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Created May 15, 2022 13:49
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Private linking resources from inside an Azure VM to multiple regional networks
param (
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# determine resource Ids
switch ($GroupId) {
"blob" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
"configurationStores" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores"
"namespace" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces"
"registry" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries"
"sites" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites"
"Sql" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.AzureCosmosDB/databaseAccounts"
"sqlServer" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Sql/servers"
"table" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
"vault" {
$dnsZone = ""
$resourceType = "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults"
$resources = @()
az resource list --resource-type $resourceType -o json | ConvertFrom-Json | `
? { $ -match $ResourceNamePattern -and $_.resourceGroup -match $ResourceGroupNamePattern } | % {
$resources += @{id = $; name = $ }
if ($resources.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Error "No resources found matching the pattern"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# detect VM metadata
# see
$vmInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Metadata" = "true" } -Method GET -NoProxy -Uri ""
$nicId = az vm show --subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId --resource-group $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName --name $ --query networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].id --output tsv
$subnetId = az network nic show --ids $nicId --query ipConfigurations[0] --output tsv
$vnetInfo = $subnetId.split('/')[0..8]
$vnetId = [string]::Join("/", $vnetInfo)
Write-Host "NIC :" $nicId
Write-Host "VNET :" $vnetId
Write-Host "SUBNET :" $subnetId
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!$SkipDeletes) {
Write-Host "delete existing (VM's) virtual network links"
az network vnet peering list --vnet-name $vnetInfo[8] -g $vnetInfo[4] --subscription $vnetInfo[2] --output json | ConvertFrom-Json | % {
az network vnet peering delete --ids $_.Id
Write-Host "delete existing (VM's) private endpoint links"
az network private-endpoint list -g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName --subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId --output json | ConvertFrom-Json | % {
az network private-endpoint delete --ids $_.Id
Write-Host "delete existing (VM's) private DNS links"
if ($(az network private-dns zone list -g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName --subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId --query "[?name == '$dnsZone'].id" -o tsv)) {
az network private-dns link vnet list -g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName --subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId --zone-name $dnsZone -o json | ConvertFrom-Json | % {
if ($ -eq $vnetId) {
Write-Host "deleting link: $($"
az network private-dns link vnet delete -g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName --subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId --zone-name $dnsZone --name $ --yes
if (!$SkipCreate) {
Write-Host "create/check private DNS zone" $dnsZone "for group" $groupId
if (!$(az network private-dns zone list -g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName --subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId --query "[?name == '$dnsZone'].id" -o tsv)) {
az network private-dns zone create -g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName --subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId `
-n $dnsZone
Write-Host "create private DNS link"
az network private-dns link vnet create -g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName --subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId `
-n $("vnet-" + $groupId + "-dns-link") `
-z $dnsZone -v $vnetId -e false
Write-Host "private link resources"
foreach ($resource in $resources) {
Write-Host "link" $
$linkName = $GroupId + "-" + $ + "-" + $ + "-link"
$endpointName = $GroupId + "-" + $ + "-" + $ + "-pep"
$groupName = $GroupId + "-" + $ + "-" + $ + "-zonegroup"
az network private-endpoint create --connection-name $linkName `
--name $endpointName `
-g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName `
--subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId `
--private-connection-resource-id $ `
--group-id $GroupId `
--subnet $subnetId
az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group create `
-g $vmInfo.compute.resourceGroupName `
--subscription $vmInfo.compute.subscriptionId `
--endpoint-name $endpointName `
--name $groupName `
--private-dns-zone $dnsZone `
--zone-name $dnsZone
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