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Created March 27, 2017 04:52
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Special K Console Variables
; (Press Ctrl + Shift + Tab (keybinding not customizable yet) to open command console)
; The command console will pause any Steam Overlay aware game until you close it by pressing
; the command console binding a second time.
; You can cycle through previous (successful) commands / variables by pressing Up/Down
; Many of these variables have a corresponding entry in various config files, changing
; them through the command console will permanently change them in the config file.
mem <DataType> <MemAddr> <Value>
'b' ( Byte - 8-bit Integer ) Relative to Game's Base Address 0-ff
's' ( Short - 16-bit Integer ) 0-ffff
'i' ( Int - 32-bit Integer ) 0-ffffffff
'l' ( Long - 64-bit Integer ) 0-ffffffffffffffff
'd' ( Double - 64-bit Float ) -oo,oo
'f' ( Float - 32-bit Float ) -oo,oo
't' ( Text - UTF-8 Text ) Text...
Examples: mem b 0 ff ; (Sets the first byte of memory to 0xff (255))
mem t 444 Foobar ; (Writes "Foobar" to (BaseAddr + 0x444))
mem l 0 ; (Reports the first 64-bits of memory as an Integer)
Memory addresses and integer values are only accepted in hexadecimal form, this should not be a major
problem since CheatEngine and the likes will usually give you addresses in base-16; likewise, the
majority of memory addresses reported by CheatEngine are already relative to the game's base addr.
; Steam Features (Global)
Steam.ShowPopup true, false Draw CEGUI Achievement Popup?
Steam.PopupDuration 500 - 30000 Time (in milliseconds) to Display Achievement Popup
Steam.PopupInset 0.0 - 1.0 Minimum Percentage (Normalized) of Screen to Offset
the Achievement Popup from Corner
Steam.PopupAnimate true, False Animate the CEGUI Achievement Popup
Steam.PopupOrigin TopLeft, TopRight,
BottomLeft, BottomRight Achivement Popup Position
Steam.TakeScreenshot true, false Take a Screenshot on Achievement Unlock
Steam.PlaySound true, false Play a sound on Achievement Unlock
Steam.NotifyCorner TopLeft, TopRight,
BottomLeft, BottomRight,
DontCare Steam Overlay Notification Position
; Cursor Management (Per-Game)
Cursor.Manage true, false Whether to hide/show Mouse Cursor
Cursor.Timeout 0 - 60000 Time (in milliseconds) Before an Unmoved Cursor is Hidden
Cursor.KeysActivate true, false Pressing a (letter) Key Unhides Cursor
; Window Management (Per-Game)
; Most of these now apply in real-time, but some games behave very strangely if their resolution is changed
; suddenly, so be mindful of changing OverrideX/Y. Also note that many of these settings only apply if the
; game is running in windowed mode and if Borderless is set to true.
Window.BackgroundRender true, false Trick Game into Thinking it is in Foreground
(Some games stop rendering / playing sound in background)
Window.BackgroundMute true, false Automatically Mute / Unmute the Game when it is Activated
Window.Borderless true, false Remove Window Decorations
Window.Center true, false Center the Window
Window.ConfineCursor true, false Trap the Mouse Cursor Inside the Window When it has Focus
Window.Fullscreen true, false Stretch a Borderless Window to Fill Fullscreen
(No matter what in-game resolution you select)
<< Most games will render at a different resolution and Windows
will upscale or downscale to match your desktop res; this
scaling behavior is unique to Direct3D games. >>
Window.OverrideX 320 - 16384 Render Width (Override game's preference iff != 0)
Window.OverrideY 240 - 16384 Render Height (Override game's preference iff != 0)
Window.OverrideRes <X>x<Y> Set X and Y in a single command
Window.OverrideMouse true, false Attempt to Correct Mouse Coordinates to Compensate for the
Resolution the Game BELIEVES it is Running at...
; Using the absolute (XOffset / YOffset) variables clears their Scaled ones...
; (The Scaled Offsets are useful if your desktop resolution is not constant)
Window.XOffset -oo - oo Distance from Left/Right Corner (or Center) of Screen to Offset
(Negative Values = Distance from Right Side)
Window.YOffset -oo - oo Distance from Top/Bottom Corner (or Center) of Screen to Offset
(Negative Values = Distance from Bottom)
Window.ScaledXOffset -1.0 - 1.0 Percentage of Screen from Left (Positive) or Right (Negative)
Window.ScaledYOffset -1.0 - 1.0 Percentage of Screen from Left (Positive) or Right (Negative)
; D3D11 Texture Management (DOCUMENTATION PENDING)
; Framerate Limiter (Per-Game)
MaxDeltaTime 0 - 16 Horribly Misnamed Variable:
( Minimum amount of time before busy-wait becomes Sleep,
useful for stutter reduction IF you have a lot of
CPU cores )
LimiterTolerance 0.0 - 1.0 How Strictly to Follow TargetFPS (for testing only)
TargetFPS 0.0 - oo 0.0 = Unlimited, Everything Else = Framerate Limit
; OSD (Global)
OSD.Red 0-255 Red Intensity of OSD Text
OSD.Green 0-255 Green Intensity of OSD Text
OSD.Blue 0-255 Blue Intensity of OSD Text
OSD.Scale 0.25 - 8.0 OSD Scaling Factor
OSD.PosX -4096 - 4096 X Position of the Text Overlay (Negative = Relative to Right)
OSD.PosY -4096 - 4096 Y Position of the Text Overlay (Negative = Relative to Bottom)
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