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Created February 2, 2024 07:31
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WIP: Deploys contracts to deterministic addresses based on their names
import { ethers, artifacts, deployments, run, getNamedAccounts, network } from 'hardhat'
import { setCode, takeSnapshot, getStorageAt, setStorageAt } from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'
import { Contracts } from '@/utils'
import { Signer } from 'ethers'
import fs from 'fs'
This script deploys the contracts to hardhat/anvil chain such that their addresses can be derived from the keccak256 hash of their name.
NOTE: This is still a work in progress and just work for the Issuers contract for now.
NOTE: Only 'inplace' storage slots work correctly. While the location of 'mapping' storage slot are transferred, any values stored in them currently are not.
The script does the following:
1. Snapshot the empty chain state
2. Runs hardhat deploy
3. Stores each contract's deployed bytecode and storage layout
4. Stores each storage slot of the deployed contracts
5. Restores the snapshot
6. Writes the deployments bytecode of each contracts to their expected deterministic address
7. Writes each contracts' storage slots to match the post-deployment state
async function main() {
const deploymentAddress = ethers.utils.solidityKeccak256(['string'], [Contracts.issuers]).slice(0, 42)
console.log('deploymentAddress:', deploymentAddress)
const { owner, deployer, authorizer } = await getNamedAccounts()
const deployerSigner = (await ethers.getImpersonatedSigner(deployer)) as unknown as Signer
const snapshot = await takeSnapshot()
const IssuersFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(Contracts.issuers, deployerSigner)
// 1. Use artifacts
let storageLayout: any[]
const issuersArtifact = await artifacts.readArtifact(Contracts.issuers)
const buildInfos = await artifacts.getBuildInfoPaths()
buildInfos.forEach((source, idx) => {
const artifactBuffer: Buffer = fs.readFileSync(source)
let data = JSON.parse(artifactBuffer.toString())
let contractBuildOutput = data.output?.contracts?.[issuersArtifact.sourceName]?.[issuersArtifact.contractName]
if (contractBuildOutput) {
storageLayout = contractBuildOutput.storageLayout?.storage
if (!storageLayout) {
throw new Error('Storage layout not found')
// 2. Use dry-run deployment
const issuersDeployment = await IssuersFactory.deploy(owner, authorizer)
const deployedIssuers = await issuersDeployment.deployed()
const initialOwner = await deployedIssuers.owner()
let storageSnapshot = await Promise.all( => {
return getStorageAt(deployedIssuers.address, parseInt(storageSlot.slot)).then((slotValue) => {
return { slot: parseInt(storageSlot.slot), value: slotValue, label: storageSlot.label, type: storageSlot.type }
const issuersCode = await ethers.provider.getCode(deployedIssuers.address)
await setCode(deploymentAddress, issuersCode)
// 3. Reset snapshot
await snapshot.restore()
// 4. Copy code and storage to expected address
await setCode(deploymentAddress, issuersCode)
await Promise.all( => {
return setStorageAt(deploymentAddress, slot.slot, slot.value)
let issuers = IssuersFactory.attach(deploymentAddress)
console.log('owner: ', await issuers.owner())
console.log('original owner: ', initialOwner)
console.log('is a mathch: ', initialOwner === owner)
main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1
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