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Created December 26, 2019 15:16
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Mediator pattern</title>
#results {text-align: center; font-size: 100px;}
strong {color: blue;}
<body cz-shortcut-listen="true">
<p>Player one press "1", player two press "0". Go! (you have half a minute...)</p>
<div id="results"></div>
// player constructor
function Player(name) {
this.points = 0; = name;
// play method = function () {
this.points += 1;
// the scoreboard object
var scoreboard = {
// HTML element to be updated
element: document.getElementById('results'),
// update the score display
update: function (score) {
var i, msg = '';
for (i in score) {
if (score.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
msg += '<p><strong>' + i + '<\/strong>: ';
msg += score[i];
msg += '<\/p>';
this.element.innerHTML = msg;
var mediator = {
// all the players
players: {},
setup: function () {
var players = this.players;
players.home = new Player('Home');
players.guest = new Player('Guest');
// someone plays, update the score
played: function () {
var players = this.players,
score = {
Home: players.home.points,
Guest: players.guest.points
// handle user interactions
keypress: function (e) {
e = e || window.event; // IE
if (e.which === 49) { // key "1";
if (e.which === 48) { // key "0";
// go!
window.onkeypress = mediator.keypress;
// game over in 30 seconds
setTimeout(function () {
window.onkeypress = null;
alert('Game over!');
}, 30000);
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