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Created July 24, 2016 18:42
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Predicting a time series with Element-Research Torch RNN
-- Element-Research Torch RNN Tutorial for recurrent neural nets : let's predict time series with a laptop GPU
-- Part 1
require 'rnn'
-- Construct RNN for h_t = σ(W_hh . h_t−1 + W_xh . X_t)
local r = nn.Recurrent(
7, -- Hidden state size
nn.LookupTable(10, 7), -- W_xh . X_t: 7D embedding of a word from a dictionary of 10 words
nn.Linear(7, 7), -- W_hh . h_t-1
nn.Sigmoid(), -- Transfer function σ
5 -- Truncated BPTT limit
-- Construct RNN (alternative with more general nn.Recurrence)
local rm = nn.Sequential()
:add(nn.LookupTable(10, 7))
:add(nn.Linear(7, 7)))
r = nn.Recurrence(rm, 7, 1) -- Arguments are recurrent module, hidden state size and input dimension
-- Construct output for o_t = W_ho . h_t
local rr = nn.Sequential()
:add(nn.Linear(7, 10))
:add(nn.LogSoftMax()) -- Output log probabilities
-- Wrap non-recurrent modules with nn.Recursor
local rnn = nn.Recursor(rr, 5) -- Truncated BPTT limit
-- Create input and target sequences
local inputs = torch.LongTensor({{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}})
local targets = torch.LongTensor({{2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}})
-- Apply each element of the sequence to the RNN step by step
local outputs, err = {}, 0
local criterion = nn.ClassNLLCriterion()
for step = 1, 5 do
outputs[step] = rnn:forward(inputs[step])
err = err + criterion:forward(outputs[step], targets[step])
-- Train the RNN with BPTT step by step
local gradOutputs, gradInputs = {}, {}
for step = 5, 1, -1 do
gradOutputs[step] = criterion:backward(outputs[step], targets[step])
gradInputs[step] = rnn:backward(inputs[step], gradOutputs[step])
-- Update the parameters
rnn:updateParameters(0.1) -- Learning rate
rnn:forget() -- Reset the hidden state after every training or evaluation sequence
rnn:zeroGradParameters() -- Reset the accumulated gradients after every training sequence
-- Alternatively, use nn.Sequencer to process a sequence in one step
rnn = nn.Sequencer(rr)
criterion = nn.SequencerCriterion(nn.ClassNLLCriterion())
-- Perform forward and backward pass
outputs = rnn:forward(inputs)
err = criterion:forward(outputs, targets)
gradOutputs = criterion:backward(outputs, targets)
gradInputs = rnn:backward(inputs, gradOutputs)
-- Update the parameters
-- nn.Sequencer calls forget before every forward call
-- Part 2
require 'gnuplot'
-- Create cos function to predict
local ii = torch.linspace(0, 200, 2000)
local oo = torch.cos(ii)
gnuplot.plot({'f(x)', ii, oo, '+-'})
-- Use GPU 1
local gpu = 1
require 'cutorch'
require 'cunn'
local sequence = oo:cuda()
-- Set up hyperparameters
local nIters = 2000
local batchSize = 80
local rho = 10
local hiddenSize = 300
local nIndex = 1
local lr = 0.0001
local nPredict = 200
-- Set up network
rnn = nn.Sequential()
:add(nn.Linear(nIndex, hiddenSize))
:add(nn.FastLSTM(hiddenSize, hiddenSize))
:add(nn.NormStabilizer()) -- Use the norm stabilisation criterion to regularise the hidden states
:add(nn.Linear(hiddenSize, nIndex))
rnn = nn.Sequencer(rnn):cuda()
-- Set up criterion
criterion = nn.MSECriterion():cuda()
-- Create random offsets to create sequences of length rho to train with
local offsets = {}
for i = 1, batchSize do
table.insert(offsets, math.ceil(math.random() * (sequence:size(1) - rho)))
offsets = torch.LongTensor(offsets):cuda()
-- Create zero targets (as only final prediction matters)
local gradOutputsZeroed = {}
for step = 1, rho do
gradOutputsZeroed[step] = torch.zeros(batchSize, 1):cuda()
-- Train
local iteration = 1
while iteration < nIters do
-- Create inputs and targets
local inputs, targets = {}, {}
for step = 1, rho do
inputs[step] = sequence:index(1, offsets):view(batchSize, 1) -- Create input sequence using offsets
offsets:add(1) -- Increment offsets (for t+1 target prediction)
for j = 1, batchSize do
-- Wrap offsets around if necessary
if offsets[j] > sequence:size(1) then
offsets[j] = 1
targets[step] = sequence:index(1, offsets) -- Create target sequence using incremented offsets
rnn:zeroGradParameters() -- Zero gradients
-- Forward propagate
local outputs = rnn:forward(inputs)
local err = criterion:forward(outputs[rho], targets[rho])
print(string.format("Iteration %d ; NLL err = %f ", iteration, err))
-- Backward propagate
local gradOutputs = criterion:backward(outputs[rho], targets[rho])
gradOutputsZeroed[rho] = gradOutputs
local gradInputs = rnn:backward(inputs, gradOutputsZeroed)
-- Update parameters
iteration = iteration + 1
-- Test
-- Create sequence to predict
local predict = torch.CudaTensor(nPredict)
for step = 1, rho do
predict[step] = sequence[step]
local start = {}
iteration = 0
while rho + iteration < nPredict do
for step = 1, rho do
start[step] = predict:index(1, torch.LongTensor({step + iteration})):view(1, 1)
output = rnn:forward(start)
predict[iteration + rho + 1] = (output[rho]:float())[1][1] -- Retrieve prediction
iteration = iteration + 1
-- Plot predictions
gnuplot.plot({'f(x)', predict, '+-'})
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