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Forked from AO8/
Created June 4, 2021 20:00
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A simple ISBN lookup that uses Python and the Google Books API to display basic information about a book.
import urllib.request
import json
import textwrap
while True:
base_api_link = ""
user_input = input("Enter ISBN: ").strip()
with urllib.request.urlopen(base_api_link + user_input) as f:
text =
decoded_text = text.decode("utf-8")
obj = json.loads(decoded_text) # deserializes decoded_text to a Python object
volume_info = obj["items"][0]
authors = obj["items"][0]["volumeInfo"]["authors"]
# displays title, summary, author, domain, page count and language
print("\nTitle:", volume_info["volumeInfo"]["title"])
print(textwrap.fill(volume_info["searchInfo"]["textSnippet"], width=65))
print("\nAuthor(s):", ",".join(authors))
print("\nPublic Domain:", volume_info["accessInfo"]["publicDomain"])
print("\nPage count:", volume_info["volumeInfo"]["pageCount"])
print("\nLanguage:", volume_info["volumeInfo"]["language"])
status_update = input("\nEnter another ISBN? y or n: ").lower().strip()
if status_update == "n":
print("\nThank you! Have a nice day.")
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