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Created June 19, 2012 22:38
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grails dbsession proxySession
protected HttpSession proxySession(final boolean create, final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Proxying request for {}", request.getRequestURL());
String sessionId = getCookieValue(request);
if (sessionId == null) {
if (!create) {
log.debug("No session cookie but create is false, not creating session");
// no session cookie but don't create
return null;
// no session cookie but do create
log.debug("No session cookie but create is true, creating session");
createSession(request, response);
if (persister.isValid(sessionId)) {
// session cookie and the session is still active
log.debug("Session cookie {} found", sessionId);
return new SessionProxy(getServletContext(), persister, sessionId);
if (!create) {
// session cookie but it's been invalidated or is too old, but don't create
log.debug("Session cookie {} found but invalid or old and create is false; not creating session", sessionId);
deleteCookie(request, response);
persister.invalidate(sessionId); // cleanup if it's too old
return null;
// session cookie but it's been invalidated or is too old
log.debug("Session cookie {} found but invalid or old and create is true, creating session", sessionId);
persister.invalidate(sessionId); // cleanup if it's too old
sessionId = createSession(request, response);
return new SessionProxy(getServletContext(), persister, sessionId);
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