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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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LinkedList Velocity Template for Intellij Idea
#parse("ActionScript File")
#if(${GenericClass} && ${GenericClass} != "")#set($T=${GenericClass})#end
#set( $NodeType = 'LLItemNode' )
#if ( ${T} != "") #set( $NodeType = "${T}Node" ) #end
## force capitalize first char
#set( $NodeType = "$NodeType.toString().substring(0,1).toUpperCase()$NodeType.toString().substring(1)" )
package ${PACKAGE_NAME}#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} && ${PACKAGE_NAME} != "") #end{
import flashrush.ds.collections.LinkedListBase;
import flashrush.ds.collections.list_internal;
${Access_modifier} final class ${NAME} extends LinkedListBase {
public function ${NAME}() {
public final function get firstNode():${NodeType} {
return _firstNode;
public final function get lastNode():${NodeType} {
return _lastNode;
public final function get length():uint {
return _length;
public function push(item:${T} ):void {
const node:${NodeType} = _createNode(item);
public function pop():${T} {
if (_length == 0) return null;
const node:${NodeType} = \$detachLast();
const item:${T} = node._item;
return item;
public function unshift(item:${T} ):void {
const node:${NodeType} = _createNode(item);
public function shift():${T} {
if (_length == 0) return null;
const node:${NodeType} = \$detachFirst();
const item:${T} = node._item;
return item;
protected final function _createNode( item:* ):${NodeType} {
return new ${NodeType}( item );
protected final function _disposeNode( node:${NodeType}, disposeLinks:Boolean ):void {
if (disposeLinks) {
node.list_internal::prev = null;
node.list_internal::next = null;
node._item = null;
import flashrush.ds.collections.LLNodeBase;
import flashrush.ds.collections.list_internal;
internal final class ${NodeType} extends LLNodeBase {
internal var _item:${T};
public function ${NodeType}(item:${T}) {
_item = item;
public final function get item():${T} {
return _item;
public final function get prevNode():${NodeType} {
return list_internal::prev;
public final function get nextNode():${NodeType} {
return list_internal::next;
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