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Created October 2, 2023 15:34
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using DrWatson
using Attractors, Random, BenchmarkTools, DataFrames, StatsBase
include(srcdir("vis", "theme.jl"))
function benchmark_groups(features, feature_type)
# reusable comparison function which is given to `produce_or_load`
function group_benchmark(config)
(; N, group_config, feature_type, group_method) = config
labels = group_features(features, group_config)
num_atts = length(labels)
idxs_unique_labels = [findfirst(x->x==ulabel, labels) for ulabel in unique(labels)]
atts = features[idxs_unique_labels]
b = @benchmark(
group_features($(features), $(group_config)),
seconds = 10, # max benchmarking time (will take more if run costs more time)
b = median(b)
time = b.time/1e9
num_allocs = b.allocs
memory = b.memory #bytes
@info "$group_method in $feature_type has used $allocs and $memory and has found these $(length(atts)) attractors: $atts"
outdata = @strdict(feature_type, group_method, N, time, num_allocs, memory)
return outdata
N = length(features)
configs = Dict()
# optimal_radius_method = "silhouettes_optim"
optimal_radius_method = 0.1
config_dbscan = GroupViaClustering(; optimal_radius_method, rescale_features=false)
configs["dbscan"] = config_dbscan
distance_threshold = 0.1
config_pairwise = GroupViaPairwiseComparison(; distance_threshold, rescale_features=false)
configs["pairwise"] = config_pairwise
for (group_method, group_config) in configs
full_config = (; N, group_config, feature_type, group_method)
group_benchmark, full_config, datadir("grouping_benchmarks", "groups");
force = true, verbose = false, tag=false
function test_randomly_chosen_features()
function generate_random_feats(num_total_feats=100, num_dims=10, num_unique_feats=5)
unique_features = [rand(MersenneTwister(i), Float64, num_dims) for i in 1:num_unique_feats]
features = [rand(MersenneTwister(Int64(i)), unique_features) for i in 1:num_total_feats]
for (idx, num_total_feats) in enumerate([1e2, 5e2, 1e3, 2e3, 5e3, 1e4, 2e4])
features = generate_random_feats(num_total_feats)
benchmark_groups(features, "random_features")
function test_henon()
henon_rule(x, p, n) = SVector{2}(1.0 - p[1]*x[1]^2 + x[2], p[2]*x[1])
henon() = DeterministicIteratedMap(henon_rule, zeros(2), [1.4, 0.3])
ds = henon()
xg = yg = range(-2.0, 2.0; length=100)
grid = (xg, yg)
function featurizer(A, t)
# Notice that unsupervised clustering cannot support "divergence to infinity",
# which it identifies as another attractor (in fact, the first one).
x = SVector(mean(A[:, 1]), mean(A[:, 2]))
return any(isinf, x) ? SVector(200.0, 200.0) : x
config = GroupViaPairwiseComparison(; distance_threshold=0)
mapper = AttractorsViaFeaturizing(ds, featurizer, config; T=500, Ttr = 500)
num_total_feats_all = [100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]
sampler, = statespace_sampler(grid, 1234)
ics = StateSpaceSet([copy(sampler()) for i in 1:maximum(num_total_feats_all)])
features = Attractors.extract_features(mapper, ics; show_progress=true)
for (idx, num_total_feats) in enumerate(num_total_feats_all)
features_reduced = features[1:num_total_feats]
benchmark_groups(features_reduced, "henon")
function plot_results_benchmark()
# Load all benchmarks into a dataframe:
results = collect_results(datadir("grouping_benchmarks", "groups"))
sort!(results, ["feature_type", "group_method", "N"])
results_by_type = groupby(results, "feature_type")
feature_types = only.(keys(results_by_type)) # only gives us the elements in nice vector format
methods = string.(sort!(unique(results[:, "group_method"])))
fig, axs = subplotgrid(3, length(feature_types);
sharex = true, titles = feature_types, resolution = (1000, 900))
legend_elements = []
for (i, (group_method, benchmarks)) in enumerate(zip(feature_types, results_by_type))
ax_times = axs[1,i]
ax_alloc = axs[3,i]
ax_mem = axs[2,i]
grouped = groupby(benchmarks, "group_method")
for (j, x) in enumerate(grouped)
# notice that we drop the "method" column
Ns, time_vs_N, allocs_vs_N, memory_vs_N = eachcol(x[:, ["N", "time", "num_allocs", "memory"]])
# c = Cycled(j)
# m = Cycled(j)
# kwargs = (color = c, marker = m, markersize = 20, linewidth = 2,)
kwargs = (markersize = 20, linewidth = 2,)
scatterlines!(ax_alloc, log2.(Ns), log2.(allocs_vs_N); kwargs...)
ele = scatterlines!(ax_times, log2.(Ns), log2.(time_vs_N); kwargs...)
scatterlines!(ax_mem, log2.(Ns), log2.(memory_vs_N); kwargs...)
if i == 1
push!(legend_elements, ele)
ax_times.ylabel = "log₂(time [sec])"
ax_alloc.ylabel = "log₂(# allocs)"
ax_mem.ylabel = "log₂(memory [byte])"
ax_alloc.xlabel = "log₂(# i.c.)"
# add titles or whatever
# add legend
Legend(fig[end+1, :], legend_elements, methods;
nbanks=length(methods)÷2, tellheight=true, tellwidth = false)
wsave(plotsdir("benchmarks", "groups.png"), fig)
return fig
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