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Last active July 30, 2019 12:13
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Pokémon Showdown Logs Scraper
# Instructions:
# - Save this as ps-logs-scraper.p6
# - Install Rakudo Star
# - Open up whatever terminal you use (cmd on Windows)
# - Enter "zef install Cro::HTTP JSON::Fast URI::Encode"
# - Change directory to wherever you saved this ("cd <directory>" on Windows)
# - Run perl6 ps-logs-scraper.p6 for usage instructions
# You will probably get a couple scary looking warnings beginning with
# "Trailing item in Hash.append" when running this script. Don't worry about this;
# this is due to Cro not being able to parse some of the cookies PS sets properly.
use v6.d;
use Cro::HTTP::Cookie;
use Cro::HTTP::Client;
use Cro::HTTP::Response;
use JSON::Fast;
use URI::Encode;
sub die(Str $message) {
note $message;
exit 1;
sub MAIN(
Str :$username!,
Str :$password!,
Str :$room!,
Str :$from!,
Str :$to!,
Str :$path = '.'
) {
my Cro::HTTP::Client $client .= new: :cookie-jar;
say 'Logging in...';
my Str $challstr = '4|' ~ (|'a'...'f', |'0'...'9').pick(256).join;
my Cro::HTTP::Response $response = await $
http => 1.1,
content-type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
body => %(:act<login>, :name($username), :pass($password), :$challstr);
my Str $data = await $response.body-text;
die $data unless $data.starts-with: ']';
my %data = from-json $data.substr: 1;
die 'Invalid username or password' unless %data<curuser><loggedin>;
die %data<assertion>.substr: 2 if %data<assertion>.starts-with: ';;';
say 'Getting assertion...';
my Cro::HTTP::Response $response = await $client.get:
http => 1.1;
name => 'assertion',
value => 'logs2.psim.us_' ~ (uri_encode_component await $response.body-text),
domain => '',
path => '/';
my Str $roomid = $room.samemark(' ').subst(/ <-[a..z 0..9 -]>+ /, '', :g);
my Date $begin .= new: $from;
my Date $end .= new: $to;
my Str @dates = gather {
my Int $month = $begin.month;
for $begin.year..$end.year -> Int $year {
my Date $date .= new: :$year, :$month;
my Int $last-day = $year == $end.year && $month == $end.month
?? $
!! $date.days-in-month;
for $$last-day -> Int $day {
take$year, :$month, :$day).yyyy-mm-dd;
$month = $month == 12 ?? 1 !! $month + 1;
hyper for @dates -> Str $date {
say "Fetching logs for $room on $date...";
my Cro::HTTP::Response $response = await $client.get:
"$roomid/{$date.substr: 0, 7}/$date.txt",
http => 1.1,
content-type => 'text/plain;charset=utf-8';
die "The account given doesn't have access to logs in $roomid"
if $response.request.path eq '/getassertion.html';
say "Writing logs for $room on $date...";
spurt $path.IO.child("$date.txt"), await $response.body-text;
say 'Done!';
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