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Created September 18, 2021 18:03
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Save Kaidja/2bc443ce5fe674103b174d7e0168914b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
time="2021-09-18T21:01:35+03:00" level=info msg="Onboarding Machine. It usually takes a few minutes to complete. Sometimes it may take longer depending
on network and server load status."
time="2021-09-18T21:01:35+03:00" level=info msg="Check network connectivity to all endpoints..."
time="2021-09-18T21:01:36+03:00" level=info msg="All endpoints are available... continue onboarding"
time="2021-09-18T21:01:46+03:00" level=info msg="Successfully Onboarded Resource to Azure" VM Id=XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX
Get-AzConnectedMachine : The Resource 'Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/ SRV02' under resource group 'RG-PROD-IT-AZURE-ARC-WE' was not found. For more
details please go to
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ConnectedMachine\0.2.0\custom\Connect-AzConnectedMachine.ps1:250 char:9
+ Get-AzConnectedMachine -Name $Name -ResourceGroupName $Resour ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ SubscriptionI...02, Expand = }:<>f__AnonymousType2`4) [Get-AzConnectedMachine_Get], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ResourceNotFound,Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ConnectedMachine.Cmdlets.GetAzConnectedMachine_Get
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