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Last active June 13, 2016 13:10
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import pymongo
import sys
# Connect
connection = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost")
# Fondle
db =
grades =
## Feeling a little loopy today. Looking at this problem I was given.
## Remove lowest items from a mongodb database.
# I'm in the mood to unwind.
# I need a unique student_id and the lowest grade. So, for example, I need all student_id 9.
# Now I know data can also get the lowest here, but I don't know... do I want the lowest grade with this function?
# Or do I just want the student? Hrm...
# To hell with it - we'll get the lowest value here.
def lowest_grade(student_id, score):
query = {"_id": student_id, "scores": score}
# Jeez. Nothing's simple with me.
print "Searchin' query: %s" % query
cursor = grades.find(query)
#cursor = cursor.limit(1)
#cursor = cursor.sort([('scores.score', pymongo.ASCENDING)])
except Exception as e:
print "Unexpected error:", type(e), e
for doc in cursor:
print doc, ' ', id
# Iterate through the students and print their ids or whatever.
def sort_the_students(type):
query = {"name" : "Bao Ziglar"}
#I am so grateful for the unwind function. Nothing like a nice bottle of whine during an aggregation lesson.
# Jeez. Nothing's simple with me.
#print "Searchin' query: %s" % query
cursor = db.students.aggregate([ {'$unwind': '$scores'} ] )
investing_id = db.students.aggregate([ {'$unwind': '$scores'} ] ).next()['_id']
count = 0
score = db.students.aggregate([ {'$unwind': '$scores'} ] ).next()['scores']['score']
#print investing_id , " ", scorey
selected = "null"
scores = []
except Exception as e:
print "Expected error:", type(e), e
for doc in cursor:
if doc['scores']['type'] == 'homework':
if investing_id == doc['_id']:
if count != 0:
homework = doc['scores']
#print "kalika:", score, doc['scores']['score'], doc['_id']
#if doc['scores']['score'] < score:
if doc['scores']['score'] > score:
selected = doc['scores']['score']
selected = score
#print "kalika:", selected, doc['_id']
homework['score'] = selected
homework['type'] = "homework"
#if doc['scores']['score'] == selected:
#print doc
# homework = doc['scores']
#print "kalika:", selected, doc['_id']
# homework = doc['scores']
# homework['score'] = selected
#delete one document from students.scores where homework docid = doc_id, type = homework, and score = selected.
#lowest_grade(doc['_id'], selected)
#print investing_id , ": " , homework
print scores , " ID ", doc['_id']
#print db.students.find_one({ "_id" : doc['_id']})
results = db.students.update({"_id": doc['_id']}, { "$set" : { "scores" : scores}})
print results
scores = []
#Set the score with the selected value to 0, make sure that type = homework.
#query = {"_id" : doc['_id'] }
#consider adding index to scores documents.
#print db.students.find( {"_id": doc['_id']}, { "scores" : { "$elemMatch" : { "score" : selected, type: "homework" } } } )
#print db.students.aggregate( [ { "$match": { "_id" :doc['_id'], "scores": { "$elemMatch": { "score" : selected, "type": "homework" } } } } ] ).next()
#db.students.aggregate([{ $match: {_id: 0, scores: {$elemMatch: {score: 35.8740349954354, type: "homework"}}}}, { $redact: "$PRUNE"}] ).next()
#db.students.aggregate( [ { $match: { _id:0, scores: {$elemMatch: { score : 35.8740349954354, type: "homework" } } } }, { $redact: { $cond: { if: { $eq: ["$type", "homework"] }, then: "$$PRUNE", else: "$$DESCEND" } } } ] )
#db.students.aggregate([{ $match: {_id: 0, scores: {$elemMatch: {score: 35.8740349954354, type: "homework"}}}}, { $redact: { $cond: { if: { $eq: ["$type", "homework"]}, then: "$$KEEP", else: "$$DESCEND"}}}] )
# db.students.aggregate( [ { $match: { _id:0, scores: {$elemMatch: { score : 35.8740349954354, type: "homework" } } } }, { $redact: { $cond: { if: { $gt: [ { $size: { $setIntersection: [ "$type", ["homework"]] } }, 0 ] }, then: "$$KEEP", else: "$$DESCEND" } } } ] )
# db.students.aggregate([{ $match: {_id: 0, scores: {$elemMatch: {score: 35.8740349954354, type: "homework"}}}}, { $redact: { $cond: { if: { $gt: [{ $spot: { $setIntersection: ["$type", ["homework"]]}}, 0]}, then: "$$KEEP", else: "$$DESCEND"}}}] )
#db.students.aggregate( [ { $match: { _id:0, scores: {$elemMatch: { score : 35.8740349954354, type: "homework" } } } }, { $redact: { $cond: { if: { $gt: [ { spot: { $setIntersection: [ "$type", ["homework"] ] } }, 0 ] }, then: "$$KEEP", else: "$$DESCEND" } } } ] )
#db.students.aggregate([ {'$unwind': '$scores'}, {$sort: {scores:{ $meta: "type" } } } ] )
#Can use this one, there's more than one of each type of score.
#db.students.aggregate([{ $match: {_id: 0, scores: {$elemMatch: {score: 35.8740349954354}}}}, { $redact: { $cond: { if: { $eq: ["$type","homework"]}, then: "$$PRUNE", else: "$$DESCEND"}}}] )
count = count + 1
count = count + 1
#if doc['scores']['score'] <= score:
if doc['scores']['score'] >= score:
score = doc['scores']['score']
#print "Selected: ", doc
#score = 760
score = doc['scores']['score']
#print doc['_id'] , " ", scores
#scores = []
#goodbye = grades.delete_one({'_id': doc['_id']})
#$result = db.schoo
#db.collection.update( {_id:doc['id']}, {$set: { scores: scores} } )
#print scores
#print goodbye
#count = count + 1
investing_id = doc['_id']
#print doc["scores"]
#print doc
#investing_id = doc['_id']
#print "Scores: ", scores
print count - 1
#lowest_grade(199, { "type" : "homework", "score" : 5.861613903793295 })
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Gist example.

Working with Python and Mongo; aka PyMongo and committing to memory: how to connect to a database, how to aggregate and how to unwind.

Especially useful for understanding the cursor.

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