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Created September 22, 2017 00:56
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
func closestPermutation(forNumber number: Int) -> Int {
guard number.digits().sorted(by: <) != number.digits() else { return number }
var currentPurmutation = number
var lastN: Float = 2
while true {
for i in 1...Int(powf(2, lastN - 1)) {
var newPurmutation = currentPurmutation.digits()
newPurmutation.swapAt(number.digits().count - 1, number.digits().count - i)
currentPurmutation = newPurmutation.intFromDigits()!
if currentPurmutation < number {
return currentPurmutation
lastN += 1
extension Int {
func digits() -> [Int] {
return "\(self)".characters.flatMap({ (char) -> Int? in
return Int(String(char))
extension Array where Element == Int {
func intFromDigits() -> Int? {
let returnValue = flatMap({ number -> String in return String(number) }).reduce("", +)
return Int(returnValue)
closestPermutation(forNumber: 1234)
closestPermutation(forNumber: 1834)
closestPermutation(forNumber: 1842)
closestPermutation(forNumber: 2381)
closestPermutation(forNumber: 100)
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