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Created May 10, 2020 16:42
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playground for formatted printinf
#use "topfind";;
#require "GT";;
#require "GT.ppx";;
type lambda =
| Lambda of string * lambda
| Var of string
| Apply of lambda * lambda
[@@deriving gt]
open Format;;
let ident ppf s = fprintf ppf "%s" s
let kwd ppf s = fprintf ppf "%s" s
let rec pr_exp0 ppf = function
| Var s -> fprintf ppf "%a" ident s
| lam -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" pr_lambda lam
and pr_app ppf e =
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@]" pr_other_applications e
and pr_other_applications ppf f =
match f with
| Apply (f, arg) -> fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" pr_app f pr_exp0 arg
| f -> pr_exp0 ppf f
and pr_lambda ppf = function
| Lambda (s, lam) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a%a%a@ %a@]"
kwd "\\" ident s kwd "." pr_lambda lam
| e -> pr_app ppf e;;
let pr_lambda2 ppf =
GT.transform lambda
(fun fself -> object(self)
method pr_exp0 ppf = function
| Var s -> fprintf ppf "%a" ident s
| lam -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" fself lam
method pr_app ppf e =
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a@]" self#pr_other_applications e
method pr_other_applications ppf f =
match f with
| Apply (f, arg) -> fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" pr_app f pr_exp0 arg
| f -> pr_exp0 ppf f
method c_Var fmt e _ = pr_app ppf e
method c_Lambda fmt _ s lam =
fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a%a%a@ %a@]"
kwd "\\" ident s kwd "." fself lam
method c_Apply fmt e _ _ = pr_app ppf e
let (%) x y = Apply (x,y)
let zed =
let x = Var "x" in
let f = Var "f" in
let l = Lambda ("f", Lambda ("a", (f % (x % x)) % (Var "a"))) in
(Lambda ("f", Lambda ("g", (l%l)%(Var "g"))))
(* ************ *)
type ir =
| Lit of
| Switch of (GT.string * ir) GT.list
[@@deriving gt ~options:{fmt}]
let rec pr_ir fmt = function
| Lit n -> Format.fprintf fmt "%d" n
| Switch xs ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>(@[match ... with @]";
GT.foldl GT.list
(fun () (t,ir) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[ | %s -> %a@]@;" t pr_ir ir
) () xs;
Format.fprintf fmt ")@]"
let pr_2 f =
GT.transform ir
(fun fself -> object
method c_Lit fmt _ n = Format.fprintf fmt "%d " n
method c_Switch fmt _ xs =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[(@[<2>match ... with @]";
GT.foldl GT.list (fun () (t, code) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[ | %s -> %a@]@;"
fself code
) () xs;
(* Format.fprintf fmt "@[ | _ -> %a@]" fself on_default;*)
Format.fprintf fmt ")@]"
let switch1 =
[ "true", Lit 1
; "true", Lit 1
; "true", Lit 1
; "false",
[ "true", (Switch
[ "true", Lit 1
; "false", (Switch
[ "true", Lit 1
; "false", Lit 2
let () =
Format.pp_set_margin Format.std_formatter 150;
Format.pp_set_max_indent Format.std_formatter (Format.pp_get_margin Format.std_formatter () - 1)
let () =
Format.printf "%a\n%!" pr_lambda zed;
Format.printf "%a\n%!" pr_lambda (zed%zed%zed%zed);
Format.printf "%a\n%!" pr_lambda2 (zed%zed%zed%zed)
let () =
Format.printf "%a\n%!" pr_ir switch1;
Format.printf "%a\n%!" pr_2 switch1
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