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Created March 1, 2012 19:58
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parsing yaml
open Core
open Sexplib.Conv
module List = Core.Core_list
module String = Core.Core_string
let (|>) a f = f a
let read_all_lines ch =
let lines = ref [] in
while true; do lines := input_line ch :: !lines done;
with End_of_file ->
List.rev !lines
let read_file filename =
let ch = open_in filename in
let ans = read_all_lines ch in
close_in ch;
String.concat "\n" ans
let ans () =
let p = YamlParser.make () in
YamlParser.parse_string p (read_file "input.yaml")
module Types = struct
type meth = string * string list with sexp
type prop = {name:string; getter:string; setter: string; notifier: string} with sexp
type clas =
{classname:string; slots: meth list; signals: meth list; members: meth list; props: prop list}
with sexp
type data = clas list with sexp
let v =
let p = YamlParser.make () in
YamlParser.parse_string p Core.In_channel.(input_all (create "input.yaml"))
open YamlNode
let rec parse_data = function
| MAPPING(_,lst) -> lst ~f:parse_clas
| _ -> assert false
and parse_clas = function
| (SCALAR (_, classname), MAPPING(_,lst)) ->
let (members,signals,slots,props) =
List.fold_left ~init:([],[],[],[]) lst ~f:(fun (a,b,c,d) -> function
| (SCALAR (_,"signals"),MAPPING (_,map)) ->
let lst = map ~f:parse_meth in
(a,lst @ b,c,d)
| (SCALAR (_,"slots"),MAPPING (_,map)) ->
let lst = map ~f:parse_meth in
| (SCALAR (_,"methods"),MAPPING (_,map)) ->
let lst = map ~f:parse_meth in
| (SCALAR (_,"properties"),MAPPING (_,map)) ->
let lst = map ~f:parse_prop in
| _ -> assert false
) in
| _ -> assert false
and parse_meth = function
| (SCALAR(_,name),SEQUENCE(_,lst)) ->
let lst = lst ~f:(function SCALAR (_,x) -> x | _ -> assert false) in
| _ -> assert false
and parse_prop = function
| (SCALAR(_,name),MAPPING(_,lst)) ->
let helper name =
lst |> List.filter_map ~f:(function
| (SCALAR(_,x),SCALAR(_,value)) when x=name -> Some value
| _ -> None)
|> (function
| [] -> assert false
| x::_ -> x)
let getter = helper "get"
and setter = helper "set"
and notifier = helper "notify" in
| _ -> assert false
let () = v |> parse_data |> Types.sexp_of_data |> Sexplib.Sexp.to_string_hum |> print_endline
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