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Last active December 5, 2020 05:19
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Split Kotlin List<String> using Delimiter Testing
/* First Way */
inline fun List<String>.splitWhenOne(predicate: (String)->Boolean):List<List<String>> {
val list = mutableListOf<MutableList<String>>()
var needNewList = false
forEach {
needNewList= false
else {
else {
/* When a delimiter is found */
needNewList = true
return list
/* Second Way */
inline fun List<String>.splitWhenTwo(predicate: (String)->Boolean):List<List<String>> {
val list = mutableListOf<List<String>>()
.filter { indexedValue -> predicate(indexedValue.value) || indexedValue.index==0 || indexedValue.index==size-1} // Just getting the delimiters with their index; Include 0 and last -- so to not ignore it while pairing later on
.zipWithNext() // zip the IndexValue with the adjacent one so to later remove continuous delimiters; Example: Indices : 0,1,2,5,7 -> (0,1),(1,2),(2,5),(5,7)
.filter { pair-> pair.first.index + 1 != pair.second.index } // Getting rid of continuous delimiters; Example: (".",".") will be removed, where "." is the delimiter
val startIndex = if(predicate(pair.first.value)) pair.first.index+1 else pair.first.index // Trying to not consider delimiters
val endIndex = if(!predicate(pair.second.value) && pair.second.index==size-1) pair.second.index+1 else pair.second.index // subList() endIndex is exclusive
list.add(subList(startIndex,endIndex)) // Adding the relevant sub-list
return list
/* Third Way */
inline fun List<String>.splitWhenThree(predicate: (String)-> Boolean):List<List<String>> =
foldIndexed(mutableListOf<MutableList<String>>(),{index, list, string->
when {
predicate(string) -> if(index<size-1 && !predicate(get(index+1))) list.add(mutableListOf()) // Adds a new List within the output List; To prevent continuous delimiters -- !predicate(get(index+1))
list.isNotEmpty() -> list.last().add(string) // Just adding it to lastly added sub-list, as the string is not a delimiter
else -> list.add(mutableListOf(string)) // Happens for the first String
fun main(){
val testCase = listOf(
"This is", "the", "first sentence", ".",
"And", "now there is", "a second", "one", ".",
val testCaseTwo = listOf(
".",".","This is", "the", "first sentence", ".",
"And", "now there is", "a second", "one", ".",
val testCaseThree = listOf(
"|",".","This is", "the", "first sentence", ".",
"And", "now there is", "a second", "one", "|",
"this"," the third","|",
* The following two tests should yield the result
* listOf(
* listOf("This is", "the", "first sentence"),
* listOf("And", "now there is", "a second", "one"),
* listOf("Nice")
* )
println("Test Case One")
println("Test Case Two")
* The following test should be the result of the transformation
* listOf(
* listOf(".",This is", "the", "first sentence","." ."And", "now there is", "a second", "one"),
* listOf("this","the third"),
* listOf("this","/","the","last")
* )
println("Test Case Three")
testAll(testCaseThree,"|") // Note Delimiter is "|"
fun testAll(list:List<String>,delimiter:String){
println( list.splitWhenOne {it==delimiter } )
println( list.splitWhenTwo {it==delimiter } )
println( list.splitWhenThree {it==delimiter } )
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