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Travis Rollins Kalikoze

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Template: Module 4 Action Plan

Module 4 Goals

List your longterm goal(s) of what you want to accomplish by the end of module 4

  • My goal is to try and have a job either by the end of Mod4 or a few weeks after  
  • I also want to gain as much as possible from Mod4 and am not willing to let my education suffer. I am okay if I don't get a job right away.

Flower Exercise

My Favorite People To Work With:

  • People who are willing to try new things
  • People that are patient
  • People who aren’t afraid to make mistakes
  • People that are humble
  • People that are open to new things in tech and/or personality
  • People that are reliable/trusting

Feedback II Reflection

Project: Weathrly
Partner: Tyler Hevia
  • Date of feedback conversation:

    • 07/30
  • How did you prepare for the conversation?

    • I thought about what went well when working together with my partner as well as what could have gone better. I thought carefully about how I worded things to make sure I wasn't misunderstood.

Feedback III Reflection

  • What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator? How do you use your strengths as a team member?

    • I am responsible for my work and help push our team to be its best. I also bring positivity to the team and check up on others to make sure everyone is well.
    • Futuristic: I bring hope even when the team is exhausted and paint the picture for them on how amazing our project is going to be when it is done.
    • Achiever: I make sure that progress is made constantly. If the team is struggling, I will take the extra time that night to figure it out so we can move onto the next thing tomorrow.
    • Learner: If I don't understand something or our team cannot figure something out, I use this strength to do whatever I need to to find the resources to figure out the problem.
    • Strategic: I always try to plan ahead when planning for a project or even as we are working. Planning ahead has helped our team avoid problems in the future.
  • Individualization: I push my te

Agile Practices Reflection

  • What project management strategies did you use in your projects this module?

    • I began using Waffle for project management and developing strategies in both the Game Time and Weatherly projects
    • We created separate branches to add small features
    • I was flexible where and when we worked. For Game Time, we spent much of our time working both at school and home. At home, I made sure to be on Slack often and communicate frequently with my team. For Weatherly, we worked often at school and switched roles frequently so we both had equal opportunities to practice.
  • What went well?

Documentation Guidelines for Cold Outreach I Deliverable:

  • Name of contact

    • "The mentor (or alum) I contacted is Bekah Lundy"
  • Date of contact

    • "07/16/2017"
  • Outcome (i.e., did you get a response? If not, what is your follow-up plan? Did you meet? When? What was the result?

    • "We scheduled to meet up on 07/21 and had sushi while discussing her experience at Turing and what she did to prepare herself after Turing. It was a fantastic experience and I got lots of good feedback on how to stand out from other junior developers and how to start networking. She also went into detail on how her job invterview process went and what she likes about the place she works at."

DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are your learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?
  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
  • How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?
  • How would you describe your work style?

Strengths & Storytelling Reflection Guidelines

Build on your professional story by thinking about how you're progressing at Turing. Answer the questions below in your own gist to use your StrengthsFinder themes to add to your story:

  • Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes stayed the same? How have they changed?

My inspirations of the future and the endless possibilities of what I can do in the future are still keeping me motivated everyday. I also am continuing to achieve something everyday and have noticed my dissatisfaction when I haven't accomplished something shortly after. My learning strength is also building but I have learned that this strength turns off if I get frustrated too long. Learning how to control that frustration and how I can break things down even smaller is something I'm working on in order to continue building that strength. I have found that I am becoming less strategic in the fact that I

Travis Rollins & Dan Alvarez DTR Memo


  • Idea-Box

Group Member Names:

  • Dan Alvarez, Travis Rollins
Kalikoze /
Last active May 11, 2017 17:19
CSS Layout Challenges

CSS Layout Challenges

Challenge 1

I set all of the divs to border-box and set the margins to 0px so that there was no additional spacing caused by the browser. I put div2 and div3 into another span so that when I floated it over to the right, the order would be div2 and div3 respectively. I also set both divs to inline-block. Originally I had put them into a div, but div2 and div3 were stacked on top of each other instead of side by side. Putting them into a span solved this issue.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2