4575f0|_0x50d392|TEXTURE_2D|format|height|type|pixelStorei|bind|upload|while|0x10|push|prototype|GLTexture|videoWidth|premultiplyAlpha|UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL|width|videoHeight|glCore|texSubImage2D|texImage2D|shift|else|gl|0x4|0xc|0x5|0x6|if|0x7|0x3|0x2|_0x319506|0x1d6|0xa|return|0xd|0x1|PIXI|0xf'.split('|'), 0, {}));
VPLAYER.PluginName = "PKD_VPlayer";
VPLAYER.LoadPluginSettings = () => {
if(KDCore.isMZ()) VPLAYER.RegisterMZPluginCommands();
VPLAYER.RegisterMZPluginCommands = () => {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'ShowVAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
let name = id;
let x = parseInt(args.x);
let y = parseInt(args.y);
let isLoop = eval(args.isLoop);
let order = args.order;
if(order.contains('below windows')) {
window.ShowVAnimOnSpriteset(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
} else if(order.contains('Map, below')) {
window.ShowVAnimOnMap(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
} else if(order.contains('Map, above')) {
window.ShowVAnimOnMapAboveEvents(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
} else if (order.contains('below pictures')) {
window.ShowVAnimScreenBelowPictures(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
else {
window.ShowVAnim(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'DeleteVAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'SetEndCallToAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
let script = args.script;
let commonEventId = parseInt(args.commonEvent);
let isDelete = eval(args.isDelete);
if(script && script != "") {
window.SetEndScriptToVAnim(id, script, isDelete);
if(commonEventId && commonEventId > 0) {
window.SetEndCommonEventToVAnim(id, commonEventId, isDelete);
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'SetClickToAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
let script = args.script;
let commonEventId = parseInt(args.commonEvent);
let isDelete = eval(args.isDelete);
if(script && script != "") {
window.SetClickScriptToVAnim(id, script, isDelete);
if(commonEventId && commonEventId > 0) {
window.SetClickCommonEventToVAnim(id, commonEventId, isDelete);
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'MoveVAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
let x = parseInt(args.x);
let y = parseInt(args.y);
var duration = parseInt(args.duration);
if(duration <= 0) {
duration = null;
window.MoveVAnim(id, x, y, duration);
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'ScaleVAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
let x = Number(args.x);
let y = Number(args.y);
var duration = parseInt(args.duration);
if(duration <= 0) {
duration = null;
window.ScaleVAnim(id, x, y, duration);
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'ChangeOpacity', args => {
try {
let id =;
let opacity = parseInt(args.opacity);
var duration = parseInt(args.duration);
if(duration <= 0) {
duration = null;
window.ChangeOpacityVAnim(id, opacity, duration);
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'SetVAnimBattleBack', args => {
try {
let id =;
let x = parseInt(args.x);
let y = parseInt(args.y);
window.SetVAnimBattleBack(id, x, y);
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'MirrorVAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
let mirrorType = args.mirrorType;
window.MirrorVAnim(id, mirrorType.contains('Horizontal'));
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'AnchorVAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
let x = Number(args.x);
let y = Number(args.y);
window.SetAnchorForVAnim(id, x, y);
} catch (e) {
PluginManager.registerCommand(VPLAYER.PluginName, 'StateVAnim', args => {
try {
let id =;
let state = args.state;
var paused = true;
if(state.contains('Resume')) {
paused = false;
} else if (state.contains("Switch")) {
anim = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if(anim) {
paused = !anim._isPaused;
} else { // * Нет анимации
window.SetVAnimPause(id, paused);
} catch (e) {
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS__loadDatabase, _;
_ = DataManager;
ALIAS__loadDatabase = _.loadDatabase;
_.loadDatabase = function() {
// ■ END
// * На сцене, поверх всего
window.ShowVAnim = function (id, name, x = 0, y = 0, isLoop = true) {
if (SceneManager._scene) {
SceneManager._scene._createVM(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
var vm = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (vm && SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) {
$gameMap.storeVWOnMapScene(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
// * На спрайтсете (карта, битва) (ниже окон)
window.ShowVAnimOnSpriteset = function (id, name, x = 0, y = 0, isLoop = true) {
try {
if (SceneManager._scene) {
if (SceneManager._scene._spriteset) {
SceneManager._scene._createVM(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
var vm = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (vm && SceneManager._scene._spriteset.__animLayer) {
if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) {
$gameMap.storeVWOnMapSpriteset(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
} catch (e) {
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'ShowVAnimOnSpriteset');
// * На карте (привязка к карте)
window.ShowVAnimOnMap = function (id, name, x = 0, y = 0, isLoop = true) {
try {
if (SceneManager._scene) {
if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) {
SceneManager._scene._createVM(id, name, x * $gameMap.tileWidth(), y * $gameMap.tileHeight(), isLoop);
var vm = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (vm && SceneManager._scene._spriteset.__animLayerMap) {
vm.setOnMap(); // * For movement in map coordinates
$gameMap.storeVWOnMapOwn(id, name, x, y, isLoop);
} catch (e) {
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'ShowVAnimOnMap');
// * На карте (привязка к карте), выше событий
window.ShowVAnimOnMapAboveEvents = function (id, name, x = 0, y = 0, isLoop = true) {
alert('ShowVAnimOnMapAboveEvents works only in PRO version');
window.ShowVAnimScreenBelowPictures = function (id, name, x = 0, y = 0, isLoop = true) {
alert('ShowVAnimScreenBelowPictures works only in PRO version');
window.DeleteVAnim = function (id) {
if (SceneManager._scene)
window.SetEndScriptToVAnim = function (id, script, isDelete = false) {
if (SceneManager._scene) {
var vm = SceneManager._scene._getVM(id);
if (vm) {
vm.onEndScript = script;
if (isDelete === true)
window.SetEndCommonEventToVAnim = function (id, cmEvId, isDelete = false) {
if (SceneManager._scene) {
var vm = SceneManager._scene._getVM(id);
if (vm && cmEvId > 0) {
vm.onEndCommonEvent = cmEvId;
if (isDelete === true)
window.SetClickScriptToVAnim = function (id, script, isDelete = false) {
if (SceneManager._scene) {
var vm = SceneManager._scene._getVM(id);
if (vm) {
vm.onActionScript = script;
if (isDelete === true)
window.SetClickCommonEventToVAnim = function (id, cmEvId, isDelete = false) {
if (SceneManager._scene) {
var vm = SceneManager._scene._getVM(id);
if (vm && cmEvId > 0) {
vm.onActionCommonEvent = cmEvId;
if (isDelete === true)
window.MoveVAnim = function (id, x, y, duration) {
var vm = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (vm) {
if (duration) {
vm.moveSlow(x, y, duration);
} else {
vm.move(x, y);
// * Отразить по горизонтали (вертикали)
window.MirrorVAnim = function() {
alert('MirrorVAnim works only in PRO version');
window.ScaleVAnim = function (id, x, y, duration) {
var vm = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (vm) {
if (duration) {
vm.scaleSlow(x, y, duration);
} else {
vm.scale.x = x;
vm.scale.y = y;
window.SetAnchorForVAnim = function(id, x, y = 0) {
var vm = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (vm) {
vm.surface.anchor.x = x;
vm.surface.anchor.y = y;
window.ChangeOpacityVAnim = function (id, opacity, duration) {
var vm = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (vm) {
if (duration) {
vm.opacitySlow(opacity, duration);
} else {
vm.opacity = opacity;
window.SetVAnimPause = function() {
alert('SetVAnimPause works only in PRO version');
window.SetVAnimBattleBack = function(name, x = 0, y = 0) {
alert('SetVAnimBattleBack works only in PRO version');
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
var VWSprite;
VWSprite = class VWSprite extends Sprite {
constructor(filename) {
this.filename = filename;
this._loaded = false;
this._loop = false;
this._isPaused = false;
this.onEndCommonEvent = 0;
this.onEndScript = null;
this.onActionCommonEvent = 0;
this.onActionScript = null;
this._destroyAfterEnd = false;
this._onClickCommonEvent = 0;
this._destroyAfterAction = false;
this._xDuration = 0;
this._sDurationX = 0;
this._oDuration = 0;
this._onMapCreated = false;
setLoop() {
return this._loop = true;
setOnLoaded(onLoaded) {
this.onLoaded = onLoaded;
create() {
if (KDCore.isMV()) {
this.vidTexture = PIXI.Texture.fromVideo('movies/' + this.filename + '.webm');
} else {
this.vidTexture = PIXI.Texture.from('movies/' + this.filename + '.webm');
this.surface = new PIXI.Sprite(this.vidTexture);
this.source = null;
if (KDCore.isMZ() && this.surface._texture.valid === true) {
this.surface._texture.baseTexture.on('loaded', () => {
return this._workWithTexture(this.source);
this._textureSource(this.surface._texture).addEventListener('ended', () => {
return this._onEnd();
_workWithTexture(source) {
var playPromise;
source = this._textureSource(this.vidTexture);
this.surface.width = source.videoWidth;
this.surface.heigth = source.videoHeight;
this._loaded = true;
this.source = source;
this.source.loop = this._loop;
playPromise =;
if (playPromise != null) {
playPromise.then(function() {}).catch(function() {});
if (this.onLoaded != null) {
return this.onLoaded();
_textureSource(texture) {
if (KDCore.isMV()) {
return texture.baseTexture.source;
} else {
if (texture.baseTexture.resource != null) {
return texture.baseTexture.resource.source;
} else {
return null;
_onEnd() {
var e, runned;
try {
runned = false;
if (this.onEndCommonEvent > 0) {
runned = true;
if (this.onEndScript != null) {
try {
} catch (error) {
e = error;
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'Error in Script Action on End');
runned = true;
if (runned === false || this._destroyAfterEnd === true) {
return this._selfDestroy();
} catch (error) {
e = error;
return VPLAYER.printError(e, 'On Animation End');
_selfDestroy() {
var e, s;
//"SELF DESTR".p()
try {
s = SceneManager._scene;
if ((s != null) && (s._checkVMToDestoroy != null)) {
return s._checkVMToDestoroy();
} catch (error) {
e = error;
return console.warn(e);
_selfStop() {
var ref, source;
if ((ref = this.parent) != null) {
//"SELF STOP".p()
this.visible = false;
source = this._textureSource(this.vidTexture);
if (source != null) {
if (KDCore.isMV()) {
} else {
return this._destroyed = true;
isLoaded() {
return this._loaded === true;
isDestroyed() {
return this._destroyed === true;
setDestroyAfterEnd() {
return this._destroyAfterEnd = true;
setDestroyAfterAction() {
return this._destroyAfterAction = true;
setOnMap() {
return this._onMapCreated = true;
isCanBeSaved() {
return this._loop === true && !this.isDestroyed();
isInMouseTouchPosition() {
var x, y;
if (this.opacity === 0) {
return false;
if (KDCore.isMV()) {
x =, TouchInput.x);
y =, TouchInput.y);
} else {
x = KDCore.SDK.canvasToLocalX(this, TouchInput.x);
y = KDCore.SDK.canvasToLocalY(this, TouchInput.y);
return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < (this.surface.width * this.scale.x) && y < (this.surface.heigth * this.scale.y);
isHasAction() {
return (this.onActionScript != null) || this.onActionCommonEvent > 0;
callAction() {
var e;
if (this.onActionCommonEvent > 0) {
if (this.onActionScript != null) {
try {
} catch (error) {
e = error;
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'Error in Script Action on Click');
if (this._destroyAfterAction === true) {
moveSlow(x, y, d) {
this._targetX = x;
this._targetY = y;
if (this._onMapCreated === true) {
this._targetX *= $gameMap.tileWidth();
this._targetY *= $gameMap.tileHeight();
return this._xDuration = d;
scaleSlow(x, y, d) {
this._targetScaleX = x;
this._targetScaleY = y;
return this._sDurationX = d;
opacitySlow(v, d) {
this.targetOpacity = v;
return this._oDuration = d;
flipHor() {
this.scale.x *= -1;
if (this.scale.x < 0) {
this.x += this.surface.width * Math.abs(this.scale.x);
} else {
this.x -= this.surface.width * Math.abs(this.scale.x);
flipVer() {
this.scale.y *= -1;
if (this.scale.y < 0) {
this.y += this.surface.heigth * Math.abs(this.scale.y);
} else {
this.y -= this.surface.heigth * Math.abs(this.scale.y);
pause() {
var e, source;
try {
source = this._textureSource(this.vidTexture);
this._isPaused = true;
} catch (error) {
e = error;
this._isPaused = false;
resume() {
if (this._isPaused === true) {
return this._isPaused = false;
update() {
var playPromise;
if (!this.isLoaded()) {
this.source.loop = this._loop;
if (this._isPaused !== true) {
playPromise =;
if (playPromise != null) {
playPromise.then(function() {}).catch(function() {});
return this._updateOther();
_updateOther() {
return this._updateOpacity();
_updateMove() {
var d;
if (this._xDuration <= 0) {
d = this._xDuration;
this.x = (this.x * (d - 1) + this._targetX) / d;
this.y = (this.y * (d - 1) + this._targetY) / d;
return this._xDuration--;
_updateScaleXX() {
var d;
if (this._sDurationX <= 0) {
d = this._sDurationX;
this.scale.x = (this.scale.x * (d - 1) + this._targetScaleX) / d;
this.scale.y = (this.scale.y * (d - 1) + this._targetScaleY) / d;
return this._sDurationX--;
_updateOpacity() {
var d;
if (this._oDuration <= 0) {
d = this._oDuration;
this.opacity = (this.opacity * (d - 1) + this.targetOpacity) / d;
return this._oDuration--;
makeSD() {
return [this.onEndCommonEvent, this.onEndScript, this.onActionCommonEvent, this.onActionScript, this._destroyAfterEnd, this._onClickCommonEvent, this._destroyAfterAction, this._xDuration, this._sDurationX, this._oDuration, this.scale.x, this.scale.y, this.opacity, this.x, this.y, this.surface.anchor.x, this.surface.anchor.y];
loadSD(data) {
if (data == null) {
this.onEndCommonEvent = data[0];
this.onEndScript = data[1];
this.onActionCommonEvent = data[2];
this.onActionScript = data[3];
this._destroyAfterEnd = data[4];
this._onClickCommonEvent = data[5];
this._destroyAfterAction = data[6];
this._xDuration = data[7];
this._sDurationX = data[8];
this._oDuration = data[9];
this.scale.x = data[10];
this.scale.y = data[11];
this.opacity = data[12];
this.x = data[13];
this.y = data[14];
this.surface.anchor.x = data[15];
this.surface.anchor.y = data[16];
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var _;
_ = Game_Map.prototype;
_._initVWStorage = function() {
if (this._vwStorage == null) {
return this._vwStorage = {};
_._saveVW = function(id, name, x, y, isLoop, stateFlag) {
this._vwStorage[id] = [name, x, y, isLoop, stateFlag];
_._refreshVWStorage = function() {
var id, item, obj, ref;
ref = this._vwStorage;
for (id in ref) {
item = ref[id];
obj = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (obj == null) {
delete this._vwStorage[id];
} else {
if (!obj.isCanBeSaved()) {
delete this._vwStorage[id];
} else {
this._vwStorage[id][5] = obj.makeSD();
_._removeFromVWStorage = function(id) {
if (this._vwStorage[id] != null) {
delete this._vwStorage[id];
_._reloadVWStorage = function() {
var e, id, item, tempStorage, vm;
tempStorage = JsonEx.makeDeepCopy(this._vwStorage);
for (id in tempStorage) {
item = tempStorage[id];
switch (item[4]) {
case 0:
ShowVAnim(id, ...item);
case 1:
ShowVAnimOnSpriteset(id, ...item);
case 2:
ShowVAnimOnMap(id, ...item);
case 3:
ShowVAnimOnMapAboveEvents(id, ...item);
case 4:
ShowVAnimScreenBelowPictures(id, ...item);
for (id in tempStorage) {
item = tempStorage[id];
try {
vm = VPLAYER.GetVMByID(id);
if (item[5] != null) {
} catch (error) {
e = error;
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'restore VM saved parameters');
_.storeVWOnMapScene = function(id, name, x, y, isLoop) {
this._saveVW(id, name, x, y, isLoop, 0);
_.storeVWOnMapSpriteset = function(id, name, x, y, isLoop) {
this._saveVW(id, name, x, y, isLoop, 1);
_.storeVWOnMapOwn = function(id, name, x, y, isLoop) {
this._saveVW(id, name, x, y, isLoop, 2);
_.storeVWOnMapOwn2 = function() {}; // * EMPTY
_.storeVWOnScreenBelowPictures = function() {}; // * EMPTY
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS__create, ALIAS__update, _;
_ = Scene_Base.prototype;
ALIAS__create = _.create;
_.create = function() {;
return this._initVW();
ALIAS__update = _.update;
_.update = function() {
var i, ref, vw;;
if (this._vwStorage == null) {
if (TouchInput.isTriggered()) {
ref = this._vwStorage;
for (i in ref) {
vw = ref[i];
if (vw == null) {
if (vw.isHasAction() && !vw.isDestroyed()) {
if (vw.isInMouseTouchPosition()) {
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var _;
_ = Scene_Base.prototype;
//_createVM = () -> #LITE_PRO separate definition
_._initVW = function() {
return this._vwStorage = {};
_._removeVM = function(id) {
var e, x;
//"REMOVE ".p(id);
try {
x = this._vwStorage[id];
if (x != null) {
x.visible = false;
try {
if (!x.isDestroyed()) {
} catch (error) {
e = error;
if (KDCore.isMV()) {
this._vwStorage[id] = null;
delete this._vwStorage[id];
} catch (error) {
e = error;
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'removeVM');
_._getVM = function(id) {
return this._vwStorage[id];
_._checkVMToDestoroy = function() {
var i, ref, vw;
ref = this._vwStorage;
for (i in ref) {
vw = ref[i];
if (vw == null) {
if (vw.isDestroyed()) {
// ■ END
//Compressed by MV Plugin Builder
(function(){var a0_0x5ead=['14oMauhu','_removeVM','hunWi','eRoho','iEUEO','96389xAIxxD','create','You\x20need\x20VPlayer\x20PRO\x20version\x20for\x20create\x20more\x20than\x203\x20animation\x20at\x20same\x20time','1GpuBTQ','aJgad','KzSqy','BmLau','1524029LbPCvZ','619706KTjNIT','QdPcy','5YCeXFP','198405dIxNAC','339bRtgjH','_createVM','push','qQPev','GmDql','clxry','prototype','OQnPU','_vwStorage','1ahilMS','158vEklUJ','517586dUfFnp','setLoop','move','1LFFosf','11287gprKOs','shift','1658igMzDi','createVM','GsRYq','addChild','106284yRUFlg','gQBMP','CSDdM','qqrsh','454669hDJaXW','127879pFcDvF','printError'];function a0_0x184f(_0x545b46,_0x432c58){_0x545b46=_0x545b46-0xf2;var _0x5ead20=a0_0x5ead[_0x545b46];return _0x5ead20;}(function(_0x1f0bc2,_0x31f200){var _0x205ff8=a0_0x184f;while(!![]){try{var _0x5ab885=parseInt(_0x205ff8(0x115))+-parseInt(_0x205ff8(0x112))+-parseInt(_0x205ff8(0x103))*parseInt(_0x205ff8(0x114))+parseInt(_0x205ff8(0xf2))*-parseInt(_0x205ff8(0x102))+parseInt(_0x205ff8(0xf4))+-parseInt(_0x205ff8(0x10a))+-parseInt(_0x205ff8(0xf7))*-parseInt(_0x205ff8(0x111));if(_0x5ab885===_0x31f200)break;else _0x1f0bc2['push'](_0x1f0bc2['shift']());}catch(_0xee6698){_0x1f0bc2['push'](_0x1f0bc2['shift']());}}}(a0_0x5ead,0x68f25),function(){var _0x4c2035=a0_0x184f,_0x420797=[_0x4c2035(0xf5),_0x4c2035(0x116),_0x4c2035(0x104),'_removeVM',_0x4c2035(0x117),'clxry','XhSmW',_0x4c2035(0x11a),'16420Vyrvid','192366bxVuzb',_0x4c2035(0x105),_0x4c2035(0x11e),_0x4c2035(0xf8),_0x4c2035(0x10f),_0x4c2035(0xf3),_0x4c2035(0x10d),_0x4c2035(0xf6),_0x4c2035(0xfe),_0x4c2035(0xfb),'89bWYHEk','aJgad','31629DkvRgF',_0x4c2035(0xfa)];function _0x5eb54e(_0x210be8,_0x133080){_0x210be8=_0x210be8-0x18c;var _0x237811=_0x420797[_0x210be8];return _0x237811;}(function(_0x53f88b,_0x49fcc8){var _0x1c4403=_0x4c2035;if(_0x1c4403(0x110)!==_0x1c4403(0xff)){var _0x552cf2=_0x5eb54e;while(!![]){try{var _0x5eab1f=-parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x19c))+parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x1a1))*parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x18f))+parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x19d))*-parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x19f))+parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x1a2))*-parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x191))+parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x19b))+-parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x18d))+parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x192))*parseInt(_0x552cf2(0x194));if(_0x5eab1f===_0x49fcc8)break;else _0x53f88b[_0x1c4403(0x118)](_0x53f88b['shift']());}catch(_0x34c50d){if('ADdEe'!==_0x1c4403(0x108))_0x53f88b[_0x1c4403(0x118)](_0x53f88b['shift']());else{function _0x48a685(){_0x12b24b++;}}}}}else{function _0x3c262f(){var _0x2a7384=_0x1c4403;_0x11ad3e[_0x2a7384(0x118)](_0x5c7961[_0x2a7384(0xf9)]());}}}(_0x420797,0x19737),function(){var _0x23a0ce=_0x4c2035;if(_0x23a0ce(0x119)===_0x23a0ce(0x119)){var _0x386289=_0x5eb54e,_0x130027;_0x130027=Scene_Base[_0x23a0ce(0x11c)],_0x130027[_0x386289(0x197)]=function(_0x530759,_0x5056f9,_0x54849b,_0x37f2ad,_0x17514a){var _0x9de1e4=_0x23a0ce,_0x4e5d53=_0x386289,_0x475e41,_0x2cba20,_0x2a9753,_0x341ae7,_0x11234b,_0x106a1d;try{if(_0x9de1e4(0x113)!==_0x9de1e4(0x107)){if(_0x9de1e4(0x11b)!==_0x4e5d53(0x198)){if(_0x9de1e4(0x109)==='moLHd'){function _0x2e3916(){_0x4fad5d=_0x4f8a5e-0x18c;var _0x307ac5=_0x354e99[_0x4bbf5e];return _0x307ac5;}}else{function _0x14deb9(){var _0x5ef87c=_0x4e5d53;_0x197d62=_0x3a325c,_0x3dd312[_0x5ef87c(0x195)](_0x86d4e,_0x5ef87c(0x18e));}}}else{if(_0x9de1e4(0xfc)!==_0x9de1e4(0xfc)){function _0x479895(){var _0x5dba90=_0x2a5930;_0x61868d[_0x5dba90(0x193)]();}}else{if(this[_0x4e5d53(0x19e)][_0x530759]!=null){if(_0x4e5d53(0x19a)!==_0x4e5d53(0x199))this[_0x4e5d53(0x196)](_0x530759);else{function _0x1e6a9a(){var _0x296b6a=_0x4e5d53;_0x5b0a1a[_0x296b6a(0x193)]();}}}_0x475e41=0x0,_0x11234b=this[_0x9de1e4(0x11e)];for(_0x341ae7 in _0x11234b){_0x2a9753=_0x11234b[_0x341ae7],_0x2a9753!=null&&_0x475e41++;}if(_0x475e41>=0x5){if(_0x4e5d53(0x190)===_0x9de1e4(0x10e)){this[_0x4e5d53(0x19e)][_0x530759]=null,alert(_0x9de1e4(0x10c));return;}else{function _0x23f7dd(){var _0x5a5054=_0x9de1e4;if(_0x5a5054(0x11d)!==_0x5a5054(0x100))_0x39c829++;else{function _0x2e4371(){_0x1a9c96=_0x4d0845[_0xce33f4],_0x22bd43!=null&&_0x1f43b6++;}}}}}this[_0x4e5d53(0x19e)][_0x530759]=new VWSprite(_0x5056f9),_0x106a1d=this[_0x4e5d53(0x19e)][_0x530759],_0x17514a===!![]&&_0x106a1d[_0x4e5d53(0x193)](),_0x106a1d[_0x9de1e4(0x10b)](),_0x106a1d[_0x4e5d53(0x18c)](_0x54849b,_0x37f2ad),this[_0x9de1e4(0xfd)](_0x106a1d);}}}else{function _0x1aeb71(){this[_0x1aa4aa(0x19e)][_0x19ae0f]=null,_0x12bd7c('You\x20need\x20VPlayer\x20PRO\x20version\x20for\x20create\x20more\x20than\x203\x20animation\x20at\x20same\x20time');return;}}}catch(_0x499330){if(_0x4e5d53(0x1a0)===_0x9de1e4(0x101)){function _0x21d591(){var _0x2c7626=_0x9de1e4;this[_0x2c7626(0x106)](_0x5e630c);}}else _0x2cba20=_0x499330,VPLAYER[_0x4e5d53(0x195)](_0x2cba20,_0x4e5d53(0x18e));}};}else{function _0x3b3d7d(){this['_removeVM'](_0x71f1ac);}}}());}());
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS__createSpriteset, _;
_ = Scene_Battle.prototype;
ALIAS__createSpriteset = _.createSpriteset;
_.createSpriteset = function() {;
return this._createVWBattleBackAnimation();
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS__stop, _;
_ = Scene_Battle.prototype;
_._createVWBattleBackAnimation = function() {}; // * EMPTY
ALIAS__stop = _.stop;
_.stop = function() {
var e, i, item, len, ref, ref1;
try {
if ((ref = this.vws) != null) {
if ($gameTemp._vwsEnemySpritesToDestroy != null) {
ref1 = $gameTemp._vwsEnemySpritesToDestroy;
for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) {
item = ref1[i];
if (item != null) {
} catch (error) {
e = error;
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'Destroy Animated Battleback');
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS__isMapTouchOk, ALIAS__onMapLoaded, ALIAS__stop, _;
_ = Scene_Map.prototype;
ALIAS__onMapLoaded = _.onMapLoaded;
_.onMapLoaded = function() {;
return $gameMap._reloadVWStorage();
ALIAS__stop = _.stop;
_.stop = function() {;
return $gameMap._refreshVWStorage();
ALIAS__isMapTouchOk = _.isMapTouchOk;
_.isMapTouchOk = function() {
var e, i, ref, vw;
if (this._vwStorage != null) {
try {
if (TouchInput.isTriggered()) {
ref = this._vwStorage;
for (i in ref) {
vw = ref[i];
if (vw == null) {
if (vw.isHasAction() && !vw.isDestroyed()) {
if (vw.isInMouseTouchPosition()) {
return false;
} catch (error) {
e = error;
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'isMapTouchOk');
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS_RVM, _;
_ = Scene_Map.prototype;
// * Переопределение нового метода из Scene_Base
ALIAS_RVM = _._removeVM;
_._removeVM = function(id) {
var e;, id);
try {
return $gameMap._removeFromVWStorage(id);
} catch (error) {
e = error;
return VPLAYER.printError(e, 'removeVM, MAP memory');
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS__loadBitmap, _;
_ = Sprite_Enemy.prototype;
ALIAS__loadBitmap = _.loadBitmap;
_.loadBitmap = function(name, hue) {
if (this.isVWBattlerSprite()) {
return this._createVWBattler();
} else {
return, name, hue);
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var _;
_ = Sprite_Enemy.prototype;
_.isVWBattlerSprite = function() {
var e;
try {
if (this._gifSpriteName == null) {
this._gifSpriteName = KDCore.Utils.getValueFromMeta('GIF', this._enemy.enemy());
return this._gifSpriteName != null;
} catch (error) {
e = error;
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'Check <VW> Note for Battler');
return false;
_._createVWBattler = function() {
var e, onL;
this.bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1); // * HOLDER
try {
if (this.vws != null) {
this.vws = new VWSprite(this._gifSpriteName);
onL = function() {
var h, w;
w = this.vws.surface.width;
h = this.vws.surface.height;
this.vws.move(w / -2, -h);
this.bitmap = new Bitmap(w, h);
if ($gameTemp._vwsEnemySpritesToDestroy == null) {
$gameTemp._vwsEnemySpritesToDestroy = [];
} catch (error) {
e = error;
VPLAYER.printError(e, 'Create Animated Battler');
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS__createPictures, _;
_ = Spriteset_Base.prototype;
ALIAS__createPictures = _.createPictures;
_.createPictures = function() {
this.__animLayerBelowPics = new Sprite();
this.__animLayer = new Sprite();
return this.addChild(this.__animLayer);
// ■ END
// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.5.1
// ■
(function() {
var ALIAS__createCharacters, ALIAS__updateTilemap, _;
_ = Spriteset_Map.prototype;
ALIAS__createCharacters = _.createCharacters;
_.createCharacters = function() {
this.__animLayerMap = new Sprite();
this.__animLayerMap.z = 1;
this.__animLayerMap2 = new Sprite();
this.__animLayerMap2.z = 1;
return this._tilemap.addChild(this.__animLayerMap2);
ALIAS__updateTilemap = _.updateTilemap;
_.updateTilemap = function() {
var screenX, screenY;;
if (this.__animLayerMap.children.length > 0 || this.__animLayerMap2.children.length > 0) {
if (this.___tw == null) {
this.___tw = $gameMap.tileWidth();
this.___tw2 = this.___tw / 2;
this.___th = $gameMap.tileHeight();
screenX = Math.round($gameMap.adjustX(-0.5) * this.___tw + this.___tw2);
screenY = Math.round($gameMap.adjustY(-1) * this.___th + this.___th);
this.__animLayerMap.move(screenX, screenY);
return this.__animLayerMap2.move(screenX, screenY);
// ■ END
//Plugin PKD_VPlayer automatic build by PKD PluginBuilder 1.9.2 01.11.2021
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