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Last active August 17, 2023 10:24
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Simple Download/Upload of Airtable Data into/from Python using Airtable API
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
def airtable_download(table, params_dict={}, api_key=None, base_id=None, record_id=None):
"""Makes a request to Airtable for all records from a single table.
Returns data in dictionary format.
Keyword Arguments:
• table: set to table name
◦ see:
• params_dict: desired parameters in dictionary format {parameter : value}
◦ example: {"maxRecords" : 20, "view" : "Grid view"}
◦ see "List Records" in API Documentation (
• api_key: retrievable at
◦ looks like "key●●●●●●●●●●●●●●"
• base_id: retrievable at for specific base
◦ looks like "app●●●●●●●●●●●●●●"
• record_id: optional for single record lookups
◦ looks like "rec●●●●●●●●●●●●●●"
# Authorization Credentials
if api_key is None:
print("Enter Airtable API key. \n *Find under Airtable Account Overview:")
api_key = input()
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(api_key)}
validate_airtable_kwargs(api_key, "API key", "key")
# Locate Base
if base_id is None:
print("Enter Airtable Base ID. \n *Find under Airtable API Documentation: for specific base")
base_id = input()
url = '{}/'.format(base_id)
path = url + table
validate_airtable_kwargs(base_id, "Base ID", "app")
# Validate Record ID
if record_id is not None:
validate_airtable_kwargs(record_id, "Record ID", "rec")
# Format parameters for request
constant_params = ()
for parameter in params_dict:
constant_params += ((parameter, params_dict[parameter]),)
params = constant_params
# Start with blank list of records
airtable_records = []
# Retrieve multiple records
if record_id is None:
run = True
while run is True:
response = requests.get(path, params=params, headers=headers)
airtable_response = response.json()
airtable_records += (airtable_response['records'])
if 'error' in airtable_response:
return airtable_response
if 'offset' in airtable_response:
run = True
params = (('offset', airtable_response['offset']),) + constant_params
run = False
# Retrieve single record
if record_id is not None:
if params_dict != {}:
print("⚠️ Caution: parameters are redundant for single record lookups. Consider removing `params_dict` argument.")
path = "{}/{}".format(path, record_id)
response = requests.get(path, headers=headers)
airtable_response = response.json()
if 'error' in airtable_response:
return airtable_response
airtable_records = [airtable_response]
return airtable_records
def convert_to_dataframe(airtable_records):
"""Converts dictionary output from airtable_download() into a Pandas dataframe."""
airtable_rows = []
airtable_index = []
for record in airtable_records:
airtable_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(airtable_rows, index=airtable_index)
return airtable_dataframe
def create_field_matching_dict(airtable_records, value_field, key_field = None, swap_pairs = False):
"""Uses airtable_download() output to create a dictionary that matches field values from
the same record together. Useful for keeping track of relational data.
If second_field is `None`, then the dictionary pairs will be {<record id>:value_field}.
Otherwise, the dictionary pairx will be {key_field:value_field}.
If swap_pairs is True, then dictionary pairs will be {value_field:<record id>(or key_field)}.
airtable_dict = {}
for airtable_record in airtable_records:
if key_field == None:
key = airtable_record['id']
key = airtable_record['fields'].get(key_field)
value = airtable_record['fields'].get(value_field)
if swap_pairs:
airtable_dict.update({key : value})
airtable_dict.update({value : key})
return airtable_dict
def airtable_upload(table, upload_data, typecast = False, api_key = None, base_id = None, record_id = None):
"""Sends dictionary data to Airtable to add or update a record in a given table.
Returns new or updated record in dictionary format.
Keyword arguments:
• table: set to table name
◦ see:
• upload_data: a dictionary of fields and corresponding values to upload in format {field : value}
◦ example: {"Fruit" : "Apple", "Quantity" : 20}
• typecast: if set to true, Airtable will attempt "best-effort automatic data conversion from string values"
• see: "Create Records" or "Update Records" in API Documentation, available at for specific base
• api_key: retrievable at
◦ looks like "key●●●●●●●●●●●●●●"
• base_id: retrievable at for specific base
◦ looks like "app●●●●●●●●●●●●●●"
• record_id: when included function will update specified record will be rather than creating a new record
◦ looks like "rec●●●●●●●●●●●●●●"
# Authorization Credentials
if api_key == None:
print("Enter Airtable API key. \n *Find under Airtable Account Overview:")
api_key = input()
headers = {"Authorization" : "Bearer {}".format(api_key),
'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
validate_airtable_kwargs(api_key, "API key", "key")
# Locate Base
if base_id == None:
print("Enter Airtable Base ID. \n *Find under Airtable API Documentation: for specific base]")
base_id = input()
url = '{}/'.format(base_id)
path = url + table
validate_airtable_kwargs(base_id, "Base ID", "app")
# Validate Record ID
if record_id != None:
validate_airtable_kwargs(record_id, "Record ID", "rec")
# Validate upload_data
if type(upload_data) != dict:
print("❌ Error: `upload_data` is not a dictonary.")
# Create New Record
if record_id == None:
upload_dict = {"records": [{"fields" : upload_data}], "typecast" : typecast}
upload_json = json.dumps(upload_dict)
response =, data=upload_json, headers=headers)
airtable_response = response.json()
# Update Record
if record_id != None:
path = "{}/{}".format(path, record_id)
upload_dict = {"fields" : upload_data, "typecast" : True}
upload_json = json.dumps(upload_dict)
response = requests.patch(path, data=upload_json, headers=headers)
airtable_response = response.json()
# Identify Errors
if 'error' in airtable_response:
return airtable_response
def upload_pandas_dataframe(pandas_dataframe, table, api_key, base_id):
"""Uploads a Pandas dataframe to Airtable. If Pandas index values are Airtable Record IDs, will attempt to update
record. Otherwise, will create new records."""
pandas_dicts = pandas_dataframe.to_dict(orient="index")
for pandas_dict in pandas_dicts:
record_id = pandas_dict
if validate_airtable_kwargs(str(record_id), "Record ID", "rec", print_messages=False) is False:
record_id = None
upload_data = pandas_dicts[pandas_dict]
airtable_upload(table, upload_data, api_key=api_key, base_id=base_id, record_id=record_id)
# Troubleshooting Functions
def validate_airtable_kwargs(kwarg, kwarg_name, prefix, char_length=17, print_messages=True):
"""Designed for use with airtable_download() and airtable_upload() functions.
Checks `api_key`, `base_id` and `record_id` arguments to see if they conform to the expected Airtable API format.
valid_status = True
if len(kwarg) != char_length:
if print_messages is True:
print("⚠️ Caution: {} not standard length. Make sure API key is {} characters long.".format(kwarg_name, char_length))
valid_status = False
if kwarg.startswith(prefix) is False:
if print_messages is True:
print("⚠️ Caution: {} doesn't start with `{}`.".format(kwarg_name, prefix))
valid_status = False
return valid_status
def identify_errors(airtable_response):
"""Designed for use with airtable_download() and airtable_upload() functions.
Prints error responses from the Airtable API in an easy-to-read format.
if 'error' in airtable_response:
print('❌ {} error: "{}"'.format(airtable_response['error']['type'], airtable_response['error']['message']))
print("❌ Error: {}".format(airtable_response['error']))
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@KalebNyquist awesome funs mate. thanks for making this available.

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