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Created March 18, 2024 09:49
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Questions / Problems for Decidim::Geo
  • Problem: Don't know how to build task 'decidim-geo:install:migrations'
    • Current Solution: Needed to run: rails decidim_geo:install:migrations instead of rails decidim-geo:install:migrations from the docs
  • Question: Also, what is rails decidim_geo:webpacker:install and do I need to run it? (Not in the docs)
  • Problem: config/initializers/decidim_geocoder.rb:
    config.maps = {
      api_key: Rails.application.secrets.maps[:api_key]
    • Current Solution: Change line 6 to: api_key: ENV['OPEN_STREETMAP_API_KEY'] || Rails.application.secrets.maps[:api_key], and supply the API key per env variable, since we don't use rails secrets.
  • Problem: Deface::DSL does not know how to read '/code/pz/ruby-ops/projects/source/decidim/stzh/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.0.0/bundler/gems/decidim-module-geo-24fd33476e72/app/overrides/layouts/decidim/_assembly_header.html.erb/insert_map.override.erb.deface'. Override files should end with just .deface, .html.erb.deface, .html.haml.deface or .html.slim.deface (RuntimeError)
    • Current Solution: Delete superfluous Deface override file: app/overrides/layouts/decidim/_assembly_header.html.erb/insert_map.override.erb.deface
  • Problem: undefined method `root_path' for #Module:0x000063743b0bd020
    • Current Solution: engine.rb:
      routes do
        root to: "shapefile#index"
  • Problem: uninitialized constant Decidim::Geo::Admin::Rectify && Rectify::Command
    • Current Solution: Gemfile: gem 'rectify', '~> 0.13.0'
  • Problem: Admin → Geo
    No route matches [GET]
    • Currently no Solution
  • Problem: Component → Add Shapefile
    User excluded error:
    #<ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches [GET]
    • Currently no Solution
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froger commented Mar 25, 2024

Hi, after the call of today, we wrote the issues in the milestone 0.2.1 here:

These issues will help you to have a faster installation process.

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