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Last active March 26, 2021 10:07
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# defines Azure VM JIT network access policies and uses own IP address to open up either SSH or RDP
# RegEx pattern to find your VM in your current subscription
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
# uses ZScaler IP information to determine outbound IP to be opened up
[switch]$AllowOffice = $false,
[switch]$AllowVpn = $false,
# fall-back to open up VM completely (NOT RECOMMENDED!)
[switch]$AllowAll = $false,
# show current requests
[switch]$ShowRequests = $false
# assumptions:
# - up-to-date Azure PowerShell module installed
# - additionally module Az.Security installed
# - logged in and correct Azure subscription already selected
$VMs = Get-AzVM | Where-Object { $_.Name -match $NamePattern }
if ($VMs) {
foreach ($vm in $VMs) {
Write-Host "VM:" $vm.Name
if ($vm.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration) {
$port = 3389
else {
$port = 22
# set access policy
$jitPolicy = (@{ id = $vm.Id; ports = (@{ number = $port; protocol = "*"; allowedSourceAddressPrefix = @("*"); maxRequestAccessDuration = "PT3H" }) })
$accessPolicy = Set-AzJitNetworkAccessPolicy -Kind "Basic" -Location $vm.Location -Name $vm.Name -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -VirtualMachine @($jitPolicy)
$endTimeUtc = [DateTime]::UtcNow.AddHours(3).ToString('o')
# start request
# - if working from Office or Vpn try to figure out Zscaler outbound IP for RDP/SSH (my IP address is not accurate in this scenario)
# - otherwise rely on my IP address
if ($AllowOffice -or $AllowVpn) {
if ($AllowOffice) {
$searchPattern = "(?<=Your request is arriving at this server from the IP address.*\>)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
else {
$searchPattern = "(?<=The request is being received by the Zscaler Proxy from the IP address.*\>)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
$zscalerContent = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "").Content.Split("`n")
$zscalerIpRange = $zscalerContent | Select-String -Pattern $searchPattern -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Value }
$myIp = @($zscalerIpRange + ".0/24")
elseif ($AllowAll) {
$myIp = @("*")
else {
$myIp = @((Invoke-RestMethod -Method get -Uri '').ip)
Write-Host "requesting access for IP" $myIp
$jitPolicyVm = (@{ id = $vm.Id; ports = (@{ number = $port; endTimeUtc = $endTimeUtc; allowedSourceAddressPrefix = $myIp }) })
$request = Start-AzJitNetworkAccessPolicy -ResourceId $accessPolicy.Id -VirtualMachine @($jitPolicyVm)
# show all requests for debugging
if ($ShowRequests) {
Get-AzJitNetworkAccessPolicy -ResourceGroupName $vm.ResourceGroupName -Name $vm.Name -Location $vm.Location | `
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Requests | `
Select-Object -ExpandProperty VirtualMachines | `
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Ports | `
? { $_.EndTimeUtc -gt $(Get-Date -AsUTC) }
# start VM to give request time to "settle"
$tsBefore = Get-Date
$vm | Start-AzVM
$tsAfter = Get-Date
$tsp = New-TimeSpan -Start $tsBefore -End $tsAfter
if ($tsp.Seconds -lt 90) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds $(90 - $tsp.Seconds)
# RDP connect for Windows / SSH for Linux
$ipConfig = Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceId $vm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[0].Id | Get-AzNetworkInterfaceIpConfig -ErrorAction Stop
if ($ipConfig.PublicIpAddress) {
$publicIp = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $ipConfig.PublicIpAddress.Id | Get-AzPublicIpAddress -ErrorAction Stop
if ($publicIp.IpAddress) {
if ($publicIp.DnsSettings.Fqdn) {
$address = $publicIp.DnsSettings.Fqdn
else {
$address = $publicIp.IpAddress
if ($vm.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration) {
# if RDP file (with saved settings) exists, use it
$rdpFileName = $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $($vm.Name + ".rdp"))
if (Test-Path $rdpFileName) {
& $rdpFileName
# otherwise mstsc / RDP
else {
& mstsc.exe /v:$address
else {
$connectionString = $vm.OSProfile.AdminUsername + "@" + $address
& ssh $connectionString
else {
Write-Error $("No public IP address information for " + $vm.Name)
else {
Write-Error $("No public IP address for " + $vm.Name)
else {
Write-Error $("no VM with name pattern " + $NamePattern + " found!")
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