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Last active November 16, 2016 12:37
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module M : sig
type 'a logic
(* We describe there that there is conversion from 'b to 'a *)
type ('a, 'b) fancy
val lift : 'a -> ('a,'a) fancy
val inj : ('a,'b) fancy -> ('a, 'b logic) fancy
end = struct
type 'a logic = 'a
type ('a,'b) fancy = 'a
let lift x = x
let inj x = x
(* from higher kinded types library *)
module Higher = struct
open M
type ('p, 'f) app
module type Newtype1 = sig
type 'a s
type t
val inj : 'a s -> ('a, t) app
val prj : ('a, t) app -> 'a s
val funky : (('a, t) app, ('b, t) app) fancy -> ('a s, 'b s) fancy
val fmap1 : (('a, 'b) fancy, 't) app -> (('a, 't)app, ('b, 't)app) fancy
module Common = struct
type t
external inj : 'a -> 'b = "%identity"
external prj : 'a -> 'b = "%identity"
module Newtype1 (T : sig type 'a t end) : Newtype1 with type 'a s = 'a T.t =
type 'a s = 'a T.t
include Common
external funky : (('a, t) app, ('b, t) app) fancy -> ('a s, 'b s) fancy
= "%identity"
external fmap1 : (('a, 'b) fancy, 't) app -> (('a, 't)app, ('b, 't)app) fancy
= "%identity"
module type Newtype2 = sig
type ('a, 'b) s
type t
val inj : ('a, 'b) s -> ('a, ('b, t) app) app
val prj : ('a, ('b, t) app) app -> ('a, 'b) s
val wrap :
('a, ('b,t) app) app ->
(('a,'a logic) fancy, (('b,'b logic) fancy,t) app) app
val wrap2 :
('a, ('b,t) app) app -> ('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'd) ->
('c, ('d,t) app) app
val funky: (('a, 'a logic) fancy, (('b, 'b logic) fancy, t) app) app
-> (('a, 'a logic) fancy, ('b, 'b logic) fancy) s
val wtf: ( ('a,'b)fancy, ('c,'d)fancy) s ->
(('a,'c) s, ('b,'d) s) fancy
module Newtype2 (T : sig type ('a, 'b) t end)
: Newtype2 with type ('a,'b) s = ('a,'b) T.t =
type ('a, 'b) s = ('a, 'b) T.t
include Common
(* need to add something here *)
external wrap :
('a, ('b,t) app) app ->
(('a,'a logic) fancy, (('b,'b logic) fancy,t) app) app = "%identity"
let wrap2 :
('a, ('b,t) app) app -> ('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'd) ->
('c, ('d,t) app) app = fun x _ _ -> Obj.magic ()
external funky: (('a, 'a logic) fancy, (('b, 'b logic) fancy, t) app) app
-> (('a, 'a logic) fancy, ('b, 'b logic) fancy) s = "%identity"
external wtf: ( ('a,'b)fancy, ('c,'d)fancy) s ->
(('a,'c) s, ('b,'d) s) fancy = "%identity"
open M;;
open Higher;;
(* for 1 parametric types everything seems to be OK *)
type 'a maybe = Just of 'a | Nothing ;;
module Maybe = Newtype1(struct type 'a t = 'a maybe end);;
let (_:(int maybe, int logic maybe logic) fancy) =
inj @@ Maybe.funky @@ Maybe.fmap1 @@ Maybe.inj (Just (inj@@lift 5))
(* for two-parametric ..... *)
type ('a,'b) result = OK of 'a | Error of 'b;;
module Result = Newtype2(struct type ('a,'b) t = ('a,'b) result end);;
let ok : 'a. 'a -> ( ('a,'a logic) fancy, string) result =
fun x -> OK (inj@@lift x);;
(* I want
let (_: ((int,string) result, (int logic,string logic) result logic) fancy) = *)
let (_: ((int,string)result, (int logic,string logic) result logic) fancy)
= (* Need to put fancy somehow to the second argument *)
inj @@
Result.funky @@ Result.wrap2
(Result.inj (OK 5))
(fun n -> inj@@lift n)
(fun (_:string) -> inj@@lift "")
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