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Created March 25, 2024 23:47
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Tidy Data Identification Exercises
2024-03-25 Mon
You pry back the wooden boards covering the windows of an old,
vine-encrusted victorian home, and pull your tired and sodden body
through the narrow window, thankful for a short respite from the
torrential rain. Lifting yourself from the floor, your eyes slowly
adjust to the room: so long has it gone without sunlight that darkness
seems to have seeped into the very walls of the room. Fortunately for
you, however, the house seems long abandoned.
You begin to make camp for the night, risking a small fire in the
fireplace to warm your bones and dry your clothes. Too restless for
sleep, you pluck a mostly unburnt candle from a nearby candelabra, pass
it briefly through the fire to collect a flame, and begin to explore the
1 Room 1
The room immediately to the right of the living room is circular and
without any furniture to grace the creaking floorboards. You turn your
attention upwards and note that the room extends - somewhat impossibly
- upwards beyond the length of your candlelight. Furthermore, the wall
is covered with portraits, not all of which are human nor any kind of
animal you can discern: beastly things with talons and eyes that seem
to glimmer. In fact, upon closer inspection you see the eyes glimmer
because each eye in every portrait is a gemstone. You pluck out each
gem (aided by a sliding ladder which protests underfoot at each rung)
and record your spoils in a table:
title gem n
A Night Scene ruby 10
Reginald Foursight opal 4
Harry L. Christopher diamond 2
Lucy red beryl 74
Are these data tidy?
2 Room 2
Your plundering is cut short by the unexpected, rapid, and
catastrophic disassembly of the ladder. You feed the pieces to the
fire and amble to another room.
You're in luck - it's the larder, and you're starving. Despite the
house appearing to be abandoned for several centuries, all the food is
incredibly fresh. You find what appears to be an inventory list.
Despite its weathered appearance - indeed, most of it crumbled by your
touch - it seems to be up to date.
item amount
caviar 10 jars
bread 5 loaves
lettuce 3 heads
coffee 5 lbs
flour 10 lbs
brandy 2 liters
Are these data tidy?
3 Room 3
Having eaten a questionable but filling meal in the larder, you head
upstairs. In the hallway you find a brass telescope on a tripod.
Curiously, the feet of the tripod are screwed into the floor, but the
telescope can move freely on the mount. You determine the reason: on
the window, in unsteady black marker, regions are circled (and named)
such that when you peer through them with the telescope, you peer
directly into each of the neighboring home's windows. Your unease and
puzzlement is resolved when an young tabby hops into the region
encircled by 'skipper'. Indeed, taped on the wall is a small chart:
name age orange tuxedo hairless
rex 3 x
peridot 7 x
skipper 2 x
her majesty 10 x
Are these data tidy?
4 Room 4
Having made your acquaintance with each of the neighborhood cats
(giving - and sometimes receiving - a slow blink somewhat analogous to
a handshake), you make your way to the room at the end of the hallway,
taking a small detour only to steal some pillows from the bedroom
along the way.
You make your way into an office. A solid, ornately carved wooden desk
guards a plush leather chair. Atop the desk, papers still lay strewn,
as though the person who put them there expected to come back only
moments later. A fountain pen lay across the pages, ink having long
since dried from the pen.
After briefly flicking though the papers on the desk, you find it
includes doctors notes for several patients. You piece together some
data from the patients into a more cohesive table:
name dob treatment 1 date treatment 1 name treatment 2 date treatment 2 name
Dudley, Hanch 1000-12-40 2010-03-09 metalinoclax 2010-12-19 halibraethe
Truck, Mike 2004-10-10 2016-07-19 glibosimet NA
Dugnut, Bobson 1445-09-13 2018-09-03 NA NA
McDichael, Sleve 2007-01-13 2022-10-30 quxitomab 2024-01-13 halibraethe
Are these data tidy?
5 Room 5
You make your way back down to the fireplace, the air warm and admixed
with the crackle of firewood and a recently deceased ladder. As you
drift to sleep in a nest made of stolen bedding (steeling your mind
for tomorrow's journey), you wonder a final question:
If any of these data were not tidy, what would they look like tidy?
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