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Last active March 18, 2019 14:05
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Save Kailashcj/d91ed66e2885db968fecf5de2c9b056d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. is a sample python script to migrate documents from mongodb to apache couchdb database. This script reads a document from mongodb and writes it to couchdb database. Script does not support the use case for 'documents with attachments'

For details on migration approach, refer:

How to use?

python -c 'couchdb_endpoint:5984' -m 'mongodb endpoint:27017'

example: python -c 'http://admin:password@testcouchdb:5984' -m 'mongodb://localhost:27017'

Important usage notes

code line 63: This line is catching TypeError exception for documents which are throwing 'not JSON serializable' errors. Present code is skipping such documents as json.dumps(x) is unable to serialize their '_id' values. Mostly, these '_id' values were automatically assigned by MongoDB for these documents during document creation. If you choose to migrate these documents to CouchDB, replace the code in TypeError block (lines 65,66) with below code.

            x.pop('_id')               # pop out _id field for any document throwing a not JSON serializable error
            documents = json.dumps(x)  # couchDB will automatically create a new '_id',when inserting the record
Sample python script to migrate documents from mongodb to apache couchdb database.
This script reads a document from mongodb and writes it to couchdb database.
**Script does not support the use case for 'documents with attachments'
you can refer below article to get a better understanding of migration approach used. """
import json
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import requests
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure
argp = ArgumentParser()
argp.add_argument("-c", "--couchdb", help="couchdb endpoint, example: http://username:password@localhost:5984 ", required=True)
argp.add_argument("-m", "--mongodb", help="mongodb endpoint, example: mongodb://localhost:27017 ", required=True)
args = argp.parse_args()
# CouchDB REST endpoint. equivalent to http://username:password@localhost:5984. Replace with actual CouchDB endpoint
URL = args.couchdb
# Test CouchDB connection
response = requests.get(URL)
if response.status_code == 200:
print('CouchDB connection: Success')
if response.status_code == 401:
print('CouchDB connection: failed', response.json())
except requests.ConnectionError as e:
raise e
# couchDB connection HEADERS
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# MongoDB connection endpoint using pymongo MongoClient. Replace with actual MongoDB IP or FQDN endpoint
CLIENT = MongoClient(args.mongodb)
# Test MongoDB connection
print('MongoDB connection: Success')
except ConnectionFailure as cf:
print('MongoDB connection: failed', cf)
# Database list example in MongoDB. ['admin', 'zzzzz', 'local', 'yyyy', ....]
DBS = CLIENT.database_names() # for pymongo version > 3.4.0, replace this line with DBS = CLIENT.list_database_names()
# read collections and documents
for db in DBS:
if db not in ('admin', 'local'): # omitting special internal db's, 'admin'(DBS[0]) and 'local'(DBS[2])
cols = CLIENT[db].collection_names() # for pymongo > 3.4.0, replace with cols = CLIENT[db].list_collection_names())
for col in cols:
print('Querying documents from collection {} in database {}'.format(col, db))
for x in CLIENT[db][col].find(): # iterate though all records inside a collection
documents = json.dumps(x)
except TypeError as t:
print('current document raised error: {}'.format(t))
SKIPPED.append(x) # creating list of skipped documents for later analysis
continue # continue to next document
except Exception as e:
raise e
# create database in CouchDB for the first time if it doesn't exist
response = requests.Session().get(URL+'/'+db+'-'+col, auth=('admin', 'password'), headers=HEADERS, verify=False)
if 'error' in response.json(): # db doesnt exist on destination, create it
print('Creating a new database {} in CouchDB'.format(db+'-'+col))
output = requests.Session().put(URL+'/'+db+'-'+col, auth=('admin', 'password'), headers=HEADERS, verify=False)
if output.status_code == 201 or 202:
# insert documents in couchDB database.
output = requests.Session().post(URL+'/'+db+'-'+col, auth=('admin', 'password'), headers=HEADERS,
data=documents, verify=False)
if output.status_code == 201 or 202:
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
raise e
print('DB migration summary: {} Databases and {} Documents created in CouchDB'.format(DB_COUNT, DOCUMENT_COUNT))
print('Skipped documents: \n {}'.format(SKIPPED))
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